
  • 网络cultural origins;origin of culture
  1. 简要探讨了英语成语的基本特征和文化起源,旨在加深英语学习者对成语的基本特征,特别是对其所承载的丰富文化信息的认识。

    This thesis made a brief exploration of the basic characteristics and cultural origins of English idioms , with a view to enhancing learners ' understanding of these characteristics , especially of the rich cultural connotations conveyed in these idioms .

  2. 地名的命名总是有它不同寻常的由来和含义,一般与当时的历史背景、地理环境、社会生活、民族习俗等密切相关,是一个地区、一个民族文化起源、社会发展的真实记录。

    The place name assigns always have unusual origin and meaning as the place-name closely related to the general historical background , geographical conditions , social life , and the place-name is a region 、 a cultural origins and is alse the true record of social development .

  3. 今天的马里奥特文化起源于马里奥特70多年的成功经验。

    Today 's Marriott culture is rooted in70 years of success .

  4. 美洲大陆的文化起源及其发展

    On the Origin and Development of the Culture of the American Continent

  5. 龙文化起源的时间地点

    Time place and the influence of the Dragon culture origin

  6. 原始体育文化起源的考古学研究

    Archaeological research on the origin of original sport culture

  7. 西南茶文化起源的民族学考察

    Ethnological Investigation on the Origin of the Tea Culture in South west China

  8. 在酒文化起源上,中西方的看法完全不同。

    Origin of the wine culture , the Western view is entirely different .

  9. 汉文化起源辨析:考古学历史语言学的观点

    Analysis of the Origin of Han Culture in Archaeological and Historical Linguistic Perspective

  10. 土家族传统体育文化起源刍议

    Discussion on Origins of Tujia Traditional Sports Culture

  11. 嘻哈文化起源于非洲传统的打击乐和口述故事。

    Hip-hop has its roots in the African traditions of percussion and oral storytelling .

  12. 西方文化起源于古希腊。

    Western culture began in Ancient Greece .

  13. 成都民间传统文化起源于民间,发展自百姓是中华传统文化中的瑰宝。

    Chengdu traditional culture originated in folk custom as a treasure of traditional Chinese culture .

  14. 玉文化起源与延续探析

    The origin and development of jade culture

  15. 像凌家滩就一个龙,很难说是中华玉文化起源。

    Like Lingjiatan on a long , hard to say the origin of Chinese jade culture .

  16. 西北古代少数民族宗法文化起源的主要特征&北方古代游牧民族宗法文化研究之一

    The Main Characteristics of the Patriarchal Cultural Origin of the Ancient Minority Ethnic Groups in Western China

  17. 从涯密、密唧语源看竹筒饭和啖鼠文化起源

    The Cultural Origin of Bamboo-tube Rice and Eating-rat in the Light of Etymology of Yami and Miji

  18. 中国是茶的故乡,是茶文化起源和传播的中心。

    China is the tea hometown , is the center of Tea culture ' origin and dissemination .

  19. 村庄是人类聚居地的起源,也是人类历史文化起源与发展的地方。

    The village is the origin of human settlements , and also the origin of human history and culture .

  20. 从考古学上谈岫岩玉在中国玉文化起源中的地位与作用

    A Discussion to the Xiuyan Jade 's Position and Function in the Origin of Chinese Jade 's Culture from Archaeology

  21. “一个食品了街头文化起源于市场与露天晚上用餐,像东南亚的,”她说。

    " A lot of street foods originate in cultures with open-air dining , like Southeast Asia 's night markets ," she says .

  22. 鸳蝴文化起源于士大夫和市民文化的结合,经历了“由雅到俗”的过程;

    Yuanhu-style culture originates from the combination of scholar-bureaucrat culture and townsfolk culture and it experienced the process " from elegance to vulgarity ";

  23. 现代隔网体育运动文化起源于西方国家,表现浓厚的西方色彩,与我国传统体育文化存在显著差异。

    Modern netted - sports culture originates from western countries , which expresses strong western style and differentiates greatly from our traditional sports culture .

  24. 本文扼要地叙述了中华文化起源、元典、形成发展和转型更新诸时代所表现出来的传统一贯的基本特点。

    This paper gives a brief introduction to the essential features of Chinese culture in the different periods of origin , formation , development and transition .

  25. 中国花文化起源与形成研究(二)&中国花文化形成与中华悠久文明历史及数千年花卉栽培历史的关系

    Formation and development of Chinese flower culture & The relationship between development of Chinese flower culture and civilization as well as cultivation history of ornamental plants

  26. 探讨古希腊哲学与犹太教的具体融合是解释整个西方文化起源的关键。

    It is an important issue in the interpretation of the origin of the whole Western culture to describe the merging between Greek philosophy and Judaism .

  27. 中国传统文化起源于人对自然真象的整体领悟,是人在生存实践中对自然规律的敬畏与尊重而形成的一种文化形态。

    Chinese traditional culture , which origins from the apperception of nature , is a culture morphology shaping from human 's survive practice and nature respect .

  28. 从早期人类生理、心理及应用等三个方面探讨了花卉审美意识的产生与发展过程,对中国花文化起源与形成进行了分析和论述。

    The theoretic analysis on how Chinese flower culture was formed and developed from three aspects of man 's psychology , physiology and flower application in this article .

  29. 园林静态观赏空间与其文化起源、地域特性和人的审美意识有着直接的联系。

    Aiming to solve culture conflict , this thesis starts with historical sources and spatial characteristics to analyze the internal and external factors in static space , which can affect visual taste .

  30. 文章从中西医学之文化起源、思维方式、哲学思想和研究对象等方面之差异进行了比较性探讨。

    The paper made a comparative investigation from the difference of cultural origin , thinking ways , philosophical concept and studying targets of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) and western medicine .