
  1. 晋朝时,义兴地方有个人,名叫周处。

    In the Jin Dynasty , there lived a man named Zhou Chu in Yixing .

  2. 从此,周处蟠然改过,努力上进。

    Since then , Zhou Chu quickly and completely corrected his faults and made efforts for progress .

  3. 因此,人们把它们和周处并称为“三害”。

    Therefore , the people classed them together with Zhou Chu as " the three evils " .

  4. “周处除害”的佳话,也就一直流传至今。

    The tale of " Zhou Chu Getting Rid of the Evils " has been handed down to this very day .

  5. 恶蛟上下翻腾,直下几十里,周处紧追不舍。

    The evil dragon turned up and down , and went down for tens of li with Zhou Chu chasing closely after it .

  6. 过了三天三夜,百姓们都以为周处死了,喜出望外,互相庆贺。

    After three days and nights , the people all thought that Zhou Chu had died . They were jubilant and congratulated one another .

  7. 周处只身进山,果然杀掉了猛虎,接着又跃人河中与蛟龙搏斗。

    Zhou Chu went to the mountain alone , and sure enough , he killed the tiger . Then he jumped into the river and fought with the dragon .

  8. 周处听说乡邻们为他死去而庆贺,这才知道自己也被人当做义兴一害,萌发了悔改的决心。

    Upon hearing that his county folk celebrated5 his death , Zhou Chu came to realize that he was considered one of the evils of Yixing . He thus made his decision to mend his ways .

  9. 后来,有人鼓动周处进山杀猛虎,人河斩蛟龙,希望能除去两害,只留一害。

    Later , someone instigated4 Zhou Chu to go to the mountain to kill the fierce tiger , and to the river to behead the ferocious dragon , in the hope of getting rid of two evils , leaving only one .

  10. [结果]1.荧光显微镜观察到细胞内EGFP表达产物绿色荧光蛋白表达,EGFP表达物绿色荧光蛋白在细胞胞体、突起及胞核内弥漫性分布,核周处荧光强度明显增加;

    [ Results ] 1 . The results of present study showed that the expression of EGFP protein with green fluorescence was observed throughout the cell body , neuritis and nucleus with fluorescent microscopy .

  11. 分别于4、8、12周处死1组5只山羊,行骨密度的双能X线吸收法(DXA)和X线光密度法(XBMD)检测。

    After 4w , 8w and 12w , five goats were sacrificed and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry ( DXA ) and X-ray bone mineral density ( XBMD ) were used to evaluate the effect of bone reconstruction .

  12. 过了三天三夜,百姓们都以为周处死了。

    After three days and nights , the people all thought that Zhou Chu had died .

  13. 周处除害研究中实现的电子公文交换系统已成功运用于台湾行政院主计处公文管理系统中,取得了较好的经济效益,有较大的推广价值。

    Zhou Chu Gets Rid of the Scourge The electronic documents interchange system has been used in DGBAS successfully .

  14. 不漏气的密封形成在管接口和阀门排气口座之间,在它们接触的一个非常小的接触圆周处。

    The gas-tight seal takes place between the nipple and the valve outlet seat at a very small contact circle where they touch .

  15. 周处自新构建以招生就业处为中心相关部门配合的网上远程招生模式

    Zhou Chu Making a Fresh Start Establishment of Network Remote Enrollment Model Led by the Section of Recruitment and Employment with Cooperation from Correlated Departments

  16. 周处听说乡邻们为他死去而庆贺,这才知道自己也被人当做义兴一害。

    Upon hearing that his county folk celebrated his death , Zhou Chu came to realize that he was considered one of the evils of Yixing .

  17. 因此,人们把它们和周处并称为“三害”。其中,周处为害最大。

    Therefore , the people classed them together with Zhou Chu as " the three evils . " Among them , Zhou Chu did the most harm .

  18. 分别于术后2周,4周,8周,处死实验组对照组各2只兔子,剩余兔子于12周处死。

    At 2 weeks , 4 weeks and 8 weeks after surgery two rabbits in the experiment group and two in the controlled group are sacrificed respectively .

  19. 悬案于今四十年&宜兴晋周处墓铝质残片来历的分说

    An unsettled question for 40 years : concerning the origin of the aluminum scraps from the tomb of Zhou Chu of the Jin Dynasty unearthed in Yixing

  20. 沿桩周处取脱离体与在桩底处取脱离体进行比较,就可明显看出,桩底土的强度、桩的长度及桩径粗细均对桩的侧阻力有较大的影响。

    By comparison of the properties of the free body taken pile surface with those from the pile tip , it is quite obvious that many factors like soil layer strength at pile tip , pile length and pile diameter will all have substantial influence on pile side frictional resistance .