
  • 网络Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital;Guangdong General Hospital
  1. 方法:实验于2005-03/05在广东省人民医院医学研究中心完成。①猪膀胱移行上皮细胞的原代及传代培养。

    METHODS : The experiment was conducted in the Medical Research Center of Guangdong Provincial People 's Hospital between March and May 2005 . ① Porcine bladder urothelial cells were isolated to perform primary culture and subculture .

  2. 方法:对一年来广东省人民医院心内科、心外科的986例CHF病例作横断面调查,依据CHF治疗指南等有关文献对用药情况作客观评估。

    METHOD : 986 CHF cases were studied in our hospital , and the use of medicine were evaluated objectively according to the relevant documents such as the guide of CHF treatment .

  3. 广东省人民医院透析用水和透析液安全质量监控方法的研究

    A study on the quality control of reverse osmosis water and dialysate

  4. 学习运用清远医院管理模式的效应&广东省英德市人民医院调查

    Effects of Studying the Management Model of Qingyuan Hospital

  5. 三易院名的艰难历程&177医院:从全军最小的中心医院更名广东省第二人民医院发展纪实

    A rough journey of changing hospital 's name three times : on-the-spot record of name changes from MILITARY 177 hospital to the second people 's Hospital of Guangdong Province