
  • 网络Folklore Studies;The Study of Folklore
  1. 《民俗研究》刊发的各类文章,注重学术质量,提倡学术创新。

    All kinds of articles published in Folklore Studies attach importance to the academic quality and advocate academic innovation .

  2. 《民俗研究》杂志创刊于1985年,是中国目前唯一国内外公开发行的民俗学理论刊物。

    The journal Folklore Studies was started in1985.It is the only academic journal of folklore that is published in China .

  3. 城市民俗研究初议

    Research on Urban Folk Custom

  4. 劳动歌谣震山河&巴渠民间文学、民俗研究之十

    Work Songs Shake Mountains and Rivers & Study of Ba Qu Folk Literature and Customs : Part Ten

  5. 秦简《日书》择吉民俗研究

    Research on the folk custom of choosing lucky days from sun book on bamboo slips of Qin Dynasty

  6. 本文通过对新疆民族民俗研究的回眸与反思,对存在的一些问题进行学理上的分析与探讨,旨在促进新疆民族民俗研究的健康发展。

    This paper gives a review of researches on Xinjiang folk customs and makes an analysis of the problems in it .

  7. 逮唐宋民俗研究风气大开,统治者视民俗研究为资政佐治之重要资源,更促进了民俗研究的发展。至于西方民俗理论传入而形成近代意义之民俗学,则不在本文讨论范围。

    As for the formation of modern folk customs study after the introduction of Western folk custom theory , we have not discussed it in this paper .

  8. 相比较我国民俗研究中的龙、凤、蛇、狐等著述繁荣的局面,鼠的民俗学研究可谓略显寂寞。

    Compare to the prosperous study of the dragon , phoenix , snakes , foxes in Chinese folklore , the rat folklore study can be described as somewhat lonely .

  9. 阐述了开展红山文化区域历史与民俗研究的意义,提出了开展红山文化区域历史与民俗研究的基本内容和研究方法。

    The significance of the research on the history and folk custom of Hongshan culture area is discussed , and some basic contents and approaches to the research are presented .

  10. 从人与自然环境关系及有关生态方面民俗研究成果积累的学科建设的视角出发,提出了中国生态民俗学的构想;

    This article draws up an outline of Chinese ecology folklore based upon the relationships between human beings and natural environment as well as the folklore research result on ecology aspect .

  11. 研究崇凤习俗对于弘扬民族文化、推动民俗研究、增强民族审美意识、提高民族凝聚力具有重要意义。

    Studying the folk custom of the phoenix worship is significant for carrying forward national culture , promoting the study of folk custom , strengthening national aesthetic consciousness , developing national cohesion .

  12. 唐代元宵节广泛的参与性和极度的狂欢性是同时代其他节俗无法比拟的,唐代元宵诗具有很高的审美价值和民俗研究价值。

    Any festival at the same age cannot surpass the wide participation and extreme carnival of Tang 's Lantern Festival and its Lantern Festival poetry has high value of beauty and folk custom research .

  13. 研究崇狮习俗对于弘扬民族文化、推动民俗研究、加强中外文化交流和促进华人大团结具有重要意义。

    Studying the folk custom of the lion worship is significant for carrying forward national culture , promoting the study of folk custom , strengthening Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges and promoting Chinese 's great unity .

  14. 从图像中吸取营养,为民俗研究提供助力,使形象的舞蹈语汇加以确立,瞬间的画面永恒留存,秦汉时期的音乐舞蹈图像就会更加丰富多样了。

    We can absorb nutrition from the pictures and assist with folklore studies to establish the vivid dancing language and preserve the momentary pictures permanently , so that the musical dancing pictures of the Qin and Han Dynasties will be more colorful .

  15. 因其面向地方下层人民,文字通俗易懂,取材皆为日常召见之物,保留了大量常时的生活生产材料,至今天又为民俗研究所取资。

    Because of its local lower people oriented , easy to understand text material are daily learning to see things , to retain a lot of time living and production materials , and today for the Folk Institute for Access to Information .

  16. 百年来中国民俗体育研究述评与展望1994年~2004年100m运动员速度特征研究(综述)

    Review of one-hundred-year Chinese folk sports researches An Analysis of the Speed Features for 100m-race Athletes During 1994-2004 Period ;

  17. 彝族民居民俗文化研究

    Studies on Dwelling Houses and Folk-Custom Culture of Yi Nationality

  18. 民俗语言研究对汉语教学的作用

    The Role of Studies of Folklore Language on Chinese Teaching

  19. 工藤隆的云南少数民族民俗文化研究述评

    Comments on Kudo Takashi 's Study of Yunnan 's Ethnic Folk Culture

  20. 元杂剧中的民俗文化研究论要

    A Research Design for the Folklore Study in Yuan Drama

  21. 第三章为作家民俗思想研究。

    Chapter 3 is writer ' Folklore idea study .

  22. 重视农业科技推广中的民俗因素研究

    Attach Importance to Folk-custom Factors Research in Popularization of Agricultural Science and Technology

  23. 两汉民俗区研究

    A Study of Folklore Regions in the Han Dynasty

  24. 《歧路灯》与中原民俗文化研究

    A Study on Qilu Lantern and Fork-custom Culture in the Region of Central Plain

  25. 广西20世纪民俗采录研究简史

    Brief History of Collection , Record and Research of Guangxi Folkways in 20th Century

  26. 20世纪80年代以来,新疆民族民俗的研究得到了较大的发展,取得了喜人的成果。

    Since 1980s , great achievements have been achieved in researches on Xinjiang folk customs .

  27. 中元节民俗仪式研究

    On Zhong Yuan Festival Folk Ceremony

  28. 论邱国珍教授的地域民俗文化研究

    Folklore Images and Culture Patterns & On the Regional Study of Folk Cultures by Prof. QIU Guo-zhen

  29. 古代奥林匹克与民俗文化研究&兼论现代奥运中的民俗文化

    Study on Ancient Olympic and Folk Culture & Discussion on Folk Culture in the Modern Olympic Games

  30. 重要的是提出了两点实践性较强的建议,这在过去的如何发展民间民俗文化研究领域里是较为少见的。

    In this article the author also made two practicable suggestions which was very rare in the field of Huaer research .