
  • 网络guangdong model
  1. 农民工社会保障广东模式与上海模式研究完善非正规就业上海模式的思考

    On Social Security of Rural Migrant Workers between Guangdong Model and Shanghai Model

  2. 我国农民工社会保障制度的缺陷和完善&以广东模式和上海模式为例

    Defect and Perfection of Social Security System for Peasant Workers & A Case Study of Guangdong and Shanghai Model

  3. 现在改革开放可能会配以更加开放的政策这一想法被称为“广东模式”。

    Now the idea that economic liberalism might be matched by greater political openness has come to be called the " Guangdongmodel " .

  4. 金融海啸下再看广东发展模式及其创新

    Re-exam Guangdong Development Mode and its Innovation under the Financial Crisis

  5. A公司国外医疗器械产品广东代理模式改进研究

    Improvement Research on Agent Mode of Medical Equipment of a Company in Guangdong

  6. 只有与时俱进,不断创新,先行先试,科学发展,才能使广东发展模式始终保持旺盛的生命力。

    Only by advancing with the times , continuously innovating , daring to try and foretasting , and developing scientifically , can Guangdong always maintain its development mode with thriving vitality .

  7. 江苏省小城镇发展处于全国的领先水平,形成了与广东珠江模式、浙江温州模式齐名的苏南模式。

    With the high level developments of small towns in Jiangsu province , the south Jiangsu model in Jiangsu province like Zhujiang model in Guangdong province and Wenzhou model in Zhejiang province has been formed .

  8. 广东沼气农业模式的典型调查与思考

    Investigation and analysis of typical biogas agroecosystem models in Guangdong province

  9. 从美国次贷危机探视广东企业商业模式创新

    The Innovation of Guangdong Enterprises Business Model based on the Perspective of Loan Crisis in the United States

  10. 广州白云机场作为全国第三大枢纽机场,其临空经济发展潜力巨大,是支撑广州市、广东省经济模式转型的重要培育点。

    As Guangzhou Baiyun airport is the third-largest hub airport of China , the airport economy is key backbone of economic mode changing in Guangzhou and Guangdong .

  11. 村民自治与广东农村治理模式的发展&珠江三角洲若干经济发达村庄治理模式发展的案例分析

    Villagers ' self-governance and the Development of Governance Model in Rural Area of Guangdong Province : Cases Study on Some High Developed Villages in the Pearl River Delta Area

  12. 对广东电网调度操作模式变更的探讨

    Discussion on Change in Operating Mode of Guangdong Power Grid Dispatching

  13. 广东省代建模式下代建项目信息管理探讨

    Discussion about Information Management under Agent-construction Mode in Guangdong Province

  14. 广东私营企业管理模式问题初探

    The Study of the Management Model of Guangdong Private Enterprise

  15. 广东数字农业实施模式的探讨

    Research on Digital Agricultural Model in Guangdong Province

  16. 发展以高新科技为导向的外向集群型经济&广东经济发展新模式探讨

    Developing high-tech export-oriented conglomerate economy & An exploration of the new econonmic development model of Guangdong Province

  17. 各地都在积极地探索有益的规模经营的形式,并形成了适合当地客观环境的特色模式,如北京顺义的集体农场模式、苏南和广东的家庭农场模式等。

    Model to suit the local characteristics of the objective environment , such as collective farms model in Shunyi District Beijing , the family farm model in southern of Jiangsu Province and Guangdong Province and so on .

  18. 这一部分是本文的重点,通过广东分公司经营模式的研究,以了解广东分公司经营模式存在的问题,并提出相应的改进对策。

    This part is the focus of this article , through the jiangsu branch operation tactics research , in order to understand the guangdong branch operation tactics existing problems , and puts forward some corresponding measures of improvement .

  19. 正文包括:导论、二次创业的广东民营企业、公司治理结构的理论与实践、广东民营企业治理模式分析、优化二次创业的民营企业治理结构的探讨、结论与不足等共六章。

    Chapter three deals with the theories and practices of enterprises : Chapter four is an analysis of the corporate governance modes of private enterprises in Canton : Chapter five is the exploration of the ways to optimize the corporate governance of private enterprises ;