
  • 网络Riverlands;Doab;Transoxiana
  1. 他们几乎烧掉了河间地的所有东西:我们的田地;我们的粮仓;

    They burned most everything in the Riverlands : Our fields ; Our granaries ;

  2. 你上过河间地的姑娘吗?

    You ever fuck a Riverlands girl ?

  3. 我们那时候,如果你没有…上全七国每一国的姑娘就不能算是真男人另外还要加上河间地的.

    Back in our day , you weren 't a real man until you 'd fucked one girl from each of the Seven Kingdoms and the Riverlands .

  4. 当你喝醉酒后找个可怜的河间地女人放进你那话儿并完成所谓的满八.再喝口酒吧,陛下?

    If you were drunk enough and had some poor Riverlands whore to shove your prick inside and make the eight . More wine , Your Grace ?

  5. 这些士兵的作用很重要,因为他们对二丫很友好,给了她食物和酒,还向她解释他们是河间地的和平卫士。

    The soldiers are important simply because they 're nice to Arya , offering her food and booze , before explaining their role as peacemakers in the Riverlands .

  6. 《权游》第7季的卡司中有一位新演员非常显眼。艾莉亚?史塔克(二丫)将佛雷家族团灭后,骑马穿过河间地时被空中飘来的一阵清唱和声所吸引,她偶遇了一群喜欢音乐的士兵。

    There was a conspicuous addition to the cast during the Season 7 premiere of " Game of Thrones . " As Arya Stark made her way on horseback through the Riverlands after murdering the entire Frey clan , she was captivated by the sound of harmonic cheesiness floating on the breeze .

  7. 不出所料,人物在这个网络中的影响力与书中体现的几乎一模一样。丹妮莉丝独霸东方,珊莎和提利昂与瑟曦、詹姆、泰温等人在君临城南端,琼恩·雪诺远在北方,那时还活着的凯特琳和罗伯处于河间地西部。

    Unsurprisingly , the network spread the influence of characters pretty much where they were based in the books - Daenerys , isolated off in the East , Sansa and Tyrion down in the south in Kings Landing ( among the likes of Cersei , Jamie , and Tywin ) , Jon Snow far to the north ,