
  • 网络cultural determinism;culture determinism;encuhuration
  1. 后现代研究范式和可持续发展研究范式都是文化决定论,只是从很高的价值观层面来思考问题,不仅没有超越马克思,而且也不能从根本上解决问题。

    Post-modern paradigm and sustainable development paradigm are both cultural determinism . They consider the issue from a very high level of values and not only do not go beyond Marx , but also can not fundamentally solve the problem .

  2. 贺麟从新儒家的文化决定论出发,把近代以来的民族危机归结为文化危机,力图通过儒学的现代化寻求民族复兴的出路。

    Based on the cultural determinism of Neo-Confucianism , He Lin attributed the national crisis since former modern times to cultural crisis and tried to modernize the Confucianism in order to seek the way which can help the revival of Chinese nation .

  3. 分析了诸如效用最大化、传统文化决定论、生产方式决定论以及养儿防老等理论假设所包含的限制性条件。

    It analyzes the restrictive conditions of some theoretical hypothesis , such as the theory of maximum usefulness , traditional culture determination , production mode determination , and bearing son for old age etc.

  4. Ogburn等人为代表的将思维方式和语言方式划归为同一层次,隶属于文化之下,即文化决定语言和思维论。

    Ogburn 's claim which classifies thought and language in the same category under culture .

  5. 从古到今,各国学者对于语言和文化的关系的讨论层出不穷、各执一词,比如语言决定论,文化决定论等等。

    There are several theories of the relationship between language and culture such as linguistic determinism and cultural determinism , etc. .

  6. 个人与社会文化的关系是人类学研究的一个重要议题,很多人类学家都对该问题进行过有意义的探索,得出了社会文化决定论、个体行动决定论和互动理论三种不同的学说。

    The relationship between individual and social culture is an important topic discussed by Anthropology . It represents " Sociocultural Determinism ", " Individual Behavior Determinism " and " Interaction Theory " concluded by many anthropologists through a useful effort for research .