
  1. 论苗族生成哲学与海洋文明

    On the Existential Philosophy of Miao and the Ocean Civilization

  2. 论苗族生成哲学与巫教文化

    On the Homogeneity Philosophy of the Miao People and the Witch Culture

  3. 这一生存哲学可以理解为是一种意境哲学,其意蕴是体悟生命的存在价值;是一种生成哲学,其本质是实现生命的创造价值;

    This philosophy of existence can be understood both as a prospective philosophy which is a realization of the value of human existence and as a generative philosophy whose nature is to achieve the creative value of life .

  4. 美学不是仅仅生成于哲学之中,它也是通向哲学的一种路径。

    Aesthetics is not only generated in philosophy , it is also a path to philosophy .

  5. 思维方式,思维特征和思维风格是语言生成的哲学机制。

    The philosophical mechanism of language includes three aspects of thinking : its mode , its characteristics and its style .

  6. 具体而言,本文包括四个部分的内容:第一章是法的生成的哲学基础与法的生成的基本含义。

    Specifically speaking , this article includes four parts : The first chapter is a philosophical foundation of the formation , together with the basic meaning of the generation .

  7. 透视大学强大的行政权力生成的哲学基础,将会使大学改革更具针对性和科学性。生命哲学被认为是一种具有生命力的哲学。

    Understanding the philosophical background of the administrative power in universities will be helpful to reform or improve universities . Life philosophy has been regarded as a philosophy with enduring vitality .

  8. 从现成到生成&论哲学思维方式的现代转换

    From Subsistent to Generative-the Modern Transformation of Philosophical Thinking Mode

  9. 在历史的生成中实现哲学的价值

    To Fulfill Philosophic Value in the Formation of History

  10. 契约自由是其产生的文化基础;实用主义哲学为其生成提供了哲学基础;

    It is based on the freedom for making contracts and on pragmatic philosophy ;

  11. 物色范畴的生成因素包括哲学文化背景、社会现实因素、文学创作实践三个方面。

    The forming factors of the category of " wuse " include philosophical and cultural background , social and realistic factors and literary creation practice .

  12. 立足于生成论的哲学思维方式,能深刻把握马克思哲学本体论革命的伟大意义,避免任何理论上的退却。

    It is by the form of thought based on generative theory that the readers can grasp the great significance of ontology revolution of Marxist philosophy more easily , resulting in avoiding any retreat of theory .

  13. 马克思立足于生成论的哲学思维方式,确立了生成性的实践本体论地位,使哲学对象由既成转变为生成,最终使哲学回归人的现实生活世界;

    However , based on the generative theory , Marx took generative substance as the object , and established the status of the ontology of generative practice , which brought philosophy back to the world of real life .

  14. 实践的无限性与生活的生成性焕发出哲学改造当下生活的切要性。

    Practice of the infinite sex and life generative radiate philosophy transformation of contemporary life cut to .

  15. 哲学上的理性概念的发展是对现实中理性自身的生成与发展的哲学反思。

    Development of the concept of rationality is a philosophical reflection of the birth and growth of the reality of rationality .

  16. 生成性思维作为哲学的一种思维方式,不仅影响到了哲学的研究领域,而且也对教育进行理论研究和实践研究产生了很大的影响。

    Generative thinking as a philosophy thinking not only affected philosophy research fields , but also the education theory research and practice research has made a great effect .

  17. 行政价值生成问题作为行政哲学研究中的重要内容,是认识行政活动本质的路径之一。

    The generation of administrative value , as one of the most important researches in administrative philosophy study , is one way to percept the nature of administrative activities .

  18. 在网络文化中,鲁迅是何种形象?它是在何种文化思潮中,以怎样方式生成?背后的哲学依据又是什么?这些都值得我们深入思考。

    In the network culture , what is the image of Lu Xun ? How is it formed ? what philosophy is behind it ? These need our in-depth thinking .

  19. 生成已成为现代哲学的主旋律,生成性思维作为现代哲学研究的新走向,不但影响到哲学研究领域,也对教育研究和实践产生了很大影响。

    Formation has been the theme of the modern philosophy . As a new direction of modern philosophy research , formative thinking has tremendous influence on our educational research and practice .