
  • 网络political system
  1. 公共政策作为政治系统的输出,其自身蕴藏着社会共同的善(commongood)、正义(公正)和效率三重价值向度和价值指归。

    As the output of the political system , the public policies contain the society 's common good , justice ( righteousness ) and three layers of value orientation of efficiency .

  2. 政治系统与政治文明建设的互动

    Mutual Promotion of Political System and the Construction of Political Civilization

  3. 西方政治系统理论的二元性更是起了推波助澜的作用。

    The duality of western political system theory has fueled it .

  4. 社会主义和谐政治系统建设路径探析

    Probing into the Approach to Building Socialist Harmonious Political System

  5. 政治系统分析:成就、挑战及前景

    System Analysis of Politics : Achievements , Challenges and Future

  6. 美国对华决策政治系统及要求

    American China Policy Decision : Its Political Structure and Requirements

  7. 当然,在美国政治系统内也有类似的“占卜者”。

    There are tea-leaf readers in the American system too , of course .

  8. 二是输出,这是政治系统运行的功能。

    Two is the output , which is the function of political system .

  9. 政策主体的合法性对政策系统和政治系统具有重要影响。

    The legitimacy makes a great impact on policy system and political system .

  10. 区域性政治系统的优劣比较

    Comparison between Optimal and General Regional Political System s

  11. 以政治系统观点来分析组织,第40-49页。

    The organization as a political system , pp.40-49 .

  12. 现代政治系统中的信任问题研究

    The Study of Trust in Modern Political System

  13. 此外,政治系统本身也阻碍了妇女参政。

    Furthermore the system in China itself also prevents an increase of women in politics .

  14. 美国政治系统似乎对赤字有慢性偏见症。

    For good or ill , the American political system has a chronic deficit bias .

  15. 第二,俄罗斯僵化的政治系统再也经不起折腾了。

    Second , Russia 's rigid political system no longer allows much room for manoeuvre .

  16. 三是反馈和再输出,这是政治系统运行的关键。

    Three is the feedback and output , which is the key of political system performance .

  17. 在议会、政府、政党、其他国家机构等政治系统中女性政治家的比例和职位也都处于高位。

    The proportion and position of Finnish women in the political institutions are also very high .

  18. 更加一体化的经济和政治系统&德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔;一体化的欧洲。

    A more closely integrated economic and political system - Dwight D.Eisenhower ; an integrated Europe .

  19. 面对全球金融和商业情况,没有任何一个政治系统能够单刀赴会。

    Confronted by global finance and business , no political system seems able to cope alone .

  20. 可持续发展的最终实现,取决于政治系统的持续稳定状态。政治可持续稳定,既是实现可持续发展的重要前提,又是可持续发展的应有之义。

    The key of the final realization of sustainable development is the continuing situation of political system .

  21. 这不利于县级政治系统在结构与功能上持续性的稳定发展,其直接后果会影响到县域社会的稳定、有序与和谐的发展。

    This handicaps the sustainable and steady development of county-level political system in the structure and function .

  22. 唯有如此,政治系统才能获得稳固,持久的政治合法性。

    Only in these ways , the political system could acquire a stable , lasting political legitimacy .

  23. 舆论监督机构内在于政治系统,成为政府的机关;

    The institution on supervision by public opinion belongs to political system and become the department of government .

  24. 哲学与政治系统分析视野中的《中国官僚政治研究》

    A Study of the Research of Chinese Bureaucracy in the Perspective of Philosophy and Political Systems Analysis ;

  25. 任何政治系统要维持、发展或有序化,都必须有一定的政治资源供给。

    Any political system requiring maintenance , development and systematization should have a certain supply of political resource .

  26. 基于自身商业利益,他与各国政治系统建立良好关系,通过编织政治网络,获取关键资源;

    He has and keeps friendly relations with the politics systems of many counties practicing his commercial interests .

  27. 我们的政治系统乱作一团但我们跨越了获得学位时的这段时期

    Our political system was in chaos But as we strode across that stage to receive our diplomas .

  28. 本文将政治系统划分为政治意识系统、政治设施系统和政治行为系统。

    This thesis divides political system into three parts : political awareness , political establishment and political actions .

  29. 但这个策略的设计者并没有充分考虑到困扰美国政治系统的极端两极化现象。

    But the designers of this strategic approach failed to fully consider the extreme polarization besetting our political system .

  30. 它能够保障政治系统的良性运行,增强政治权威的合法性,有效地实现政治整合。

    It can ensure political system run smoothly , strengthen the legitimacy of political authority and realize political integration effectively .