
  • 网络political party system
  1. 多党合作体系建立了一个新的政党体系形式,一个自成一体的独特体系。

    The multi-party cooperation system has created a new form of political party system in the world , a unique system by itself .

  2. 可以预见,随着未来环境因素和主要行为主体将趋于稳定,不断往复于多党与两党体系间的钟摆将停滞下来,政党体系趋于稳定化。

    It can be foreseen that the environmental factors and main actors will stabilize . The pendulum oscillating between the multi-party and two-party system will come to a stop . The party system of ROK will become stabilized .

  3. 政党体系与政党体系的形成原因一直是政治学界的焦点课题。

    One important research subject in political science is party systems and its causes .

  4. 中国复杂而艰巨的现代化任务需要一个能在社会融合中实施强有力的职能的政党体系。

    China 's arduous and complicated modernization task requires a political system that has a strong function in social integration .

  5. 以罗斯伯里勋爵为代表的自由派帝国主义者认为英国的政党体系破坏了效率,只有实现政党之间的合作,进行社会改革,才能使我们的国民达到帝国的需求。

    The liberal-imperialists , Lord Rosebery as the representative , held the view that the British party system undermined the efficiency . Only through the cooperation between the political parties as well as social reform , could we make our citizens reach the needs of the empire .

  6. 不论是实施严厉紧缩措施的国家,还是几乎不实施紧缩措施的国家,选民们都开始对政党政治体系及其代表们丧失信心。

    In some countries that are implementing strict austerity , and in others that are barely practising it at all , voters are starting to lose faith in the party political system and its representatives .

  7. 党员主体地位,是指广大党员是政党政治体系中的角色主体,在政党党内生活和党的建设实践中居于主体地位,发挥主体功能。

    The principal position of party members mean that Party members act as principal role in the political system of a party in power , stand on the principal position and fulfill the principal functions in the inner-Party life and activities .

  8. 论中国特色政党制度价值体系的构建

    On Establishment of the Value System of the Political Party System with Chinese Characteristics

  9. 李普塞特和罗坎所提出的理论为选举分析与政党、政党体系研究提供了一个全新的视角。

    Cleavage offers a new perspective of studies on election , party and party systems .

  10. 然而政党和政党体系的稳定和力量,非取决于人为的臆想,而在于其制度化水平和参政水平。

    However the stabilization of political party and the system of political party does not depend on artificial think , it lies in its institutionalization level and participation level .

  11. 韩国的精英和派系客观上促进了政党的聚散分合,推动了政党体系的变化与发展。

    Objectively speaking , elites and factions have promoted the integration and disintegration of parties and the evolution and development of the party system .

  12. 政党政治传播是指政党通过自身组织体系或大众媒体,传播其政治主张及路线方针政策以形成政治舆论的过程。

    Political communication of parties is a process that parties disseminate their political ideas and policies through their own organizations or mass media to form political public opinions .