
ɡuǎnɡ bō dì zhǐ
  • broadcast address
  1. 更适当的广播地址设置是匹配特定子网的。

    A more appropriate broadcast address is set to match a specific subnetwork .

  2. 可配置的雷管回应,普遍,一个广播地址或信号。

    The detonators can be configured to respond , universally , to a broadcast address or signal .

  3. OSPF使用广播地址在广播网络链接上来路由泛洪。

    OSPF uses multicast addressing for route flooding on a broadcast network link .

  4. 另外,DHCP服务器也需要分配网络和广播地址。

    Furthermore , the DHCP server will also assign the network and broadcast addresses .

  5. 而广播地址则可用来将同样的消息同时发送给网络上所有主机。

    The broadcast address is used by an application to send the same message to all other hosts in the network simultaneously .

  6. 结束地址对此范围无效。子网广播地址(主机标识全为1)是无效的结束地址。

    The ending address is not valid for this range . Subnet broadcast addresses ( host ID of all 1s ) are not valid ending addresses .

  7. 局域网上所有的主机都应当拥有同样的网络地址、广播地址、子网掩码和域名,因为这些地址标志出一个局域网的全部内容。

    Every host in the LAN will have the same network address , broadcast address , subnet mask , and domain name because those addresses identify the network in its entirety .

  8. 局域网上的每个主机将拥有同样的网络地址(,广播地址(,子网掩码(和域名(yourcompanyname.com)。

    Each host in the LAN will have the same network address ( ), broadcast address ( ), subnet mask ( ), and domain name ( yourcompanyname . com ) .

  9. 如果这一帧的硬件地址是广播地址,或者它与本机网络接口层相匹配,此帧就通过这一层送到上一层中适当的协议程序。

    If the hardware address in the frame is a broadcast address , or if it matches the network interface , the frame is passed to the appropriate protocol in the layer above .

  10. 这通常包括ARP广播(地址解析协议),通知网络基础架构一个IP地址已经发生了移动。

    It usually involves an ARP broadcast ( address resolution protocol ) that informs the network infrastructure that an IP address has moved .

  11. 是例如此错误时发生了广播的地址用于Sendto但广播权限不通过setsockopt(SOBROADCAST)设置的。

    For example , this error occurs when a broadcast address is used for sendto but the broadcast permission is not set by using setsockopt ( SO_BROADCAST ) .

  12. 网际多目标广播的地址和主机组的管理

    Management on Address & Host Group of IP Multicast

  13. 提出了一套基于MESH网络,适用于小区无线抄表的特有通信机制和规则:自动回复、广播和指定地址的数据传输的灵活运用。

    We propose a set of communication mechanisms and rules fitting for area wireless meter reading system based on the Mesh network : the flexible use of automated response , broadcast and specified address data transmission .

  14. 此方法利用了平面、交换网络的简洁性,但在为安全性、广播包容或地址管理需要的地方用路由。

    This approach leverages the simplicity of a flat , switched network , but implements routing where necessary for security , broadcast containment or address management .

  15. 借助于探测机制,IPv6客户端可以通过来自于IPv6路由器的广播探测到IPv6地址。

    Using a discovery mechanism , IPv6 clients can discover an IPv6 address by a broadcast from an IPv6 router .

  16. 该文简要介绍了IP多点广播技术的产生、发展和应用,重点分析了它的工作机制,包括多点广播地址构造、Internet组管理协议和路由技术。

    It 's a new technology for multimedia realtime transmission and bulk data transmission . This paper discusses the IP multicast technology , including the conformation of IP multicast address , Internet Group Management Protocol ( IGMP ) and IP multicast routing .