
  • 网络life support
  1. 目的在载人飞船飞行期间监控环境控制与生命保障系统(environmentcontrolandlifesupportsystem,ECLSS)的工作状态,对故障进行诊断和决策支持。

    Objective To monitor state of environment control and life support system ( ECLSS ), and to diagnose faults and provide decision support in manned space flight .

  2. 他可能有点夸张,但在高速分组接入(highspeedpacketaccess)等更快速网络技术的推动下,手机已经成为一个生命保障系统。

    He may exaggerate : but the mobile phone is already a life support system , powered by ever faster networking technologies such as high speed packet access .

  3. 受控生态生命保障系统(CELSS)是建立月球/火星基地等空间永久基地必须解决的关键技术之一。

    Controlled Ecological Life-support System ( CELSS ) is one of the key technologies that must be solved before founding permanent base in space such as Lunar or Mars base .

  4. 国外载人航天的生命保障系统

    Life-support system of manned space flight in foreign countries

  5. 每隔几秒钟,生命保障数据就会自动发送到总部。

    Life - support data is automatically transmitted to headquarters every few seconds .

  6. 动态多目标决策及其在环境控制和生命保障系统中的应用

    Dynamic Multiobjective Decision and its Application in Environmental Control and Life Support System

  7. 就业和社会生活保障生命保障系统的可靠性

    Employment and Social Security reliability of life support system

  8. 生物再生生命保障系统是一个动物、植物和微生物共存的系统。

    The BLSS is a system where animals , plants and microorganisms co-exist .

  9. 他的任务是监控生命保障系统,察看氧气的供给量。

    His task was to monitor the life-support systems , checking oxygen levels .

  10. 最低生活保障权的性质及其保障模式生命保障系统的可靠性

    The Right to Exist and Its Protection Models ; reliability of life support system

  11. 长期载人空间飞行的生命保障技术

    The life protecting technique of manned space voyage

  12. 果蝇、线虫在飞船特定环境下的生命保障实验

    Life Support Experiments of Drosophila Melanogaster and Caenorhabditis Elegans in Spacecraft 's Specific Environment

  13. 研究结果对载人航天器环境控制与生命保障系统的优化设计有一定意义。

    The analysis will provide improved environment control and life support systems in manned spacecraft .

  14. 航天器热控和环境控制生命保障系统热网的优化

    Optimization of thermal network for spacecraft thermal control and environment control and life support system

  15. 而尽管如此,人工生命保障系统还是成功地起了作用。

    And yet , in spite of that , artificial life support has been successful .

  16. 在新的范式中,队列管理器只是队列和主题的生命保障。

    In the new paradigm , queue managers are merely life support for queues and topics .

  17. 矿井通风系统属于生命保障系统一类,其工作的可靠性具有特殊的意义。

    Mine ventilation system is one of the life-safeguard system , its working reliability has special meaning .

  18. 生命保障系统的可靠性

    Reliability of life support system

  19. 在低压受控生态生命保障系统中,植物是关键的生物部件。

    Plants are a key biological component in the controlled ecological life support system at low atmospheric pressure .

  20. 尿液废水的处理是空间站再生式环境控制与生命保障系统的重要环节。

    Urine treatment is important to the close-looped Environmental Control and Life Support System ( ECLSS ) in space station .

  21. 此项政策旨在确保任何客人受伤时能够迅速得到生命保障措施。

    It is the hotel policy to ensure that any accident involving a guest is handled promptly to safeguard his live .

  22. 朱光辰表示,“天和核心舱”还配置了再生式生命保障系统,能够实现舱内氧气再生、二氧化碳的处理。

    The designer says the module is also equipped with a regenerative life-support system , which can reproduce oxygen and CO2 .

  23. 在这个事件中游戏规则改变了:金融市场实际上已停止运转,且不得不依赖人工生命保障系统。

    That was a game-changing event : financial markets actually ceased to function and had to be put on artificial life support .

  24. 航天服是载人航天必不可少的防护装备,是航天员个人生命保障系统中最重要的分系统。

    Spacesuit is the necessary protective equipment of manned spaceflight . It is the most important component of life security system of astronaut .

  25. “受控生态生命保障系统”测试是受神州飞船科技启发。

    The test of the " controlled ecological life support system " has been inspired by technology currently used in China 's Shenzhou spacecraft .

  26. 赞西“复活”后立刻被送往当地医院,接受生命保障系统治疗两天后顺利出院。

    After Zanthe " resurrected " he was taken to a local hospital , where he remained on life support for two days before eventually being released .

  27. 与大萧条相比,这次危机金融系统没有崩溃,而是依赖生命保障系统来维持。

    What differentiates it from the Great Depression is that this time the financial system was not allowed to collapse but was put on artificial life support .

  28. 此次实验被称为“月宫365”计划,是北航第二次尝试研究生物再生生命保障系统在与月球类似的环境下运行。

    The experiment , code-named " Yuegong-365 , " is Beihang 's second attempt to see how the Bioregenerative Life Support System ( BLSS ) works in a moon-like environment .

  29. 舱外航天服既要为航天员提供基本的生命保障,还应具有高的活动性能,尤其是上肢的活动性能,是航天员能够有效地完成各种舱外作业的保证。

    EVA spacesuit provides not only life security system for astronaut but also excellent movability performance , especially the movability performance of upper limbs can ensure astronauts to complete EVA tasks smoothly .

  30. 空间环境成分复杂,以强辐射、微重力、高真空、无昼夜和极端的环境温度为特点,在无生命保障系统支持状态下,几乎所有生物都无法在太空生存。

    Space environment is complex and characterized by intense radiation , microgravity , microvacuum , no day-night rhythms and extreme temperature , nearly no life can survive in space environments without life support .