
wén zì chǔ lǐ ruǎn jiàn
  • word processor
  1. 现在文字处理软件都有拼写检查(SpellingCheck),您实在没有理由拼错,否则雇主会觉得您连最基本的东西都不去做。

    Now a word processor has spell Check ( Spelling Check ), you really have no reason misspelled , otherwise employers will think you even the most basic things to do .

  2. 有时文字处理软件有助校对工作。

    Sometimes your word processor can help to check this .

  3. 就受欢迎程度而言,电子制表软件仅次于文字处理软件。

    The spreadsheet application is second only to word processing in terms of popularity .

  4. 本系统是为与文字处理软件配合使用而设计的。

    The system is designed to be used in conjunction with a word processing program .

  5. 应用文字处理软件Word管理医院药品检验文书

    The Application of Microsoft Word in Managing Hospital Pharmaceutical Test Documents

  6. Labwindows/CVI是一款面向测控领域的开发工具,而Word是一款应用广泛的文字处理软件。

    Labwindows / CVI is a development tool for measurement , and Word is a abroad applying software of the word processing .

  7. 市面上许多文字处理软件均容许使用者以html格式储存文件。

    Many word processing software in the market allow users to save their documents in HTML format .

  8. 盖茨与乔布斯签约,同意为后者开发生动形象的新版数据表和文字处理软件,分别称为Excel和Word,再加上BASIC语言。

    Gates signed on to do graphical versions of a new spreadsheet called excel , a word-processing program called word , as well as basic .

  9. 目标行业包括文字处理软件、HTML编辑工具、站点开发工具、图像生成和表现工具以及多媒体制作开发商。

    Target industries include developers of word processors , HTML editing tools , website development tools , image creation and manipulation tools , and multimedia production tools .

  10. 他展示微软文字处理软件,幻灯片制作,微软网页浏览器以及媒体播放机在ARM运行的版本,但是没有说明第三方开发者将如何处理交换机。

    He demonstrated versions of Microsoft Word , PowerPoint , Internet Explorer and Media Player running under ARM , but didn 't say how third-party developers would deal with the switch .

  11. 文章阐述了如何将CAD绘图软件与WORD文字处理软件有机地结合使用,从而使电机图样与其相关的技术文件巧妙地融合在一起。

    This paper gives a description of how to use the CAD drawing software in organic combination with WORD literal processing software , thus making a motor drawing integrate with relevant technical documents organically .

  12. Unicode标准提供了足够的信息,让文字处理软件能够以有意义的方式组合字符。

    The Unicode standard provides just enough information to let text-processing software combine characters in a meaningful fashion .

  13. 使用结果表明,本中文文字处理软件包具有可靠、灵活、方便等特点。适合我国办公室自动化(OA)系统中一般的中文文字处理工作。

    CWP is characterized by features of reliability , flexibility , and convenience . Results show that it is suitable for Chinese Word Processing in office automation in China .

  14. 基因编辑技术利用酶来搜寻特定的DNA序列,但就像文字处理软件的搜索功能可能在意想不到的地方挑出一串字符那样,酶也可能以类似的方式附着于错误的DNA片段。

    The technology uses enzymes to search for particular sequences of DNA - but , just as it is possible for a search facility in word-processing software to pick out a string of letters in an unexpected place , the enzymes might similarly latch on to the wrong stretch of DNA .

  15. 本文采用语料库和计算机相结合手段,运用了文字处理软件FOXPR0.研究表明了英语中Be-Ven这一典型结构是中国学生们使用最频繁的表达被动含义的结构。

    It is computer-aided and corpus-based . The software for word processing , FOXPRO was employed . The results indicate that " Be-Ven ", the typical structure of the passive voice in English , is the most frequently used pattern by Chinese students to convey passiveness .

  16. 我为报纸工作时使用文字处理软件。

    I 've used word-processing programs for my work on the newspaper .

  17. 一个能够保存纯文本文件的文本编辑器或文字处理软件。

    A text editor or word processor that can save in plain text format .

  18. 与其说是文本编辑器,还不如说是一个文字处理软件。

    It 's more like a word processor than it is a simple text editor .

  19. 不过在文字处理软件中,用的是大写字母I形状的一个I型标。

    Text-processing applications , however , use an I-beam pointer that is shaped like a capital I.

  20. 文字处理软件中可以检查出拼写错误的一种电子词典。

    An electronic dictionary in a word processor that can be used to catch misspelled words .

  21. 如果您使用文字处理软件,请确保您的文件是以纯文本格式保存的。

    Be sure to save your file as plain text if you are using a word processor .

  22. 利用《通用字符集》和文字处理软件Word2000,解决生僻字输入计算机。

    How to Use Information Technology-Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set and Word 2000 Input Rarely-used Chinese Characters .

  23. 1982年,我还创办了库兹威尔应用智能公司,目的是开发利用声音激活程序的文字处理软件。

    I also started Kurzweil Applied Intelligence in1982 with the goal of creating a voice-activated word processor .

  24. 如今的剪辑师却是坐在电脑桌前,他们在屏幕上移动画面就像用文字处理软件挪动段落那么轻松。

    These days , they sit at computers , moving scenes around as easily as paragraphs in a word processor .

  25. 如果你是使用文字处理软件写自荐信的,要将格式都清除掉,并且保存为简单的文本形式。

    If you write a cover letter in a word-processing program , strip away all formatting and save the file as plain text .

  26. 文字处理软件,可以用于不仅为作家,但对于那些能够提供秘书服务,走出自己的房子。

    Word processing software can be used not only for writers but for those that can offer secretarial services out of their house .

  27. 传统的文本格式的文件、简历等现在可以将图像纳入其中了,这还得感谢图像在文字处理软件和编排格式增强手段中的广泛应用。

    Traditionally text-based documents , resumes may now incorporate images thanks to the widespread use of graphics in word processing programs and formatting enhancements .

  28. 然而,失明的人能够使用复印机或文字处理软件是非常有用的。

    It is , however , very useful for people who are blind to be able to use a copy machine or word processor .

  29. 如果你是精通微软文字处理软件稀有人才中的一个,看在上帝的份上,一定要说明。

    If you 're one of those rare candidates who has proficiency in Microsoft Word , then for God 's sake , mention it .

  30. 如果对自由写作感兴趣,你需要一台电脑,高速运行的网络和文字处理软件,如微软文字。

    If you are interested in this job , you will need a computer , high-speed internet and a word processor such as MS Word .