
  • 网络Anniversary;anniversary celebration;silver jubilee
  1. 他对于周年庆典有一套古怪的想法。

    He has a bee in his bonnet about the anniversary celebration .

  2. 正在筹备集团成立125周年庆典的本纳克,选择的视角似乎很长远。

    As he prepares for the 125th anniversary celebration , Mr bennack appears to be taking the long view .

  3. 参加运动的人们在各种仪式上点起一垛垛篝火以纪念周年庆典。

    Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary .

  4. 这个协会今年将举办成立10周年庆典。

    The Society is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year .

  5. 这家公司在举行50周年庆典。

    The company is celebrating its golden jubilee .

  6. 维多利亚女王登基50周年庆典

    Queen Victoria 's Golden Jubilee celebrations

  7. 本文对双螺旋结构发现50周年庆典活动以及DNA研究可能和数字人体研究的关系作了评述。

    The paper reviews DNA 50 memorial activities and events in the world and predicts possible relation between DNA and Digital Human Project .

  8. 罗睿兰:两年前,IBM举办了100周年庆典,当时也有许多人问相同的问题。

    Rometty : two years ago , IBM had its 100th anniversary , which is when people asked that question the most .

  9. 其中,cordially为副词,表示“诚挚地”。韦尔斯诚邀您参加本公司20周年庆典。

    Wells cordially invites you to our 20th Anniversary party .

  10. 英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)警示,月度数据浮动较大也经常修改,可能受到了6月份女王登基60周年庆典银行额外假期的影响。

    The Office for National Statistics warned that the monthly data , which are volatile and often revised , were probably affected by the extra bank holiday in June for the Queen 's diamond jubilee .

  11. 而夹在中间的是:上周末在罗马的瓦伦蒂诺(valentino)45周年庆典。

    And sandwiched in the middle : a 45th Anniversary tribute to Valentino last weekend in Rome .

  12. 为迎接2016年的125周年庆典,黄石湖酒店(LakeYellowstoneHotel)将恢复它的殖民复兴风格原貌,喜欢历史的人无疑会喜欢。

    And for those with an eye to history , a major renovation of the Lake Yellowstone Hotel is to restore much of its Colonial Revival style in preparation for its 125th anniversary in 2016 .

  13. 周年庆典到来之际,休斯聘请了雅虎新闻的前任执行官,40岁的盖伊·维德拉(GuyVidra),他的名字被印在刊头,成了《新共和》的第一位首席执行官。

    As the anniversary arrives , Mr. Hughes has hired Guy Vidra , a 40-year-old former Yahoo News executive , for the top of masthead as The New Republic 's first chief executive .

  14. 全新的、有GPS功能的石溪公园(RockCreekPark)移动应用正在最后开发阶段,石溪保护区的工作人员说,这款应用有望在公园9月的庆祝125周年庆典时推出。

    The new Rock Creek Park GPS-enabled mobile app is in the final stages of development , according to the Rock Creek Conservancy , and is likely to be ready in time to assist with the park 's 125th anniversary ( can you say " Quasquicentennial " ? ) in September .

  15. 受到一月的新奥尔良之战二百周年庆典活动启发,简·拉费蒂国家历史公园与保护区(JeanLafitteNationalHistoricalParkandPreserve)正在翻新其教育与青少年游客计划,开设研讨会,研究1815年的生活,活动包括历史游戏、舞蹈、音乐和手工。

    Inspired by programming organized for the bicentennial celebration of the Battle of New Orleans in January , Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve is in the process of revamping its educational and junior ranger programs to include workshops focused on life in 1815 , including period games , dancing , music and crafts .

  16. 该制造商于上周一在其120周年庆典上宣布,在接下来的几年中,上海凤凰将为Ofo提供至少500万辆自行车,将其投放到北京、上海和周边一些城市。

    In the following year , Ofo will buy at least 5 million bikes from Shanghai-based Phoenix and put them on the streets of Beijing , Shanghai and neighboring areas , the manufacturer announced last Monday at a ceremony celebrating its 120th anniversary .

  17. 昨晚,我参加了我们公司的75周年庆典。

    Last night I had took part our company's75 years anniversary party .

  18. 第一次国际和平会议一百周年庆典之友

    Friends of the centennial of the first International Peace Conference

  19. 我们可以请您参加我们结婚周年庆典吗?

    Would you do me the favour of attending our Wedding Anniversary ?

  20. 我很高兴能被邀请参加你们的10周年庆典。

    I am very happy to be invited to your tenth anniversary celebrations .

  21. 今年是这个音乐盛典50周年庆典。

    FAITH LAPIDUS : The festival is celebrating its fortieth anniversary this year .

  22. 复会二十年风正一帆悬&中国营养学会复会二十周年庆典侧记

    The 20th anniversary of Chinese Nutrition Society meeting resumption

  23. 今年是戛纳国际广告节60周年庆典。

    The Cannes lions Advertising Festival is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year .

  24. 周年庆典准备工作正在进行中。

    Preparations for the annual ceremony are in progress .

  25. 周年庆典确实相当老土,不过各个城市不都这么做吗?

    True , anniversaries can be pretty corny , but what city resists them ?

  26. 今年早些时候还举行了首部《黑客帝国》上映20周年庆典。

    The first " Matrix " film celebrated its 20th anniversary earlier this year .

  27. 这个村庄在新中国成立60周年庆典的时候,又重新使用了这个办法。

    The village used it again during the sensitive60th anniversary of Communist China last year .

  28. 今年10月份,他主办了纪念威尔逊当选总统百周年庆典。

    And in October , he hosted a centennial celebration of President Wilson 's election .

  29. 亲爱的张小姐:感谢您盛情邀请我们参加贵公司10周年庆典活动。

    Dear Miss Zhang , Thank you for your kind invitation to your 10th anniversary ceremony .

  30. 亲爱的张小姐:感谢您邀请我们参加贵公司10周年庆典活动。

    Dear Miss Zhang , Thank you for inviting us to take part in your 10th anniversary ceremony .