
  1. 他补充说,维和行动不能替代政治接触,也不是解决冲突根源的工具。

    He added that the peacekeeping operation cannot be a substitute for political engagement , and is not a tool for addressing the causes of the conflict .

  2. 受国内国际因素的影响,新加坡对华政策经历了三个演变阶段:发展对华贸易,承认新中国,但不与中国进行政治接触;

    It has gone through three stages : Singapore had established commercial relations with China and recognized The People 's Republic of China but refused any political contact ;

  3. 该观点认为:政治就像其他接触性竞技运动一样,可能是残忍的,但仍然有规则。

    P9 : Like other contact sports , the argument runs , politics can be brutal , but it still has rules .

  4. 过去20年来,西方企业和跨国公司一直主张加强与中国之间的政治和商业接触,以期进入这个全球最大的潜在市场。

    For the past 20 years , Western and multinational corporations have argued for greater political and commercial engagement with China in the hope of gaining access to the biggest potential market in the world .

  5. 她选择议题层面和政治内容来调节与政治接触的程度(我也是如此),但她没有探讨内部个别项目之间的变化。

    She chooses issue areas and political contexts to vary the level of engagement with politics ( same thing that I do ), but she doesn 't look at inter-individual variation as much .

  6. 大众传媒是都市职业女性政治表达的主要渠道,对传媒政治功能的认知不同,其政治接触行为也不同,大众传媒对政治性社会参与的宣传影响着都市职业女性的社会参与。

    The mass media comprises a main political expression channel of metropolitan career women . Different recognitions of mass media 's political function result in different political contact behaviors , propaganda of social participation with political character on mass media influences the social participation of metropolitan career women .