
wēn xuè dòng wù
  • warm-blooded animal;endotherm;mammalian
温血动物[wēn xuè dòng wù]
  1. 如果你是温血动物,你会产生热量。

    You 're creating heat If you 're a warm-blooded animal .

  2. 蛇不是温血动物,而是冷血动物。

    The snake is not a warm-blooded animal . it 's a cold-blooded one .

  3. 没有这样的结构,许多温血动物将很快脱水,特别是在干燥的气候条件下。

    Without these structures , many warm-blooded animals would quickly dehydrate , especially in dry climates .

  4. 大肠杆菌(E.coli)是一种在人和温血动物肠道内常见的细菌。

    Escherichia coli ( E.coli ) is a bacterium that is commonly found in the gut of humans and warm-blooded animals .

  5. 冷血和温血动物血吸虫28SRRNA基因的扩增和酶切片段分析

    The amplification and endonuclease analysis of 28s rRNA gene of blood flukes

  6. 大肠杆菌(escherichiacoli.)是人和温血动物肠内普遍存在的细菌,可分为病原性大肠杆菌和非病原性大肠杆菌。

    Escherichia coli ( E.coli ), a kind of common bacteria in the intestine of human beings and endotherm . It can be divided into two types : pathogenic and nonpathogenic Escherichia coli .

  7. 猫是温血动物,而蛇是冷血动物。

    Cat are warm-blooded animals , but snakes are cold-blooded .

  8. 通常现代温血动物的脑容量比冷血动物大得多。

    Modern warm-blooded animals have relatively larger brains than living cold-blooded animals .

  9. 拟除虫菊酯类农药对典型冷-温血动物毒性作用研究进展

    Research Progress on Toxicity of Pyrethroid Pesticide to Typical Animals

  10. 可能是温血动物;被认为是哺乳动物的直接祖先。

    Probably warm-blooded ; considered direct ancestor of mammals .

  11. 温血动物组织的过冷特性及其相关因素分析

    Supercooling characteristics of the homothermal tissue and the analysis of its relative factors

  12. 一些温血动物不需要冬眠。

    Some warm-blooded animals do not need to hibernate .

  13. 哺乳动物是温血动物,爬行动物是冷血动物。

    Mammals are warm-blooded and reptiles are cold-blooded .

  14. 这是温血动物细胞核移植试验的首次成功。

    This was the first successful nuclear transplant involving cells of a warm-blooded animal .

  15. 现代温血动物的骨骼结构与冷血动物有着本质上的区别。

    There is a clear difference in bone structure between modern cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals .

  16. 弓形虫病由弓形虫而引起,该虫体可寄生于人类及多数温血动物,引起人兽共患弓形虫病。

    Toxoplasmosis , caused by Toxoplasma gondii , is widespread in man and warm-blooded animals .

  17. 鸟类和哺乳动物是温血动物。

    Birds and mammals are warmblooded .

  18. 哺乳动物是温血动物。

    Mammals are warm-blooded animals .

  19. 目前还没有确切的证据表明某些恐龙是否是温血动物。

    There is probably no evidence that would definitively prove whether or not some dinosaurs were warm-blooded .

  20. 狂犬病:温血动物感染的一种病情凶险的中枢神经系统急性病毒性传染病。

    Rabies : acute , usually fatal infectious disease of warm-blooded animals that attacks the central nervous system .

  21. 关于它们是否是温血动物这一问题,现在仍然没有出现被广泛接受的确切答案。

    There is as yet no widely accepted definitive answer as to whether or not they were warm-blooded .

  22. 美国东海岸现在正是数九寒冬、风雪肆虐,对于温血动物而言这可真难熬。

    As a bitter winter storm rages on the east coast , its hard to knock being warm-blooded .

  23. 温血动物有精确的生理调控功能,用来维持恒温(人类37℃)。

    Warmblooded animals have elaborate physiological controls to maintain constant body temperature ( in humans , 37 ℃) .

  24. 有些温血动物,如猫,狗,或狼,不需要冬眠。

    Some warm-blooded animals , like the cat , the dog or the wolf , do not need to hibernate .

  25. 我们的血管会在皮肤之下闪着暗暗的光,温血动物会非常醒目。

    Our veins would shine darkly through our skin , and warm blooded creatures would be very easy to spot .

  26. 另一个和大白鲨都有的进化特征便是体内的吸热循环系统——也就是说它们是温血动物。

    One other evolutionary marvel that they share with Great Whites is an endothermic circulatory system - that means warm-blooded .

  27. 硬蜱是一类可寄生于多种温血动物(包括人)的体外寄生虫。

    Hard tick is a class of ectoparasites that can parasitize in a variety of warm-blooded animals ( including humans ) .

  28. 呼吸鼻甲骨是大多数现代的温血动物(哺乳动物和鸟类)鼻孔内所具有的精巧的、螺旋状的骨骼。

    Respiratory turbinates are fine , scroll-shaped bones found in the noses of most modern warm-blooded animals ( mammals and birds ) .

  29. A型流感病毒在温血动物中广泛存在,也是目前导致人类和各种动物流感疾病的主型。

    Influenza A virus exists in almost all of homothermal animals and is the prime type leading to infection in humans and animals .

  30. 微胶囊农药可以降低农药活性组分对温血动物的毒性,并可延长药效,减少药害,防止农药在环境中的降解,减少暴露损失,减少浸渍损失,降低农药在环境中的残留。

    Pesticide microcapsule systems can be designed to reduce mammalian toxicity and extend activity ; reduce phytotoxicity ; protect pesticides from environmental degradation ;