
Zhōu yú
  • Zhou Yu; a leading adherent of the Wu-kingdom faction
周瑜 [zhōu yú]
  • [Zhou Yu(Chou Yü)] (175-210) 中国三国时吴国名将。庐江舒(今安徽舒城)人。字公瑾。208年曹操占荆州后,统水陆两军数十万,试图南下,一举击灭东吴。瑜与鲁肃审时度势,指出曹操冒险用兵四患,并亲率吴军与刘备联军,大破曹操于赤壁

  1. 张(震)饰演懦弱的孙权有点不够胜任,而林志玲基本上是作为周瑜妻子的装饰点缀

    Chang alightweightas the wimpish Sun , and Taiwanese super-model Lin Chi-ling mostly decorative as Zhou 's wife .

  2. 周瑜性格的再评价:小气还是大器

    The Reevaluation of Zhou Yu : Narrowness or Generosity

  3. 周瑜攻打南郡时,曾身中毒箭。

    Zhou Yu had been wounded by a poisonous arrow when he was attacking Nanjun .

  4. 试论周瑜形象

    On the Image of Zhou Yu

  5. 诸葛亮得知周瑜的死讯,决定前去吊唁。

    Learning of Zhou Yu 's demise , Zhuge Liang decided to go to pay respects .

  6. 小乔(林志玲):我们叫它萌萌吧!周瑜(梁朝伟):厄?!萌萌!

    Xiao Qiao : Let 's call it Mengmeng ! Yu Chou : Oops ?! Mengmeng !

  7. 208年,周瑜和刘备领导他们的军队抗击曹操。

    In 208 , Zhou Yu and Liu Bei led their forces to fight Cao Cao .

  8. 周瑜是三国时期吴国的一名枭将。

    Zhou Yu was a brave general of the Wu Kingdom in the period of the three Kingdoms .

  9. 等周瑜来到荆州的时候,听说已经被刘备占领了,气得大叫一声,晕了过去。

    When Zhou Yu arrived at Jingzhou and learned this , he let out a wail and fainted .

  10. 诸葛亮(金城武)对周瑜(梁朝伟)说:我不是在看你,我是在欣赏你!

    " I 'm not watching you , I just appreciating you !" Liang Chu-keh said to Yu Chou .

  11. 周瑜挽着蒋干的手进帐,并设宴招待。

    Zhou Yu took Jiang Gan 's hands and marshaled him into his tent and treated him to a banquet .

  12. 最后,周瑜罚他挨一百军棍。

    At last , Zhou Yu gave Huang Gai one hundred strokes on the back with a whip as punishment .

  13. 周瑜带领吴国的30000人马和刘备的20000人马。

    Zhou Yu led the Wu forces ( 30 000 ) with Liu Bei 's forces ( 20 000 ) .

  14. 小乔(林志玲):我们给它取个好名字吧?周瑜(梁朝伟):它出生在荆州

    Xiao Qiao : Let 's give it a name ? Shall we ? Yu Chou : It was born in JIngzhou

  15. 诸葛亮、周瑜、司马懿与君主的关系及其才智的发挥

    The Relations between Zhuge Liang , Zhou Yu , Sima Yi and Their Respective Kingly Masters , also the Display of Their Talents

  16. 刘备要见诸葛亮,周瑜说待破曹后才能见到。

    When Liu Bei asked where Zhuge Liang was , Zhou Yu said he 'd Better meet him when Cao Cao was defeated .

  17. 东吴大都督周瑜,精通兵法,才智超群,只是肚量狭小,不能容人。

    Zhou Yu , chief commander of Wu , Was talented and proficient in strategies and tactics but was narrow-minded and intolerant of others .

  18. 张(震)饰演懦弱的孙权有点不够胜任,而林志玲基本上是作为周瑜妻子的装饰点缀。

    Chang is a tad lightweight in such company as the wimpish Sun , and Taiwanese super-model Lin Chi-ling mostly decorative as Zhou 's wife .

  19. 曹操的首次进攻被击退,此时风向逆刮,周瑜乘势用火攻。

    Cao Cao 's first attack was driven back and then the wind changed against him and Zhou Yu sent in an attack with fire-ships .

  20. 除非你想学周瑜打黄盖,她愿打你愿挨,否则你最好投入更多精力去搞好自己的友谊、兴趣和人生理想。

    Unless you want to sign up for either of those scenarios , focus filling your time with your own friendships , interests , and goals .

  21. 现在要周瑜当团中央委员,大家就不赞成!

    Now we want the present-day " Chou Yus " to sit on the League Central Committee , and yet people won 't hear of it !

  22. 黄盖的好友阚泽,根据周瑜的安排,带着黄盖早已写好的投降书前去诈降。

    Zhou Yu let Kan Ze , Huang Gai 's friend , to deliver the letter of surrender to Cao Cao , which Huang Gai had prepared .

  23. 周瑜是罗贯中在《三国演义》中塑造的一个成功的艺术形象,又是三国时期实有其人的吴国重要辅臣。

    Zhou Yu is a successful artistic character created by Luo Guanzhong in The Stories of Three Kingdoms and also a real important assistant minister during that period .

  24. 五更时分,船只接近曹营。诸葛亮让军士们在船上擂鼓呐喊,装作周瑜来偷袭。

    When Zhuge 's fleet got close to the Cao camp before dawn , Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to shout and beat drums to fake an attack .

  25. 争夺荆州的斗争,也是蜀国节节胜利,吴国束手无策,周瑜之死更令吴国锐气大伤;

    The struggle between Shu and Wu fought for Jingzhou also turned out to be Shu 's successions of victories while Wu just helplessly waited for its end .

  26. 鲁萧见诸葛亮如此悲痛,自言自语地说:“周瑜肚量狭小,自取灭亡。”

    When Lu Su saw Zhuge Liang was in such grievance , he said to himself ," zhou Liang was narrow-minded and he brought on his own death . "

  27. 周瑜的老同学蒋干在曹操手下当谋士,他自告奋勇去东吴劝降周瑜。

    Zhou Yu 's classmate , Jiang Gan , was working for Cao Cao as an adviser , Jiang offered to travel to Wu to persuade Zhou Yu to surrender .

  28. 第二天,周瑜传各路将军帐下议事,命大将们各领三个月粮草,准备抗敌。

    the next day Zhou Yu convened a general assembly of his commanders outside his tent . He ordered the commanders to take three months 's rations and prepare to defend their line .

  29. 周瑜攻打南郡时,曾身中毒箭。当诸葛亮趁乱用计先取南郡、荆州、襄阳后,周瑜一气之下箭伤复发。

    Zhou Yu had been wounded by a poisonous arrow when he was attacking nanjun . zhou 's wound burst when he learned that Zhuge Liang had already taken over nanjun , Jingzhou and xiangyang .

  30. 周瑜见到刘备后很高兴,以为计谋就要得逞,并安排好刀斧手,准备在宴席上摔杯为号把刘备杀掉。

    Zhou Yu was very glad when he saw Liu Bei 's coming . He had arranged an armed man to kill Liu Bei at the banquet when he threw a cup to the ground as the signal .