
  • 网络advertising campaign
  1. 在任何广告战中,你都必须强调出自己的产品比竞争对手更好的地方。

    In any advertising campaign , you must accent the areas where your product is better than your competitor 's.

  2. 在圣诞节期间,广告战已达到高潮。

    The advertising campaign reached a crescendo at Christmas .

  3. 一场耗资浩大广告战导致了瓶装水人为的需求。

    An expensive advertising campaign has led to a factitious demand for bottled water .

  4. 广告战、价格战,陷入了你死我活的客户资源争夺之中。

    Advertising campaigns , price war , into a bitter competition for resources among the customers .

  5. 百威广告战

    The Advertising War of Budweiser Beer

  6. 此外,企业之间大打广告战,无谓地浪费许多资金,对社会的发展也没有好处。

    In addition , advertising war between companies meaninglessly wastes a lot of funds without any advantages for social development .

  7. 街头时尚的兴起甚至让各色人物参与代言的广告战变本加厉。

    The rise in street style has even sparked a wider trend in " real people " - led advertising .

  8. 菲茨西蒙斯预测,越来越多的公司将会采取这样的策略。退出广告战,公司可能会在与潜在客户进行的交流中失去主动权。

    More companies will start to do this , Fitzsimons predicts , even though businesses that back out of the ad race risk ceding control of the conversation .

  9. 这类广告战在意大利文化中很可能起不了效用,因为人们早已知道他们有权享受人生。

    Such advertising campaigns would probably not be as effective in the Italian culture , where people already know that they are entitled to enjoyment in this life .

  10. 各白酒企业都认识到原来的价格战、广告战、渠道战已不能满足当前市场竞争需要,打造强势品牌才是市场和利润的长久保证。

    Every liquor enterprise realizes that the former price war , advertisement war and channel war cannot meet the requirements of current market competition any more . Forging a powerful brand is the guarantee to the market and profit .

  11. 然而价格战、广告战、渠道争夺等均未能使电信行业建立起长久的竞争优势,反而由于电信企业竞争加剧,导致整个行业的利润水平的下降。

    However , the price wars , advertising wars , wars of commercial channels , neither can the telecommunications industry to build long-term competitive advantage . On the contrary , the increased competition leads to industry-wide decline in profit levels .

  12. 各大汽车公司为争夺市场不断发起价格战、服务战、广告战、品牌战、公关战等,想方设法在产品的质量、价格、性能、售后服务等方面展开全方位的竞争。

    The major car companies compete for market launching price war , service war , advertising war , brand war , the public relations war , the idea of trying the product quality , price , performance , after-sales service and so on to start all-round competition .

  13. 曾几何时,一些国产洗发水品牌取得了骄人的成绩,然而,在一浪又一浪的广告战、价格战、口水战和渠道战之后,他们迅速陨落,成了名噪一时的品牌。

    Once , some domestic shampoo brand have obtained proud achievement , however , after the advertisement war , the price war , the saliva battle , channel fight once and again , the brand became famous and made an uproar for the moment and passed away rapidly .

  14. 通过全新旗舰产品和旨在争取西方消费者的大手笔广告宣传战,华为(Huawei)将向高端智能手机制造商对手发起最大挑战。

    Huawei will mount its biggest challenge to rival high-end smartphone makers with a revamped flagship device and big budget advertising campaign designed to win over Western consumers .

  15. 移动通信运营商为了获取更多的客户资源和占有更大的市场份额往往采取简单的价格竞争和此起彼伏的广告宣传战,其弊端显而易见。

    Mobile operators in order to obtain more customer resources and a bigger share of the market often take " simple " and " the price competition by the advertisement propaganda ," its drawback is obvious .

  16. 强大的互联网内容也是联想广告宣传闪电战的一大特点。

    Its advertising blitz also features a strong Internet component .

  17. 广告界大量的事实也证明广告战即心理战。

    Many facts in advertisement field prove that " The fight of advertisement is the fight of mentality " .

  18. 互联网广告较之传统广告模式所具有的种种优势,已经成为那些靠发动广告战成功提高交易量的公司的榜样,而且以后还会有人来探索。

    The benefits of internet advertising versus traditional advertising will be explored as well as examples of companies who have launched successful advertising campaigns for their online businesses .

  19. 无论在营销理论研究还是在广告实践方面都普遍认为,广告可以促进产品销售,是市场竞争的重要手段,广告战也成为商战的主要形式。

    From both marketing theory 's point of view and advertisement practice point of view , as a critical means of marketing competition , advertisement can promote sales amount .