
  1. 发展国际合作,开辟周边市场。

    Opening up the peripheral market and developing the international cooperation .

  2. 他们在尾盘时获利回吐,令多数周边市场收盘都脱离了盘中高点。

    They took late-session profits , causing most regional markets settle well below their high points .

  3. 这就造成了我们所生产的产品一直是周边市场的主流。

    This has caused us by the production of products has been around the mainstream market .

  4. 相反,那些有志于走向世界的小型银行正在扩大本国周边市场的份额。

    Smaller banks that once aspired to be global are expanding in markets closer to home instead .

  5. 仅专注中国内地及周边市场的“中国基金”投资回报一直很强劲。

    Returns from China funds , focused only on the mainland and neighbouring markets , have been strong .

  6. 2008年-为开拓并服务河南及周边市场,郑州怡锦橱柜铝材商行成立。

    2008-for development and service market , zhengzhou , henan and surrounding the ambry of aluminum firm established kam .

  7. 新兴市场的冠军们不仅证明了自己在国内和周边市场具有相当的竞争力,同时也正走向全球。

    Emerging-market champions have not only proved highly competitive in their own backyards , they are also going global themselves .

  8. 各省市周边市场潜力的影响不显著,这进一步证实了中国国内市场的分割性。

    The influence of market potential in surrounding areas is insignificant , which further proves the fragmentation of internal markets in China .

  9. 市场调研法是通过对天津市商业地产现状及周边市场的调研,为本文提供研究支持。

    Market research method is based on the current situation of Tianjin city commercial real estate and the surrounding market research , this paper to provide research support .

  10. 而造成这种现状是由于企业一味追求低成本、没有基本的供应链管理规划、周边市场需求不稳定、无序竞争、人员流动大和没有全面的营销战略目标等原因造成的。

    Such situation mainly results from the enterprise ' low cost strategy , no basic SCM , instable surrounding market , out-of-order competition , high personnel mobility and no comprehensive market strategic objectives .

  11. 英超谈判代表一直试图促成大小俱乐部之间的休战。下周一,他们将接到针对中国及周边市场转播权的第二轮出价。

    Premier League negotiators , who will receive second-round bids for the rights in China and neighbouring markets on Monday , have attempted to forge a truce between the large clubs and their less powerful rivals .

  12. 公司+农户失败的原因是农户对公司不信任,周边市场采用不正当竞争手段抢走猪源,农户拖欠资金,公司资金势力弱,抵御风险能力差。

    The failure reasons of corporation + farmers were that farmers distrusted corporations , pigs were robbed by surrounding markets using unfairly measures , farmers defaulted money and the corporations can 't resist risk because of not rich money .

  13. 统计信息是上海期货交易所的重要信息资源,它不仅包含大量的内部业务信息,而且还包括各类与周边市场、交易品种相关的辅助信息。

    The statistical information is the important information resources of the Futures Exchange of Shanghai ( SHFE ), it not only includes a large amount of interior business information but also include all kinds of additional information related to peripheral market and trade variety .

  14. 长江三角洲与周边地区市场的矛盾与协调

    Contradictories and Coordination between the Market of Yangtze Delta and of Riverside Areas

  15. 民联系周边的市场,找到最好的价格,而不用只在海滨拍卖场兜售他们的鱼。

    Instead of selling their fish at beach auctions , the fishermen would call around to find the best price .

  16. 绍兴纺织服装类专业市场规模较大,与周边专业市场遥相呼应且反映国内纺织品价格的变化。

    The wholesale markets are sweeping enough to echo each other with peripheral product markets , and they show the fluctuation of the price of domestic textile .

  17. 与此同时,与之相关的产业也随之萌发并蓬勃发展,其中,除了传统的游戏周边产品市场的发展外,虚拟物品的真实货币交易也随之出现,甚至出现了专门以游戏为生的人群。

    At the same time , the peripheral industries were emerged and had a vigorous development . Not only the traditional peripheral products , but also the trade in virtual goods with real currency were appeared .

  18. 2000年四川盆地的天然气生产能力将达到121亿立方米,2010年将达到165亿立方米,因此,需要在满足川渝及周边地区市场需求的基础上,向湖北、湖南拓展新的市场。

    Natural gas output in Sichuan Basin is expected to be 12.1 billion cubic meters in 2000 , and 16.5 billion cubic meters in 2010 . Hence it is necessary to open up new markets in Hunan and Hubei Provinces , while meeting gas demands in Sichuan and neighboring areas .

  19. 乙方主要负责技术文件编制、供货、技术服务和技术支持等工作,并提供周边国家的市场支持。

    Party B has the responsibility to establish the technical documents , provide product , offer technical service and supports etc.

  20. 汤姆已经为我们公司服务了近五年,负责湖北及周边地区的市场开拓。

    Tom has worked for our company for about five years , responsible for developing Hubei and the surrounding area .

  21. 分析了天然气在餐饮业、燃气空调、燃气汽车、发电、周边天然气市场等方面拓展的前景。

    Developing natural gas utilization in the catering trade , gas air conditioning , gas vehicle , power generation , peripheric natural market is discussed .

  22. 因此,本文以东莞本地和周边地区客源市场为对象,分析东莞客源市场,继而提出有针对性的营销策略,对促进东莞旅游业的进一步发展无疑具有十分重要的意义。

    So , this paper regards Dongguan local and surrounding tourism market area as the target , analyzing the tourism market of Dongguan , then put forward the pointed marketing tactics .

  23. 该项调查显示,被盗犬只通常被送到周边的肉类市场和餐馆,还有一些被运往江苏、吉林等地。

    The stolen dogs are often sent to nearby meat markets and restaurants , while some are shipped to other parts of the country , such as Jiangsu and Jilin provinces , the survey found .

  24. 分析包括东莞与其周边地区客源市场特征分析,分别从人口特征、行为模式以及对东莞的感知三个方面进行分析,在此基础上,对两者客源市场特征进行比较分析。

    The content includes Dongguan and its surrounding area Visitor Market Analysis , Separately from the demographic characteristics , patterns of behavior and perception of Dongguan of three aspects analysis . On this basis , carry on comparative analysis to the tourism market of the two .

  25. 从事俄罗斯及周边国家农产品市场研究的莫斯科农业咨询公司的经理斯佐夫说,在满足了国内市场之后,俄罗斯今年可以有上千万顿的剩余粮食可供出口。

    Andrei Sizov is an executive at SovEcon , an agricultural consulting firm in Moscow that focuses on market news from Russia and the surrounding region .

  26. 他说:“一次网络攻击可以导致经济持续瘫痪几小时甚至几天”,进而还会影响到周边国家和全球市场。

    " One cyberattack can cripple an economy for hours and days on end ," he said , which in turn can affect neighboring countries and global markets .

  27. 福建电网与周边电网互联电力市场运行问题探讨&加州电力危机、美加和欧洲大停电事故的思考

    A preliminary analysis on operation of Fujian power system interconnected with adjacent power systems & Pondering over power crisis in California and Blackout in US , Canada America and European

  28. 摘要对信阳周边高校旅游客源市场和信阳旅游资源进行分析,从旅游产品、宣传促销、特色服务三个方面提出了开发高校客源市场的战略。

    Analyzing college tourist market around Xinyang City and tourism resources of Xinyang area , the author gives some advice and strategies to develop college tourist market on three aspects including tourim product , publicity market and special services .

  29. 论述了加强地质找矿、行业整合、开拓周边国家资源和市场、加强技术进步和加强矿产资源管理是可持续发展的主要途径。

    The main ways to keep the sustainable development are the strengthening of the geological survey , the vocation coalitions , the development of the resources and markets in the neighboring countries , the strengthening of the technological progres and the management of the mining .

  30. 支付系统风险可能产生与支付系统的每个方面,可能是支付系统参与者引起或造成的,也可能是支付系统自身运作模式所附带的,还有可能是支付系统的周边环境、相关市场所带来的。

    Payment system risk may arise with every aspect of the payment system , and may be arising or resulting from the participants , may also be included with the payment system mode of operation , may be from the surrounding environment or the relevant market .