
  • 网络Southern Architecture;South Architecture
  1. PURE的核心团队还多次在《时代建筑》、《建筑师》、《城市建筑》、《南方建筑》、《O2》等杂志发表文章。

    PURE 's writing has been published at Architects , Time Architecture , Urban Architecture , South Architecture , O2 , and etc.

  2. 崇圣堂设计格调高雅,具有南方建筑特色。

    Chong Sheng Hall designs elegant and possesses Southern architectural features .

  3. 廊空间在南方建筑设计中的应用研究

    The Research on the Application of Gallery-Space in Architectural Design of South-china

  4. 南方建筑防水设计中的几种常见错误剖析

    Faults in Building Waterproofing Design in South China

  5. 下沉式卫生间是现在南方建筑业普遍采用的卫生间模式,有着十分重要的作用。

    Now it 's very common to use the sinking-mode toilet which plays an important role in Southern China 's architecture .

  6. 外平开窗因其节省室内空间的特点,又有较好的排水性能和良好的好密封果。故此被广泛应用于英国、意大利、东南亚及中国南方建筑。

    Because of saving space , good water-displacing characteristics and nice sealing function casement is widely used in England , Italy , Southeastern Asia and Southern China .

  7. 本文从提高室外活动空间舒适度、改善建筑区域微气候以及建筑节能的角度出发,提出了南方建筑环境设计的新思路。

    Starting from improving the thermal comfortable degree of outdoor environment 、 min - climate of architecture and promoting energy-efficiency of architecture , this paper give a new view of architectural environment planning for south area .

  8. 厦门市作为南方建筑节能综合试点示范城市,加强厦门地区建筑节能技术的研究,对整个夏热冬暖地区建筑节能工作的开展,都有一定的积极意义。

    To potentiate the research on energy-saving technologies of buildings in Xiamen , which acts as an Experimental City Of Energy-Saving Practice in the south , contributes to expansion of the practice in whole hot summer and warm winter zone .

  9. 南方居住建筑围护结构的节能问题

    Electricity Saving by Making Architectural Shield Structures in the South

  10. 南方节能建筑的隔热研究

    Study on solar heat control for buildings in southern area

  11. 南方中学建筑的形态模式

    Shape mode of middle school in the south area

  12. 中国近代南方侨乡建筑的文化特征探析

    Analysis of Cultural Identity of Modern Architecture of Overseas Chinese in South China

  13. 谈南方地区建筑防水设计中的几个误区

    Some mistakes in waterproofing design for buildings in the southern part of China

  14. 可持续建筑实践&南方绿色建筑与节能技术研究展示中心设计

    Sustainable Architecture Practice : Design of Exhibition Center of Southern Green Building and Energy-saving Technology

  15. 皇家节日大厅是南方银行建筑群的一部分,包括三个音乐厅。

    The Festival Hall is part of the South Bank complex , which consists of three concert halls .

  16. 乔治王朝风格的建筑此园具有明清两代南方园林建筑的艺术风格。

    The garden reflects the style of typical architecture of southern China in the Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  17. 花园设计独特,具有明清两代南方的建筑艺术的风格。

    Its unique design is characterized by the styles of both the Ming and Qing Dynasties , which features the ancient southern architectures .

  18. 通过南方某建筑工程有限公司(以下简称建筑公司)诉某铁路施工集团公司(以下简称集团公司)建筑工程合同纠纷一案,引发关于项目管理的启示。

    The construction contract dispute case that a southern engineering limited company appeal to a railway construction company , caused the inspiration to project management .

  19. 豫园体现了明清两代南方园林建筑艺术的风格,被誉为江南第一园林。

    As Yu Garden features the best elements of landscape architecture in south China , it was reputed to be the number-one garden in the Yangtze Delta .

  20. 通过对南方居住建筑室内过热原因及防热途径的分析,着重解决居住建筑的外围护结构的隔热问题,从而达到建筑节能的目的。

    In the paper , the analysis of both overheat and heatproof inside living buildings in the south was made , mainly focused on solving the heat insulation of outer architectural shields so as to save electricity .

  21. 分析研究南方中学建筑的基本构成模式,指出南北方建筑在设计上的差异及其根据,强调遵循当地气候条件因地制宜的设计策略。

    The paper analyzes the principal forming mode of the middle school in the south China and indicates the difference and the design basis between the south and north area , and emphasizes the thoughts of adjusting measures to local conditions .

  22. 通过对南方高校建筑中的架空实例的分析,以及对高校建筑底层架空的作用及影响因素的探讨,总结了南方高校建筑中架空的设计原则及普遍性设计手法。

    Through the analysis on several modern typical architectural cases of southern universities , and the discussion on the effects and underlying factors , the paper further sums up the universal principles and practical methods of overhead space design in southern university buildings .

  23. 南方地区住宅建筑设计多样化的研究

    A Study on the Variation of Apartment Design in South China

  24. 南方丘陵地区建筑适宜技术策略研究

    The Strategy Research on the Appropriate Technique Applied in the South Hilly Areas

  25. 南方丘陵地区建筑群体空间形态特质研究

    The Characteristics of Building Groups ' Spacial Forms in the Hilly Territory of South-China Research

  26. 第五章总结了了我国南方地区居住建筑在设计手法上的要素,与其发展趋势。

    Chapter V summarizes the south of China 's residential building in the design elements of the modus operandi , and its development trend .

  27. 第5章,南方商贸城建筑空间设计手法,结合前面的分析提出商贸城建筑空间的原则和空间处理的手法。

    The 5th chapter , studies the space design technique of south Shopping Mall , it proposes the space design principle and space design technique .

  28. 仅存的古屋以夯土、青砖、青瓦和杉木建造而成,富有中国南方传统乡村建筑特色。

    This remaining old house , built with rammed earth , green bricks , green tiles and timber , is a fine example of traditional southern Chinese village architecture .

  29. 天井是中国南方古民居建筑的一个组成元素,由于自然地域性条件的影响,南方民居慢慢衍化成了天井式民居。

    Courtyard is a component element in the ancient residential houses in southern China . Due to natural regional conditions , southern-style residential houses slowly evolving into the formation of courtyard .

  30. 南方地区传统居住建筑生态性调研

    Ecological investigation of traditional residential architecture in south area