
  • 网络Qu Jinping;Jing-Ping Qu
  1. 单轴叶片挤出机是由华南理工大学瞿金平教授研制的一种新型高分子成型设备。

    Single vane extruding machine is a new type of polymer processing device , which is invented by Qu Jinping , Professor of South China University of Technology .

  2. 华南理工大学瞿金平教授最新研制的叶片挤出机,其塑化输运过程主要由拉伸流场支配,可以很好地解决上述问题。

    The Polymer Vane Extruder , which is newly designed by Prof. Qu Jinping in SCUT , is a novel equipment for polymer processing . Its plasticizing and conveying mechanism is dominated by elongational flow . It can solve the problems existed in the traditional screw extruder .