
mín fáng
  • Civilian housing;a house owned by a citizen
民房 [mín fáng]
  • [a house owned by a citizen] 产权归个人的住宅,房屋

民房[mín fáng]
  1. 村内高压线使用统一的线杆分到各户,不能横穿民房。

    The high tension line inside the village uses unified string to divide each , cannot traverse a house owned by a citizen .

  2. 侵略军强行拆毁民房。

    The invading troops tore down the people 's houses by force .

  3. 利用BP神经网络模型对民房安全进行预测,并对爆破参数进行优化。

    Lately , the forecast of the civil houses ' safety by using BP neural net model and optimize of the blasting parameters will also be discussed in the dissertation .

  4. 我们的目的地是老城东茶屋街(HigashiChaya-Gai),那是一片美丽的木质民房。

    Our destination was the beautiful old wood-fronted part of town called Higasha Chaya-Gai .

  5. 然而,政府发言人MoussaIbrahim声称北约战机没有击中目标,而是击中了附近的民房。

    Government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim , however , ed that NATO warplanes missed their target , instead striking civilian houses nearby .

  6. 匹兹堡一民房发生火警,造成五名儿童丧生。

    Five children died in a row house fire in Pittsburgh .

  7. 民房抗震加固实践和理论探讨

    The practice and theory probe of house earthquake - resistance reinforcement

  8. 农村民房的地震破坏特征与震害预测

    Destructive Characteristics of Rural Buildings by Earthquakes and Seismic Damage Prediction

  9. 流水线制造工艺被运用于建造民房。

    Assembly-line manufacturing techniques were applied to the building of homes .

  10. 基于大涡模拟的某民房火灾事故的数值再现

    Reconstruction of a Residential Building Fire Based on Large Eddy Simulation

  11. 士兵强征民房用作办公室。

    The soldiers commandeered the house to use as offices .

  12. 露天矿矿区民房开裂原因分析

    Cracking causes analysis of rural buildings in open-pit mine area

  13. 普通民房及挡土墙安全判据的确定

    The Determination of Safety Vibration Criteria for Civil House & Retaining Wall

  14. 甘肃省农村民房地基基础及其安全问题

    Grounds and Foundations of Rural Buildings in Gansu Province and Their Safety Problems

  15. 甘肃省农村民房地震易损性的调查与分析

    Survey and analysis on the seismic vulnerability of rural buildings in Gansu Province

  16. 爆破地震波作用下民房破坏分析和破坏特征

    Damage Characteristics and Damage Analysis of Residential House Caused by Blasting Vibration Wave

  17. 部队全部住在民房里(不住在营地或军营里)。

    The troops are all in billets , ie not in camp or barracks .

  18. 矿井通风系统静压头简单体型低层民房风致内压系数的静态计算方法

    Mine static head Statistical Calculation Method of Wind Induced Intrinsic Pressure Coefficient of Simple

  19. 石家庄市村镇民房抗震性能调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Earthquake Resistance Capacity for Rural Dwelling Houses in Shijiazhuang Area

  20. 减少路堑开挖爆破对邻近民房影响的控制技术

    Control technologies for reducing the effect of cutting excavation blasting on nearby civil houses

  21. 爆破震动对民房的振动破坏作用分析

    The Analysis the Vibration and Damage Caused by Blasting Seismic Wave to the Residential Houses

  22. 那些部队都在民房里。

    The troops are all in billets .

  23. 金矿开采区民房开裂的特征与原因分析

    Analysis of the characteristics and reason of crackings on communal buildings in auriferous exploitation area

  24. 基于神经网络民房频繁震动累积损伤预测研究

    A Study Based on Neural Network for Forecasting Cumulative Damage of Civilian Building under Frequent Vibrations

  25. 士兵们征用了民房。

    The soldiers commandeered the houses .

  26. 黄土地区农村民房生土建筑墙体材料抗震性能试验研究

    Study on Seismic Resistance Performance of Wall Material Used in Rural Raw-soil Buildings in Loess Area

  27. 民房建筑结构抗震能力分析与抗震措施探讨

    Analysis of earthquake resistant capacity and discussion of shakeproof measures to the structure of civil construction

  28. 采石场周边民房爆破振动破坏范围的鉴定方法

    The Identifying Method of the Blasting Vibration Destruction Scope on the Resident Houses about the Quarry

  29. 砖木结构是我国农村地区分布较广的民房类型。

    The brick-wood structure is civil building type which is widely distributed in rural area of China .

  30. 这位前将军藏身在距离贝尔格莱德100千米处一个小村庄的民房中。

    The former general was at a farmhouse in a village about one hundred kilometers from Belgrade .