
  • 网络host;host address;hostaddress;HOST ID
  1. 定义一个范围,包括ApplicationServer的主机地址。

    Define a scope that includes the host address of the Application Server .

  2. 通常情况下,由特定主机地址生成的Web页面被限制为仅可与相同的主机地址通信。

    Typically , a Web page generated from a particular host address is restricted to communicate back only to the same host address .

  3. 流量可以由ip地址范围、主机地址、协议、端口或者以上这些参数的任意组合进行分类。

    Traffic can be classified by IP address range , host address , protocol , port or any combination of these parameters .

  4. IPv6主机地址配置技术

    IPv6 Host Address Configuration

  5. 您将使用本地主机地址访问Apache安装,因此可以输入任意的域和电子邮件地址。

    You will access your Apache installation using the localhost address , so enter whatever domain and e-mail address you like .

  6. 基于ARP协议的网络主机地址的识别技术研究

    Host address recognition technology based on ARP

  7. 子进程的进程号(PID)将成为这个散列的关键字,而其键值就是该子进程正在处理的相对应的主机地址。

    The keys of this hash will be the child process ID ( PID ), and the value will be the corresponding host that the child is processing .

  8. 更新pureXML主机地址及上下文根路径,让其指向全局服务。

    Update the pureXML host address and the context root path to point to your universal services .

  9. 在集群环境中部署应用程序时,应用程序应该使用前置应用程序服务器集群的代理的IP地址,而不是主机地址(in.getHostAddress())。

    When deploying the application in a clustered environment , the application should use the IP address of the proxy fronting the application server cluster , instead of the host address ( in . getHostAddress ()) .

  10. 除此之外,IPv6还采用高效的IP数据报头、服务质量、主机地址自动配置等许多新技术,将极大的满足用户对网络的新需求,这也决定了IPv4必然向IPv6过渡。

    Besides it , IPv6 protocol takes many new technologies , which includes the more highly effective IP header and QoS and the automatic configuration of host address ;

  11. 对于图片URL,由于暂时无法做到快速自动分析,只做记录URL主机地址、访问时间等信息到数据库,待人工检查图片。

    But for photograph URL , it can only be screened by human by recording host address , access time and so on , not can be analyzed fast and automatically .

  12. 找到空闲端口的便利方法是传递一个null地址,它会自动将套接字绑定到本地主机地址,并使用空闲的临时端口。

    A convenient way to find a free port is to pass in a null address , which automatically binds the socket to the local host address and uses a free ephemeral port .

  13. 在有障碍情况下,系统的无线通信距离大于20m,智能控制主机地址编码的数量大于2000万个。

    The wireless communication distance of the system is more than 20 meters in barrier condition , and the quantity of the address code of the intellective controller is more than 20,000,000 .

  14. 返回主机地址,因为客户方面。

    Returns the host address , given a client context .

  15. 这在多主机地址的情况下尤其重要。

    This is particularly important for servers which are addressable by multiple hostnames .

  16. 他们不应该用于主机地址。

    They should not be used for host addresses .

  17. 然而,大量的公用主机地址的使用,也会引进安全问题。

    However , a number of security and scaling problems arise with the use of public host network addresses .

  18. 这是一种特殊模式,允许指定地址的网络部分和以大括号扩住的主机地址列表。

    This is a special pattern that lets you specify the network part of the address and a list of host addresses in curly braces .

  19. 纽约警方锁定了数十名罪犯,因为撒马利亚人解密了主机地址并匿名将信息发给了媒体。

    The NYPD has locked up nearly two dozen criminals after Samaritan decrypted a host of I.P. addresses and anonymously emailed the information to the press .

  20. 这个示例还演示-n选项的用途,它输出数字的主机地址,从而避免名称查询和解析,可以提高跟踪速度。

    The example also shows the use of the - n switch , which prints numeric host addresses , thereby avoiding name lookup and resolution and speeding up the trace .

  21. 该de>NavigationControllerde>存储该导航项目,但它被标记为“等待”,因为它不知道是否会采取过渡(也许主机地址不能得到解析)。

    The NavigationController stores this navigation entry , but it is marked as " pending " because it doesn 't know for sure if the transition will take place ( maybe the host can not be resolved ) .

  22. 如何获得多穴主机IP地址

    How to Get IP Addresses of a Multi - Homed Host

  23. 跨网段获取远程主机MAC地址的方法与java实现

    The method of requesting from remote host MAC and java application

  24. Linux环境下IPv6主机的地址自动配置研究

    Research of IPv6 Address Autoconfiguration on Linux

  25. 为了支持客户物理地址到主机物理地址的转换,系统维护了一组影子页表(shadowpagetable)。

    A set of shadow page tables is maintained to support the translation from guest physical addresses to host physical addresses .

  26. 所实现的功能模块包括:C/S客户端主要负责设置即将链接的主机P地址、用户的登录以及客户端的锁屏设置等。

    C / S client is about to link is mainly responsible for setting the host IP address , users login and screen lock client settings .

  27. 获取本网段内主机MAC地址原理分析及实现

    The analysis and implemention of getting a MAC address from host in the same segment

  28. 虚拟机管理程序维护了一些影子页表,以便将Guest物理地址转换为主机物理地址。

    The hypervisor maintained shadow page tables to translate guest physical addresses into host physical addresses .

  29. IP数据头包括数据包产生地的主机IP地址,数据包即将前往的目的地IP地址,以及发出请求的传输协议。

    The IP header includes the source IP address where the packet originates , destination IP address where the packet is going , the transport protocol initiating the request .

  30. 并置内容主机的地址应该使用WindowsNetworking来配置,而不是使用dscontrol命令配置。

    The Address for the collocated content host should be configured using Windows Networking , not the dscontrol command .