
  • 网络biological field
  1. 循经传感现象(PSC)与人体生物场的量变和质变有密切的联系。

    Propagated sensation along channels ( PSC ) is closely related to changes in the quantity and quality of body biological field .

  2. 人体生物场的流变力学探索

    Rheo-mechanical Advanced Research for the Biological Field of Human Body

  3. 人体生物场对动物离体心脏的修复

    The Repairation Effect of Biological Field in Man on Isolated Animal Heart

  4. 古生物场决定沉积有机质的性质与丰度;

    Paleobiology field determines the character and abundance of deposited organic matter ;

  5. 还有加大生物场的方法吗?

    Ls there any way to augment the bio-genic field ?

  6. 得气是人体的生物场发挥功能的具体体现;

    " Deqi " is the embodiment of body biological field exercising functions ;

  7. 植物幼苗生物场对高龄小鼠的抗衰老效应

    The Anti-senility Effect of the Young Plant 's Biotic Field on the Aged Mice

  8. 难道庙宇中生物场的力量足以把它们屏蔽起来?

    Is the power of the temple in the biological field enough to shield them up ?

  9. 关于形态发育和生物场的一点注记

    A Note on Morphogenetic Field

  10. 它们都有一个共同的特征,似乎颇受庙宇中强大生物场频率的影响。

    They have a common characteristic : quit influenced by the powerful biological field frequency from the temple .

  11. 植物幼苗生物场对人体血清甲状腺激素浓度的影响

    Effect of Biotic Field of Plants ' Seedlings on Concentration of Thyroid Hormone in Blood Serum of Human Body

  12. 只要人体生物场被调整到和宇宙统一场同步,所有病都可以不药而愈。

    Entire diseases can be spontaneously cured without medicament if only the human bio-field is coordinated to be synchronous with the Universal Unified Field .

  13. 肉食进到体内以后不可避免地要干扰人体的生物场,干扰人体的生物电。

    The meat will enter to vivo later inevitably must disturb human body 's fresh object field , will disturb human body 's bioelectricity .

  14. 人体内各个生物场的场强互不相同,就产生一种梯度,反映人体一定部位的功能以及其变化的信息性,从而具有传递外来各种刺激的传导性。

    The strength of each biological field in the body is different and therefore exists a gradient , which reflects information on the function of a certain part in the body and its change and has the property of transmitting various exogenous stimuli .

  15. 这一结论对于证明生物光子场的相干性具有重要意义。

    The conclusion has important significance for proving the biophoton coherence .

  16. 此结果对于证实生物光子场的相干特性具有一定意义。

    This research results has important significance for proving the biophoton coherence .

  17. 生物光子场的光谱分布特性研究

    Research on the Spectra Distribution Properties of Ultraweak Photon Emission from Biological System

  18. 每当一个生物从场上进入坟墓场时,重置鬼怪神射手。

    Whenever a creature is put into a graveyard from play , untap Goblin Sharpshooter .

  19. 生物光子场特性的初步研究

    Elemental Studies on Biophoton Field Properties

  20. 随着液体把透过填埋场,就能够把pH得到升高的物质带到其它地方,让更多的产烷生物在垃圾场生存下来。

    As liquid leaches through the landfill , it carries higher pH materials and the methanogens living among them to other areas of the landfill .

  21. 生物组织温度场的超声无损检测及可视化表达

    Noninvasive Ultrasound Estimation and Visualization of Tissue 's Temperature Field

  22. 生物反应堆填埋场渗滤液循环研究

    The Research on Leachate Recycle of Bioreactor Landfill

  23. 海水为那些在夏天光临到此的生物提供一场空前绝后的盛宴

    For those who can get here , in summer , these waters provide a feast of epic proportions .

  24. 硅纳米线阵列具有独特的微结构及量子限域效应,因而呈现出优异的光学及电学性能,近来被广泛应用于太阳能电池、生物传感器、场发射器件及锂离子电池中。

    Due to the microstructure and quantum confinement , Silicon nanowire arrays have received intensive interests in recent years for their unique electrical and optical properties and potential for device application as solar cell , biosensors , field emission device and lithium-ion battery .

  25. 生物反应器填埋场中重金属Cu和Zn的迁移转化机理研究

    Research on Mechanism of Cu and Zn Migration in Bioreactor Landfill

  26. 污泥生物反应器填埋场中PAHs、PCBs含量变化及其影响因素

    Variation of PAHs 、 PCBs contents and influencing factors in sludge landfill

  27. 为了研究生物反应器填埋场系统对生活垃圾的处理效果,在对系统的运行特性进行研究基础上,以COD表示有机物质量浓度的变化,建立了生物反应器填埋场系统有机物降解动力学模型。

    With parameter COD , the biodegradation kinetic models of organic compound ( COD ) in bioreactor landfill system were established .

  28. 采用时域有限差分(FDTD)法分析了同轴贴片探头在三层生物组织中的场分布,结合遗传算法(GA)优化了探头的尺寸。

    The field distribution of a patch probe in three-layer tissues is analyzed by the finite difference time domain ( FDTD ) method , and the optimum design of the probes is performed by using genetic algorithm ( GA ) .

  29. 针对厌氧型生物反应器填埋场运行后期渗滤液COD浓度衰减慢、氨氮浓度长期偏高的不足,首次提出通过改变运行方式来加速其稳定进程的理念,并在室内模拟实验中得以成功实施。

    In view of slowly-dropped COD concentration and the higher-kept ammonia-N concentration in the leachate in the late stabilization stage of the landfill , the idea to change its operation mode was brought forward and put successfully into practice in simulated experiment .

  30. 中试规模厌氧型生物反应器填埋场的启动

    Start - up of pilot - scale anaerobic bioreactor landfill