
  • 网络Ecology Habit;Ecological Habit;Habits
  1. 此时平均全长达37mm,其形态特征和生态习性均与成鱼相似。

    The juvenile was 37 mm in total length , with similar morphological characters and ecological habit to those of adult .

  2. 绞股蓝生态习性和生物学特性

    Study on the ecological habit and biological characteristics of Gynostemma pentaphyllum

  3. 菹草(Potamogetoncrispus)的生态习性和在京密引水渠的发生规律研究

    Study on Ecological Habits of Potamogeton crispus and Its Growth in Jing Mi Cannal , Beijing

  4. 昆明按蚊(AnophelesKunmingensis)的地理分布、生态习性、传疟作用及其防治研究

    Studies on geographical distribution , ecology and habits , role in malaria transmission and method of control of Anopheles KUNMINGENSIS

  5. 就马蹄莲(Zantedeschia)的植物学特性和生态习性作了简要综述,介绍了目前马蹄莲繁殖、栽培、育种、病害与防治、种球贮藏及开花调控等方面的研究进展;

    The research advance on botanical characteristics , classification , micropropagation , planting , breeding , disease control and tuber storage , as well as regulation of flower of Zantedeschia were reviewed in the paper .

  6. 根据中上层鱼类的生态习性,选取网具的最大网目为7m,在网口周长、网线配置和网身形状等方面作了深入探讨的基础上,设计了182m×94.7m绳拖网。

    According to the ecological behavior of pelagic fish , the largest mesh of 7m was selected . On the basis of adequate discussion on the mouth perimeter , netting yam attaching and body configuration , a large mesh trawl with 182m × 94.7m in size was designed .

  7. 丹东市住区蝇类生态习性的调查研究

    A Research for the Bionomics of Synanthropic Flies in Dandong city

  8. 贫瘠的自然环境还催生了令人叹服的生态习性。

    The barren natural environment gave birth to amazing ecological habits .

  9. 4种雀梅生态习性与根系解剖结构

    Ecological Characters and Roots ' Anatomical Structure of 4 Species of Sageretia

  10. 野生双峰驼的生态习性研究

    Ecological habit and behavior of wild camel Camelus bactrianus ferus

  11. 吉林美味牛肝菌分布及生态习性的初步研究

    A Preliminary Studies on Distribution and Ecological Characteristics of Jilin Boletus edulis

  12. 德国小蠊生态习性与控制效果研究

    A Study on Blattella germanica Habitat , Behaviors and Effect of Control

  13. 云南7种豆科灌木的生态习性及饲用价值研究

    A Study of Ecological Characteristics and Fodder Value of Seven Leguminosae Shrub Species

  14. 安徽一些种的生态习性、培养性状探讨以及酯酶同工酶测定与分析;

    Discussion on ecology , culture and enzymology of several species in Anhui ;

  15. 云南省的传疟媒介及其有关的生态习性

    The malaria vectors and their ecology in Yunnan Province

  16. 黑枕绿啄木鸟生态习性的初步观察

    Preliminary Observation on the Ecological Habits of Picus canus

  17. 黑琴鸡生态习性和卵的生物学研究

    On the ecological habit and biology of black grouse

  18. 豫北大天鹅越冬生态习性的研究

    Study on the Overwintering Eco habits of Cygnus cygnus in North Henan Province

  19. 喜马拉雅旱獭部分生态习性的补充研究

    Additional Studies on Some Ecological Habits of Himalayan Marmota

  20. 广西疟疾媒介的地理分布、生态习性和传疟作用研究

    Investigation on geographical distribution , ecological feature and malaria transmission of Anopheles in Guangxi

  21. 花面狸生态习性的观察

    Observation of Ecological Habit on the Masked Civet

  22. 目的:调查黑龙江省兴凯湖鼠的种类及生态习性。

    Objective : To investigate species and ecological habits of rodents in Xingkai Lakes .

  23. 纵纹腹小?在新疆的分布及生态习性

    The distribution and ecological behavior of little owl ( athene noctua ) in Xinjiang

  24. 中国野生食用真菌种类及生态习性

    Wild edible fungi and their habitat in China

  25. 药用蜈蚣的生态习性与临床应用

    Ecological Habits and Clinical Practice of Medical Centipede

  26. 美味牛肝菌生态习性的初步研究

    Primary study on ecological habits of Boletus edulis

  27. 随着形态特征的变化,与之相适应的生态习性也发生了变化。

    With the development of its morphology , its ecological habits were also changed accordingly .

  28. 我国近海鲚鱼生态习性及其产量变动状况

    Ecological habits and distribution of Coilia along the Chinese coast and its changes of output

  29. 并对其形态特征和生态习性作了描述。

    Their morphology and ecology were described .

  30. 广西按蚊种类及其生态习性与传病关系

    Anopheles mosquitoes of Kwangsi autonomous region and the relation between their bionomics and disease transmission