
  • 网络Ethnography
  1. 从一般民俗志到作为研究方式的民俗志

    From " Common Folklore ethnography " to " The Study Way of Folklore ethnography "

  2. 民俗志是一种文化自觉的书写,地方民俗志的编写应以标志性文化提领。

    The folklore ethnography is a culture-conscious writing , so the compilation of local folklore ethnography should be commanded with symbolic culture .

  3. 文化巨变时代的新式民俗志&《中国民俗文化志》总序

    The General Preface to Records of Chinese Folk Culture

  4. 标志性文化统领式民俗志的理论与实践

    " Representative Culture-Oriented " Writing Style of Folk Recordings : Theory and Practice

  5. 它在民俗学上的意义表现在三个方面:一、它是我国第一部地域岁时民俗志;

    It expresses three aspects in the folklore meaning : firstly , it is the earliest record of local chronicle custom .

  6. 基于此,我们不得不先从村落出发,做出最基本的村落民俗志描述。

    Based on this , we have to start from the village , making the most basic village custom annals description .

  7. 随着民俗学研究范式的转变,民俗志书写逐渐成为民俗学的基本研究方式之一。

    With the transformation of folklore research paradigm , the writing of folklore ethnography gradually become one of the basic methods of ethnic study .

  8. 随着人类学等学科对其民族志范式的反思,以及民俗学学科自身的发展,学者们对民俗志范式进行了积极的反思和探索。

    With the reflection on ethnography styles in anthropology and other disciplines and development of ethnology , many folklorists have been making active reflection on folklore ethnography styles .

  9. 《中国民俗文化志》(县、区卷)的指导思想是注重具体理解民俗与地方生活的关系,以体现文化巨变时代的文化自觉意识。

    The guide principle for compiling Records of Chinese Folk Culture focuses on the relationship between folk-customs and the local lives so as to display the cultural self-consciousness at a time of cultural changes in a tremendous way .