
  • 网络geography of folklore;Folk Geography
  1. 民族建筑与自然环境之交融以从江增冲侗寨研究为例中国黎平侗族自然环境与民俗地理生存方式考察贵州黎平县黄岗侗寨个案分析

    Mixture of Ethnic Buildings with Natural Environment ; Investigation of the Dong 's Natural Environment and Traditional Geographical Life in Liping : A Case Study of Huanggang Dong Village in Liping County of Guizhou

  2. 这就是民俗的地理或乡土特征。

    This is the geographical or local characteristics of folk customs .

  3. 中国传统民俗与地理环境

    Traditional Chinese folk custom and geographical environment

  4. 道教方志中还有一些民俗、地理、音乐等方面的史料,也有重要价值。

    Some historical materials which about folk custom , geography , music were recorded by Taoist Chorography , have important value .

  5. 民俗、地理等对表动物、植物名词的影响较大,赋予了动物、植物名词不同的联想意义,联想意义的多寡决定了该词的文化负荷量。

    Folk customs and geography influence the animal and plant nouns greatly and endow these words with different associative meanings , the amount of which decides the culture load of the words .

  6. 通古斯萨满教是古代文化的聚合体,包括宗教、哲学、历史、经济、道德、婚姻、文艺、民俗、天文、地理、医学等内容,有多方面的文化史价值。

    The Tungusic Shamanism is a compound cultural body including religion , philosophy , history , economy , moral , marriage , literature and art , folk , astronomy , geography , and medicine .

  7. 浅谈气候因素对民俗事象的影响&民俗与地理环境系列研究论文之三

    On the influence of climate factors on folk customs