
  • 网络ecological integration;ecological integrity;Ecological Integration of Society;EcologicalIntegrationofSociety
  1. 通过产业转型重构,实现生态整合。

    By restructuring industries , ecological integration can be realized .

  2. 场地的生态整合和联系。

    Site Analysis Ecological Integration and Connectivity .

  3. 钟宅湾开发基于一种全新的生态整合理念。

    The Zhongzhaiwan development is based on an integrated vision of a new ecology .

  4. 苏南新农村社区生态整合设计技术措施研究

    Study on Integrated Eco-technical Measures on New Rural Residential Community in Southern of Jiangsu Province

  5. 本文所研究的生态整合设计的系统范围控制在一个大中型中心村社区范围内,在此范围内对生态技术措施层面进行考察。

    Within this scope , the article carries on the inspection to the ecology technical measure stratification .

  6. 评析了城镇土地利用基本概念、城镇土地利用布局形态和城镇土地利用可持续发展理论及其与生态整合方法的内在契合。

    Evaluates the basic concept of land planning , urban land use theory , urban land sustainable use theory and its inner coinage with ecological integration method .

  7. 循环经济的实质在于生态整合,即依据生态学原理建立生态产业链的共生耦合系统。

    Circular economy is the essence of ecological integration of ecology , which is based on the principle of the establishment of the symbiosis of ecological industry chain coupling system .

  8. 博客:消费文化背景下新的文学生态的整合

    Blog-Integration of Literature as an New Ecology on the Background of Consumerism Culture

  9. 四川省九环线北端生态旅游整合开发的构思

    Integrated Development of Eco - tourism Along Northern Jiuzhaigou Circular Highway in Sichuan Province

  10. 黄土高原沟壑区生态城镇整合方法

    A tentative study of reorganization of ecological towns in the gully areas of the loess plateau

  11. 以需求、资源、技术和制度等为产业集群生态位整合的序参量分析,阐述了产业集群生态位整合的共生性、协同性、创新性等运行机理。

    Demand , resources , technology and systems of industrial clusters are the niche integration of important sequence parameters .

  12. 中国传媒生态资源整合的有益探索:集团化

    On the Three Orientations of the Transformation of Chinese Mass Media in their Existing Environment On Grouping of Ecological Intermediary Resources Conformity

  13. 本研究提出了一套能将社会因子与生态因子整合于生态系经营或环境规划的实用方法。

    The objective of this study is to propose a practical approach to integrating social and ecological factors in ecosystem management or environmental planning .

  14. 论文首先在第三章中从共性出发,分析上海民俗戏曲在都市民俗生态中整合和认同的具体表现,证明它们在新的都市生活场景中发生改变的必然性。

    Chapter three , starting from commonality , analyzes the concrete manifestation of Shanghai folk opera integrating and affirming to the ecology of urban folklore , proving its inevitability to change in the background of new urban lifestyle .

  15. 同时,高校思想政治教育横向主体互动的协同机理主要表现在主体共生态理念整合、主体相互支撑和渗透、利益是主体协同的纽带等三个方面。

    Meanwhile , the collaborative mechanism of the ideological and political education horizontal subject Reflects in the following three aspects : the subject common ecological concept integration the subject mutual support and infiltration , and the interests as the subject collaborative ties .

  16. 城市滨水生态绿地资源整合策略初步研究

    The Pilot Study on Integrating Urban Waterfront Green Space Resources

  17. 论欠发达地区经济发展与生态环境优化整合

    On the Integration of Economic Development and Eco-environment Optimization in Less-developed Districts

  18. 进化心理学与生态心理学的整合:理解适宜可用性(英文)

    Reconciling Evolutionary Psychology and Ecological Psychology : How to Perceive Fitness Affordances ;

  19. 都市圈区域发展与生态文化景观整合

    Landscape Design of Ecological Culture in the Development of the Metropolitan Coordinating Region

  20. 三峡库区生态旅游资源整合的理论与对策研究

    The Conformity Theory and Countermeasures of Eco-tourism Resource in the Three Gorges Reservoir

  21. 河北承德木兰围场生态旅游资源整合策略研究

    The Strategy Research on the Eco-tourism Resource Conformity in Chengde Mulan Weichang of Hebei Province

  22. 城市快速增长期生态与环境整合指标体系研究

    A Study on Urban Ecology and Environment Integrating Index System in the Period of Rapid Urban Growth

  23. 河南太行山区生态旅游资源整合可行性分析

    The Analysis of Feasible case About the Integration of the Ecological Tour Resources of Taihang Mountain Area in Henan Province

  24. 初步探讨了生态方法在整合研究中的实际应用。

    This thesis carries out an initial investigation into the actual application of ecological methods in the study of reorganization .

  25. 六大林业生态工程的整合与相继实施建设,以及林业跨越式发展战略决策的出台,标志着我国林业建设进入了全新的历史发展阶段。

    The implementation of the six major forestry ecological engineering programs symbolized a brand-new historical stage of the forestry development in China .

  26. 生态理性哲学整合传统本体论与基础本体论,其新本体论建构由此得以可能。

    The Eco-Reason philosophy re-organizes both traditional ontology and Fundamental ontology , thus , the construction of its new ontology may become possible .

  27. 同一水系整合计算模型又分为:河流生态基流量整合模型、河流与湿地生态基流量的整合以及河道生态基流量的整合模型。

    The models of identical river system include that rivers conformity 、 integration of rivers and wetlands , as well as river channel conformity .

  28. 步行商业区的交通、生态、历史整合&杭州湖滨旅游商贸步行街区城市设计城市地下步行系统规划设计初探

    Urban Design Of A Pedestrian Tourist Shopping Street On The Xihu Lake In Hangzhou City Investigation on the plan and design of underground commercial ambulation blocks

  29. 近年来,文化地理学的研究偏重于文化景观、文化生态和文化整合等方面,文化演变过程、文化扩散及文化区划的研究则相对较少。

    Recently , the study of cultural geography emphasized more in cultural sight , cultural zoology , and cultural amalgamation than cultural evolvement mechanism , cultural dynamic pervasion and the partition of cultural region .

  30. 产业结构调整与升级是东北地区振兴及可持续发展的关键,东北地区产业结构转换的目标应是实现产业结构的外向化、高度化、生态化及整合化。

    The author considers that industrial structure adjustment and escalation is pivotal to develop Northeast China vigorously and to achieve the sustainable development , and the goal of industrial structure adjustment is to make it opened , higher , clean and integrated .