
The Physical culture , characteristic of nationality , region and tradition , belongs to the culture in a broad sense ;
Reflection on Thermodynamics Development Policy of Productivity in the 21st Century
Campus culture as a part of social culture performs the function of education as well as entertainment .
The contents involved in the investigation were mainly the narrow culture , without studying the mastery of broad culture .
From narrow and broad views of culture to new view of culture : on relation between cultural views and historical materialism
But the view of humans as separate and superior to the rest of nature is only part of larger cultural patterns .
It is an important part of the social ideological system as well as the central factor of cultural system in a broad sense .
This thesis purports to study cultural mistranslation within a narrow scope-ideational mistranslation in terms of ideology , literary aesthetics , value system , religion and artistic images .
Proposition in the residential area of the face of Chinese flourishing again , the author explore the level of general culture of the internal causes of the deep .
In order to make the research more scientific and objective , the author mainly pays attention to the culture factors in a broad sense hiding behind the translation choice .
Logically the narrow sense of culture is subject to its wide sense , and the former is equal to the deep structure , the spiritual level , of the latter .
However , a broader sense culture concept include not only the knowledge of science , buy also the culture of historic inheritance and historic belt that existed in people 's daily lives .
A development from narrow and broad views of culture to new view of culture is not only a deepening of the cultural understanding , but also that of the understanding of human beings .
Globalization is a wave of social rationalization and integration , which takes economy as the forerunner , values as the core , politics as the auxiliary and generalized culture as the main body .
Movie and TV culture , culture in its narrow sense , has the features of practice and popularization and has changed the traditional perceptive mode and the psychological structure of the culture in its broad sense .
From the angle of generalized culture , this paper discusses the current status of urban-rural culture modernization in the background of today 's social and economic development , and points out that the construction of urban-rural culture should follow the way of sustainable development .
The nature of PE in schools belongs to cultural education in a broad sense .
Translation is , in its essence , intercultural communication , the ultimate purpose of which is to promote the cross-cultural exchange .
The other is external factors of learning procedure such as different cultures of teaching and learning , which are caused by culture shock .
However , the culture in a broad sense contains the material civilization and the spiritual civilization that the whole human society gradually creates .
According to the broad concept of culture , science is a portion of human culture , which evolves from modern time to post-modern .
Part one of this article dwells on the origin of India 's strategic culture through geographical factor , historical evolution and broad culture context .
Generally speaking , the wide sense of culture indicates the sum of material and spiritual fortune that human beings create in reforming nature and society .
The connotation of concept of scientific work safety is derived from grand safety concept and safety culture and concept of scientific work safety in broad sense .
At first we analyzing the concept of political culture : there are three kinds of concept , including broad sense , neutral sense and narrow sense .
Cultural studies can be a direction of translation studies , while the continued development of the translation studies still mainly depend on its ontology research , or internal study .
Broad sense of culture is defined from the perspective of the distinction between society and nature , which refers to the sum of both material wealth and spiritual wealth created in the process of human history . This kind of cultural understanding is also called the Great Culture .
US documentarian Peter Gerard insists a New York DJ was the first to describe rap as a broader part of a hip-hop culture , a myth that 's become widely accepted as fact .
In part one , the author expounds the logical connection between culture and international relations .
The definition of information culture in its broad sense is the culture in information society and information era ;