
  • 网络The Wembley
  1. 他们在温布利体育馆演出。

    They 're in concert at Wembley Arena .

  2. 29岁的拉赛尔一定是有史以来温布利球场上的裁判员中最年轻的一个。

    At 29 Russell must be one of the youngest ever Wembley referees

  3. 4月20日,超人气乐团 U2将现身温布利体育场。

    Supergroup U2 will appear at Wembley Stadium on April 20 .

  4. 泰勒再次一改常规地宣布英格兰队将在温布利球场进行训练。

    Taylor announced another departure from practice in that England will train at Wembley

  5. 温布利球场是该国最具代表性的体育场。

    Wembley is the showpiece stadium in this country .

  6. 在温布利球场上,英格兰队表现出色,击败了法国队。

    England performed so well against France at Wembley

  7. 埃尔顿和埃里克·克拉普顿在温布利举行的一场摇滚音乐会上联袂演出,征服了数千位听众。

    Elton teamed up with Eric Clapton to wow thousands at a Wembley rock concert

  8. 温布利球场座无虚席,76,000人前来观看这场比赛。

    A capacity crowd of 76,000 people was at Wembley football stadium for the event .

  9. 苏格兰队在温布利球场以1比0击败了英格兰队。

    Scotland beat England one-nil at Wembley .

  10. 我们知道在温布利不会顺风顺水,因为在这一级别就没有轻松的比赛。

    We know it won 't be plain sailing at Wembley because there are no easy games at this level .

  11. 昨晚巴西足球队主帅卡洛斯·佩雷拉因球队被禁止在温布利球场训练而大发雷霆。

    Brazilian soccer boss Carlos Parreira hit out angrily last night after his side were barred from training at Wembley .

  12. 我想你是这个俱乐部中唯一一个真正在温布利打过比赛的人,对吗?

    Am I right in thinking you 're the only person in the club who 's actually played at Wembley ?

  13. 重要的足球赛在温布利体育场举行。

    Important football matches are played at Wembley stadium .

  14. 正在温布利球场演唱《波西米亚狂想曲》的皇后乐队一下子把Psy震住了。

    Their concert at Wembley Stadium shocked Psy , and they were singing Bohemian Rhapsody .

  15. 新歌是杰克逊制作专辑时在他的录音室中录制的。该套装还包括一张杰克逊1988年伦敦温布利体育场演唱会的DVD。

    The new songs were recorded in Jackson 's studio while he was making the album , and the package also offers a DVD of Jackson 's 1988 concert at London 's Wembley Stadium .

  16. 正在温布利球场演唱《波西米亚狂想曲》的皇后乐队一下子把Psy震住了。他们也成了Psy的灵感来源。

    Their concert at Wembley Stadium shocked Psy , and they were singing Bohemian Rhapsody . Queen happens to be one of Psy 's inspirations .

  17. 作为曼联惨败的结果,费迪南德取消了乘私人飞机去温布利观看坦帕湾海盗和芝加哥熊之间的NFL比赛的计划。

    As a result of Manchester United 's abject display , Ferdinand cancelled a planned post-match trip to Wembley to watch the NFL clash between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Chicago Bears .

  18. 他们两个自称拥有着世界上最大的两个粉丝基础。但是周日晚上,在伦敦温布利SSE竞技场上举行的2017年欧洲音乐大奖中,ShawnMendes夺得桂冠,TaylorSwift在她参选的五个奖项中纷纷落选。

    They boast two of the biggest fan bases in the world.But it was Shawn Mendes who reigned supreme during the 2017 Europe Music Awards 2017 , held inside London 's SSE Arena , Wembley , on Sunday night , as Taylor Swift lost out in all five of her categories .

  19. 能在温布利踢球对你来说有特别的意义吗?

    What would it mean to you to play at Wembley ?

  20. 在温布利踢球的干感觉很难忘。

    The experience of playing at Wembley is unbelievable .

  21. 现在我们将要听到发自温布利体育场的关于杯赛决赛的实况报道。

    Now we 're going over to Wembley for commentary on the cup final .

  22. 1963年,温布利。塞萨尔.马尔蒂尼将冠军杯高高举向天空。一个传统由此诞生

    Wembly.1963.Cesarone Maldini raising the Champions Cup to the sky . A tradion was born

  23. 明天我们到温布利去看狗比赛,你去不去?

    We are going to the dogs at Wembley tomorrow , will you come ?

  24. 是维克汉姆体育场,千禧球场,温布尔登球场还是温布利球场?

    Is it Twickenham Stadium , Millennium Stadium , Wimbledon Stadium or Wembley Stadium ?

  25. 1998年在温布利大球场,取得足总杯决赛胜利之后温格向队长亚当斯表示祝贺。

    The Frenchman congratulates captain Tony Adams after winning the FA Cup at Wembley in1998 .

  26. 在伦敦温布利球场举行的足总杯决赛。

    The cup final at wembley .

  27. 麦克蕾丝确认:“巴里。弗格森带着骨折的肋骨在温布利踢了一个小时。”

    McLeish confirmed : " Barry Ferguson played an hour with a broken rib at Wembley . "

  28. 1992年的今天,一场为纪念“皇后”乐队的灵魂人物佛莱迪·摩克瑞的全明星演唱会在伦敦的温布利体育场举行。

    1992-An all-star concert in memory of Queen frontman Freddie Mercury is held at Wembley Stadium in London .

  29. 这个长达六个小时的狂欢活动将会在温布利体育场、伦敦及英国的其他地区举行。

    The six hour frenzy will take place at Wembley Arena , London and other locations across the country .

  30. 就像大多是孩子,我小时候就梦想着能在温布利的足总杯决赛上进球。

    Like most kids I grew up dreaming of scoring the winner in an FA Cup final at Wembley .