
shēnɡ yù kònɡ zhì
  • birth control
  1. 印度的社会经济特征与生育控制

    Socio - economic features and birth control in India

  2. 输精管切除术是目前最值得信赖的生育控制方法。

    Vasectomy is the single most reliable form of birth control that exists .

  3. 中国生育控制条件变化及生育控制实践应对思考

    Changes in the Conditions of Fertility Control and Its Countermeasures

  4. 论生育控制个人成本的社会补偿:一个理论分析框架

    Social Compensation to the Individual Cost of Birth Control : A Theoretical Framework

  5. 因此,适当放松生育控制是必要之举。

    So relaxation of family planning is necessary .

  6. 生育控制与逆人口投资&人口过剩条件下人口与社会经济问题的综合治理

    Birth Control and Investment Against Population Growth

  7. 试论生育控制的伦理问题

    The Ethical Issue of Child-Bearing Control

  8. 生育控制政策对人口出生性别比的影响研究

    Impacts of Birth Control Policy on the Sex Ratio at Birth in China : A New Perspective

  9. 面对着不远的未来的世界人口大爆炸,我们必须执行生育控制计划以挽救人类、挽救世界。

    We must carry out the birth control program in order to save the mankind and save the world .

  10. 要想减少人口增长,唯一可行的方法就是借助更有效的生育控制项目。

    The only feasible way to curtail population growth , is to resort to a more effective birth-control project .

  11. 不管在什么地方,推行生育控制和追求小型化家庭往往和经济增长与发展相伴发生。

    The spread of birth control and a desire for smaller families tend to accompany economic growth and development almost everywhere .

  12. 当美国宣传象生育控制和母乳喂养等观念时,即应看成是国际营销。

    When the United Nations promotes such concepts as birth control and breast feeding , this should be viewed as international marketing .

  13. 在这个问题上,中国并不是唯一的国家;其它国家没有采取严厉生育控制的国家,尤其是印度,也遇到同样的问题。

    China is not unique in this ; other countries , notably India , have encountered similar problems without coercive population controls .

  14. 综合性的堕胎诊所名单,包括医疗程序,妇科医学,病人指南,生育控制。

    Abortion Clinics Online-a comprehensive listing of nationwide abortion clinics including information on medical procedures , gynecology , patient instructions and birth control .

  15. 但这也说明了生育控制方面的不足。这一点,从这些女子当中意外怀孕情况之多也可以看出。

    But it was also indicative of inadequate fertility control , which was evident from the high numbers of unwanted pregnancies among these women .

  16. 对于1000多万妇女来说,像乳房扫描检查和生育控制之类的预防保健服务也因《平价医保法》成为免费项目了。

    And for tens of millions of women , preventive care like mammograms and birth control are free because of the Affordable Care Act .

  17. 这不只是家庭计划内的生育控制,从迁徙到安乐死都有广泛讨论。

    These concern not only fertility control in the context of family planning , but also a broader range of topics extending from migration to euthanasia .

  18. 进一步探索发现,他们在利用一种从胎盘中提取的激素来防止老鼠受孕。一种潜在的生育控制疫苗正在诞生之中!

    Further probing revealed that they were using a hormone from placenta to prevent mice from getting pregnant & a potential birth control vaccine in the making .

  19. 据悉,一些美国和欧洲主教认为,许多天主教徒拒绝接受教会在生育控制、同性婚姻、离婚等问题上的立场,认为这是不现实的。

    Some American and European bishops have reportedly results that will review many Catholics reject churches ' positions on birth control , homosexuality marriage and divorce as unrealistic .

  20. 从生育控制的视角,运用孩次性别递进理论,分析生育意愿与生育率、生育性别比的关系,得到了在生育性别自然规律下达到生育目标最低生育率YFR唯一存在的结论。

    On the view-point of birth control , applying the theory of parity-sex progression , authors analysis the relations between ideal boys and girls , fertility rate and birth-sex-ratio .

  21. 同时,人口专家呼吁为生育控制项目提供更多资金,以控制人口数量的增长,特别是发展中国家的人口数量增长。

    Population experts , meanwhile , called for more funding for family planning programs to help control the growth in the number of humans , especially in developing nations .

  22. 专家说,正如人们选择自己喜欢的一种生育控制的方法,他们也将选择自己喜欢的艾滋病预防的方法。

    Just as people like to have a choice of birth control methods , they will also like to have a choice of AIDS prevention methods , experts say .

  23. 在分析1990年代中国各个具体的经济社会因素变量和生育控制因素变量分别对生育水平的影响(此为间接影响)时,它们之间构成结构方程模型。

    Every idiographic economic-social factor and bearing-controlled factor compose a Structural Equation Modeling when analyzing their influence ( here , it refers to the indirect influence ) on the fertility level .

  24. 当然人家都会说一家人都是怎么为家庭发展精心计划好,但实际上大部分的宝宝的降生,却要归咎于一夜宿醉,未能采取生育控制。

    Sure , you hear all these stories about how everyone plans these perfect families but the truth is that most babies are products of drunken evenings and lack of birth control .

  25. 人类生殖技术包括传统的生育控制技术(如避孕、流产、绝育)和现代辅助生殖技术(如人工授精、体外受精、克隆技术);

    Human reproductive technique includes traditional techniques of controlling birth ( include contraception , abortion and sterilization ) and modern assisted reproductive technique ( such as artificial insemination , in vitro fertilization and clone technique );

  26. 论周秦之际中国天下一统观念的演化过程当美国宣传象生育控制和母乳喂养等观念时,即应看成是国际营销。

    On the Evolution of the Concept of China 's Unification During Zhou and Qin Period When the United Nations promotes such concepts as birth control and breast feeding , this should be viewed as international marketing .

  27. 安德森说:“能赢得另类诺贝尔奖我们非常激动,因为这项研究原本是很好笑的。”她同时说不建议人们将可乐用于生育控制。

    " We 're thrilled to win an Ig Nobel , because the study was somewhat of a parody in the first place ," Anderson said , adding she does not recommend using Coke for birth control purposes .

  28. 并在此基础上分析我国的生育控制成本的补偿机制、补偿内容和补偿方式等。

    This paper starts from the family utility functions under two types of fertility transition , to analyze the mechanism , types , and ways of social compensa - tion to the individual cost of birth control in China .

  29. 直接影响与间接影响之和即为总影响,通过比较经济社会因素和生育控制因素对生育水平的总影响,解析出1990年代中国生育水平的主要影响因素。

    The total influence is the sum of the direct influence and the indirect influence . By comparing the total influence of the economic-social factors and the bearing-controlled factors , this paper makes out the primary effect factor of the fertility level .

  30. 以逆人口投资为主线,说明除了经济惩罚外,控制人口增长的绩效关键取决于生育控制投入的数量和方式。

    Taking investment against population growth as a main theme , this paper makes a comprehensive analysis and states that , in addition to economic penalties , the effectiveness of population control mainly depend on the amount and ways of investment for birth control .