
  1. 印度的历史教科书及其相关问题

    Indian Historical Text-books and Related Issues A History of Pi

  2. 你是不是觉得中国人比印度人优越?我在试着弄懂你为什么这么贬低印度的历史。

    Do you feel that Chinese are superior to Indians ? I 'm trying to understand why you have such a negative view of Indian history .

  3. 在印度的历史,宗教和宗教神话,印度一直贯穿这个古老的文明,即使在今天仍然是印度社会各阶层的一个组成部分的文化。

    In India 's history , religion and religious myths India has been run through this ancient civilization , and even today remains India all sectors of the community an integral part of culture .

  4. 这位作家从印度的早期历史开始谈起。

    This author begins by reffering to the early history of India .

  5. 印度茶业的历史与现状

    Tea Industry in India , Past and present

  6. 现代印度发展的历史证明,企业的自利往往比利他主义对社会更有益。

    The history of modern India is proof that corporate self-interest is often more useful to society than altruism .

  7. 历史学家认为,中世纪印度次大陆的历史一片黑暗,玄奘是唯一的光芒。

    Many historians believe that the history of India subcontinent experienced darkness in the Middle Ages , and the only light was Xuan Zang .

  8. 东印度公司的历史经历,可分为两个阶段,这两个阶段,在整个二十世纪不断重复,周而复始。

    In the historical experience of England in the East India Company there are two distinct phases , phases which actually repeat themselves recurrently even throughout the twentieth century .

  9. 印度石油工业的历史

    The india Oil Industry in History

  10. 本文回顾了印度安全卫生立法的历史进程,分析了印度工业事故及职业病的现行趋势。

    This article reviews the historical progress of safety and health legislation in India .

  11. 第三部分是通过上文对印度近代知识分子形成的历史条件的分析而得出的启示。

    The third part is the enlightenment on the base of the front article analysis .

  12. 南非南部沿大西洋和印度洋的省和历史地区。

    A province and historical region of southern South africa on the atlantic and Indian oceans .

  13. 首先,对冷战时期印度亚太安全战略的历史演变作了回顾。

    Firstly , it retrospects the historical evolution of Indian Asia-Pacific security strategy during the Cold War .

  14. 印度佛教中国化的历史路径西北佛教历史文化地理研究

    The Historic Way of the Sinicization of Buddhism Historical Geographical Study of Buddhist Culture in Northwest China

  15. 念珠在印度已有几世纪的历史,它用来帮助虔诚的印度教徒和佛教徒修禅的时候集中注意。

    They have been used in India for centuries to assist devout Hindus and Buddhists in staying focused during prayerful meditation .

  16. 中国、俄罗斯和印度在经济方面的历史业绩,根本没有漫长到足以证明它们能够支撑一种储备货币。

    China , Russia and India simply do not have long enough economic track records to justify backing a reserve currency .

  17. 文章首先探讨了印度大国战略产生的历史和现实原因,回顾了印度大国战略思想的发展演变。

    The paper firstly explores the historical reasons of its great power strategy and how it develops nowadays in the global context dating back to its sources .

  18. 本文从宗教哲学、社会伦理及论辩术三方面考察了古印度逻辑思想产生的历史背景,重点分析了印度逻辑思想的一般特征。

    According to its author , Indian logical thoughts had three main characteristics of logical forms in dialectics , theoretical aim to practice and development at an elementary stop .

  19. 印度的地缘位置、历史文化和丰厚的人才优势,加上近些年不断上升的经济、军事实力,使其争取世界大国地位的信心明显增强。

    India 's geo-position , history and culture and rich human resources as well as its continuous growth in economic and military strength , have made it more confident in its bid for world power status .

  20. 报告提到了印度说英语人数落后于中国的诸多原因。首先,印度的殖民地历史,使其在对待英语的态度上十分矛盾,同时它还希望保留当地语言。

    The report points to various reasons why India 's English has fallen behind China 's. First , India 's colonial heritage has left it with an ambivalent attitude to English , along with a desire to preserve local languages .

  21. 印度是世界上著名的古文明、宗教和精神性的诞生地,印度的城市历史不可谓不悠久。

    India is a world-famous birthplace of ancient civilizations , religions and spirituality and it is also a cradle of the oldest world cities .