
  1. 体育文化(PhysicalCulture)属于广义文化,具有民族性、地域性和传统性。

    The Physical culture , characteristic of nationality , region and tradition , belongs to the culture in a broad sense ;

  2. 21世纪生产力发展方针的热力学思考&兼论广义文化生产力

    Reflection on Thermodynamics Development Policy of Productivity in the 21st Century

  3. 校园文化建设是社会广义文化中的一个子文化,除娱乐功能外,它还突出地表现为育人功能。

    Campus culture as a part of social culture performs the function of education as well as entertainment .

  4. 而其测试内容所涉列的文化知识以狭义文化为主,缺乏对广义文化掌握情况的考察。

    The contents involved in the investigation were mainly the narrow culture , without studying the mastery of broad culture .

  5. 由狭义、广义文化观到新文化观&兼论文化观与唯物史观的关系

    From narrow and broad views of culture to new view of culture : on relation between cultural views and historical materialism

  6. 但是,认为人类是独立并高于自然界的其他生物的观点仅仅是广义文化样式的一部分。

    But the view of humans as separate and superior to the rest of nature is only part of larger cultural patterns .

  7. 这是社会思想意识体系的重要组成部分,广义文化体系的核心因素之一。

    It is an important part of the social ideological system as well as the central factor of cultural system in a broad sense .

  8. 本文的研究对象是广义文化误译的一个切面,即政治意识形态、文学审美、价值观、宗教及艺术形象五方面的思想文化误译。

    This thesis purports to study cultural mistranslation within a narrow scope-ideational mistranslation in terms of ideology , literary aesthetics , value system , religion and artistic images .

  9. 面对中式命题在住宅领域的再次勃兴,笔者从广义文化构成的层面探究其深层的内在成因。

    Proposition in the residential area of the face of Chinese flourishing again , the author explore the level of general culture of the internal causes of the deep .

  10. 为达到更高程度的相对全面、科学与客观,笔者关注隐藏在翻译选择背后的广义文化因素。

    In order to make the research more scientific and objective , the author mainly pays attention to the culture factors in a broad sense hiding behind the translation choice .

  11. 从逻辑上,后者从属于前者,相当于广义文化的深层结构-精神层面。

    Logically the narrow sense of culture is subject to its wide sense , and the former is equal to the deep structure , the spiritual level , of the latter .

  12. 但是,在广义文化概念中,不仅包括科学知识,而且包括作为历史沉积物和历史联系纽带的存在于人们日常生活之中的文化。

    However , a broader sense culture concept include not only the knowledge of science , buy also the culture of historic inheritance and historic belt that existed in people 's daily lives .

  13. 由狭义和广义文化观到新文化观,不仅是对文化认识的深入,更是对人自身认识的深化。

    A development from narrow and broad views of culture to new view of culture is not only a deepening of the cultural understanding , but also that of the understanding of human beings .

  14. 全球化是一种以经济为先导、以价值观为核心、以政治为辅成、以广义文化为主体的社会合理化与一体化浪潮。

    Globalization is a wave of social rationalization and integration , which takes economy as the forerunner , values as the core , politics as the auxiliary and generalized culture as the main body .

  15. 影视文化是狭义文化的类存在,具有普及性、实践性特点,又改变了人类传统的感知方式和广义文化意义上的心理结构。

    Movie and TV culture , culture in its narrow sense , has the features of practice and popularization and has changed the traditional perceptive mode and the psychological structure of the culture in its broad sense .

  16. 本文立足于当前的社会经济背景,从广义文化的角度,探讨了城市与乡村文化现代化的发展状况,最后指出了城乡文化发展要走可持续发展的道路。

    From the angle of generalized culture , this paper discusses the current status of urban-rural culture modernization in the background of today 's social and economic development , and points out that the construction of urban-rural culture should follow the way of sustainable development .

  17. 学校体育课程的性质应该是广义的文化教育课。

    The nature of PE in schools belongs to cultural education in a broad sense .

  18. 翻译的终极目的是为了促进不同文化间的交流。从本质上看,翻译是以一种语言为载体的文化内涵转换为另一种文化形式的广义的文化翻译。

    Translation is , in its essence , intercultural communication , the ultimate purpose of which is to promote the cross-cultural exchange .

  19. 二是学习过程的外部因素如由于广义的文化休克而造成的师生间教学文化的差异。

    The other is external factors of learning procedure such as different cultures of teaching and learning , which are caused by culture shock .

  20. 广义的文化则包容着整个人类社会逐渐开创的物质文明和精神文明。

    However , the culture in a broad sense contains the material civilization and the spiritual civilization that the whole human society gradually creates .

  21. 以广义的文化概念来看,科学在人类社会发展中从近现代走向后现代。

    According to the broad concept of culture , science is a portion of human culture , which evolves from modern time to post-modern .

  22. 文章的第一部分从地缘因素、历史渊源以及广义的文化背景等三个方面探讨了印度战略文化的来源。

    Part one of this article dwells on the origin of India 's strategic culture through geographical factor , historical evolution and broad culture context .

  23. 一般来说,广义的文化,是指人类在改造自然和改造社会的过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和。

    Generally speaking , the wide sense of culture indicates the sum of material and spiritual fortune that human beings create in reforming nature and society .

  24. 依据大安全观、广义安全文化和安全科学发展观,给出了科学安全生产观的内涵。

    The connotation of concept of scientific work safety is derived from grand safety concept and safety culture and concept of scientific work safety in broad sense .

  25. 本文首先对政治文化的概念进行学理梳理,指出政治文化的概念有三种:广义政治文化说,中义政治文化说和狭义政治文化说。

    At first we analyzing the concept of political culture : there are three kinds of concept , including broad sense , neutral sense and narrow sense .

  26. 广义的文化研究只能是译学研究的一个方向,翻译学的持续发展还是应主要依赖其本体研究,也就是内在性研究。

    Cultural studies can be a direction of translation studies , while the continued development of the translation studies still mainly depend on its ontology research , or internal study .

  27. 广义的文化,是从社会与自然区分的角度定义的,指人类社会历史实践过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,这种对文化的理解又被称之为大文化观。

    Broad sense of culture is defined from the perspective of the distinction between society and nature , which refers to the sum of both material wealth and spiritual wealth created in the process of human history . This kind of cultural understanding is also called the Great Culture .

  28. 美国纪录片制作人皮特•杰勒德坚持认为是某个纽约DJ首次将说唱定义为广义的嘻哈文化,而这种神秘的说法也被当作事实广为接受。

    US documentarian Peter Gerard insists a New York DJ was the first to describe rap as a broader part of a hip-hop culture , a myth that 's become widely accepted as fact .

  29. 第一部分,从广义范畴阐述文化与国际关系的逻辑关系。

    In part one , the author expounds the logical connection between culture and international relations .

  30. 广义的信息文化,是指信息社会或信息时代的文化;

    The definition of information culture in its broad sense is the culture in information society and information era ;