
  • 网络eco-traffic
  1. 可持续发展与生态交通

    Sustainable Development and Eco-traffic

  2. 基于生态交通效率的城市道路网络优化模型

    Urban Road Network Optimization Model Based on Eco-transport Efficiency

  3. 指出生态交通是生态城市发展的理想模式,也是城市交通发展的趋势。

    Eco-transportation is the ideal mode of eco-city development , and also the tendency of urban transportation development .

  4. 城市生态交通规划的理论框架

    Urban Eco-transportation Planning Theory

  5. 通过构建城市生态交通和构建生态建筑与节能体系来缓解化石燃料用地的压力;

    Pressure from fossil energy land may be lessened by establishing urban ecological transportation , ecological building , and energy-saving systems ;

  6. 根据城市模式的演化趋势,在交通环境承载力的基础上,提出城市生态交通系统的概念,构建了城市生态交通规划的理论框架。

    After analyzing the developing modal of city in future , the theoretical frame of eco-transportation planning is presented . This theoretical frame is based on the environmental carrying capacity of traffic .

  7. 通过对县域生态交通的发展状况、内涵、特征和功能来表明县域生态交通所具有的符合科学发展观和时代要求的可持续发展特质。

    Through the ecological traffic of the development status , content , features and functions , this paper indicates the county traffic meets the need of scientific development concept and the particularity of sustainable development for the requirement of our era .

  8. 结合南京市的城市建设和环境整治,阐述老城环境整治中城市生态交通空间、城市景观、广场、绿化等规划设计问题。

    Combining with the urban construction and environmental treatment in Nanjing City , the paper estates the planning and design problems such as the urban eco traffic space , the urban landscape , square , greening etc. in the environmental treatment of the old city .

  9. 生态城市交通组织与改善设计方法研究

    Design and Discussion of Road Network Traffic Organization and Planning for Ecological City

  10. 创造东滩生态区绿色交通系统

    To Construct Green Transport System in East Mud Ecological Area

  11. 在生态脆弱区交通工程建设的生态影响与生态恢复研究

    The Study on the Ecological Impact and Restoration of Traffic Engineering Construction in Ecological Fragile District

  12. 道路绿化,建设符合生态功能,交通功能、景观功能的交通廊道网络组织。

    Road afforesting . Construct a traffic corridor network combining with ecological function , traffic function and landscape function .

  13. 城市道路绿地有集景观效应、生态效应、交通功能、社会效应和经济效应为一体的综合作用。

    The urban road green space has collected the landscape , ecological , traffic , social and economic effects .

  14. 第六章分别从景观结构、景观组织与景观绿化三个方面讨论了南充注重景观生态的城市交通与道路系统规划过程与内容。

    Chapter six discusses the procedures and contents of NanChong city from the aspect of landscape structure , landscape organization and landscape forestation etc.

  15. 道路、广场绿化具有生态保护,交通组织,景观组织,安全保护、文化隐喻等功能。

    The functions of the road and square virescence are ecology protection , traffic control , scenery organization , safety promise and culture indication , etc.

  16. 第七章,从四个方面讨论了注重景观生态的城市交通与道路系统规划的评价方法与一般准则,并以南充为例进行了简要的评价。

    Chapter seven summarizes the evaluation methods and general rules on urban transportation and road system planning based on the landscape ecological principles from four aspects , then gives a brief appraise for NanChong city .

  17. 现代城市病是城市发展的障碍.城市规划的失误是产生城市病的重要原因.对城市生态危机、交通阻塞及旧城改造诸方面存在的问题和解决的办法进行了有益的探讨。

    The contemporary urban disease is the obstacle in the city development . The misplay in the city planning is the important reason of producing city disease . To these problems such as ecological crisis , traffic jam , and old city reconstruction , etc.

  18. 中国海警局4月20日与生态环境部、交通运输部、国家林业和草原局联合启动为期7个月的“碧海2021”海洋生态环境保护专项执法行动。

    The China Coast Guard on April 20 launched a special law enforcement campaign coded " Blue Sea 2021 to enhance marine Administration . It will run for seven months .

  19. 城市的发展离不开科学的交通系统,基于生态城市的生态交通研究势在必行。

    The development of city can not depart from transportation system . Ecological traffic on eco-city is imperative .

  20. 在生态效益方面,交通发展要走资源节约型、环境友好型的可持续发展路线,避免环境污染和资源浪费。

    In the eco-efficiency , transport development should adopt the resource-saving and environment-friendly sustainable development path , to avoid environmental pollution and resource waste .

  21. 从城市生态角度探讨了交通对城市生态的负面影响及其主要对策。

    Passive impact caused by urban traffic was research in the paper , and the main strategies against them were given from the view of urban ecology .

  22. 但是,鄂西山区也面临着一些突出问题,如粮食自给的压力大,生态环境脆弱,交通不便等,必须加以妥善解决。

    However , It also has many problems to be solved properly such as high pressure of self-sufficient in grain , fragile ecological environment , and poor transport facilities .

  23. 物流观念滞后、人才缺乏,另外还有部分地区存在生态环境恶化、交通不发达等制约因素。

    The backward concept in logistics , the lack of talented people , the deterioration of the ecological environment in some parts of the area , and the traffic problems , etc.

  24. 现代工业社会表现突出的能源、生态、人口、交通、空气、水质等一系列问题,促使人类不得不关注日益严重的环境危机。

    Outstanding performance in modern industrial society , energy , ecology , population , transportation , air , water and other issues , has prompted concern about the growing environmental crises .

  25. 中国实施西部大开发战略以来,西部地区企业的生存和发展环境有了显著改善,以生态、能源、交通运输和城市基础设施为重点的建设步伐明显加快,为企业提供了良好的发展契机。

    Moreover , the pace of constructing focusing on ecology , energy , transportation and city infrastructure greatly speeds up , which supply the good opportunity for the development of enterprise .

  26. 关于生态城市和可持续交通的相关研究是近年来城市建设的一个新兴话题,目前对其理论研究尚不完善,但也取得了不少有价值的成果。

    In recent years , research on eco-city and sustainable traffic has became an emerging topic in urban construction study . Present their theory is not perfect , but it also made many valuable results .

  27. 光污染具有极大的危害性,包括危害人体健康、生态破坏、增加交通事故、妨碍天文观测、给人们生活带来麻烦、浪费能源等。

    Light pollution is harmful to people 's health , and it could disrupt ecology , increase the traffic accident , disturb the astronomical observation , bring much trouble to people 's life , and waster energy .

  28. 生态、景观、交通、历史、文化、旅游与休闲等多种复合型功能,带来海河与城市之间多元化的互动,将使海河成为实现城市可持续发展的重要因素之一。

    Multiple and complex functions such as ecology , landscape , traffic , history , culture , tourism and recreation bring a diversified interaction between Haihe River and the city which makes Haihe River become one of the important factors of realizing the sustainable urban development .

  29. 该文简要论述了生态城市的特点以及生态城市交通设计过程中需要注意的问题,加以分析,得出可行的解决方案。

    The article briefly discusses the characteristics of the ecological city and the problems necessary to pay attention in the course of the traffic design for the ecological city , and analyzes to give the feasible solving scheme .

  30. 分析并构建了城市客运交通结构生态优化目标模型及其约束条件。以客运交通系统的交通生态影响最小与交通效用最大为优化目标,构建了城市交通结构的多目标生态优化模型。

    We analyzed the ecological optimization goal for the urban traffic structure , which is to minimize the ecological impact of the overall urban traffic system and to maximize the traffic utility , we constructed a multi-objective ecological optimization function for the urban traffic structure .