
  1. 印度尼西亚地震死亡人数已经增加到57人,仍有多人受伤及失踪。

    Indonesia Quake Death The death toll from an earthquake in Indonesia has reached 57 with scores injured and missing .

  2. 印度尼西亚再次发生地震。

    Indonesia has been rocked again by an earthquake .

  3. 今天印度尼西亚发生强力地震,至少25人死亡。

    At least 25 people were killed when a powerful earthquake struck Indonesia today .

  4. 印度尼西亚发生强烈地震

    A strong quake jolts Indonesia

  5. 印度尼西亚7级地震后的救援行动继续进行。

    Rescue Efforts Continue After Indonesia Earthquake Rescue efforts continue in the aftermath of a magnitude 7.0 earthquake that hit Indonesia .

  6. 在刚刚过去的几周内,世界目睹了发生在印度尼西亚的强地震,菲律宾的台风以及袭击萨摩亚和邻近岛屿的毁灭性海浪。

    In just the past few weeks , the world has witnessed the destructive powers of earthquakes in Indonesia , typhoons in the Philippines , and the destructive sea waves that struck Samoa and neighboring islands .

  7. 首先,官员们正在对袭击岛国印度尼西亚的大规模地震进行回应。地震发生在周一晚上,目前已经造成100多人死亡,另外几百人失踪。

    First up , officials respond to a massive earthquake that hit the island nation of Indonesia . This happened on Monday night . More than a hundred people were killed ; several hundred others were missing .