
  • 网络unisa;The University of South Australia;SAIBT
  1. 南澳大学(UniversityofSouthAustralia)的研究人员征集了25名年龄在40岁至70岁的男女受试者参加为期12周的实验。

    Researchers at the University of South Australia recruited 25 men and women ages 40 to 70 for the 12-week study .

  2. 南澳大学以独具创新的教育体系致力于培养未来专业人才。

    The University of South Australia is committed to providing innovative education for tomorrow 's professionals .

  3. 我同意南澳大学就这些申请资料的细节进行任何的询问。

    I authorize the University of South Australia to make any enquiries about the details associated with this application .

  4. 他是南澳大学地理信息与建筑学院的教授,在中国协调和管理南澳大学和澳洲另外几所大学的项目。

    He is Professor of project management in the school of geoinformatics , planning and building at the University of South Australia and facilitates the delivery , coordination and administration of the programs of that university and several other Australian universities in china .