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zhōu mì
  • careful;thorough;meticulous;close
周密 [zhōu mì]
  • (1) [thorough;careful;mediculous]∶周到细密

  • 周密思考

  • (2) [close]∶严密无缝

  • 覆盖周密。--《后汉书.张衡传》

周密[zhōu mì]
  1. 这趟行程需要周密计划。

    The trip needs careful planning

  2. 经过周密的调查和分析才能作出正确的推断。

    Correct inferences can be drawn only from careful investigation and analysis .

  3. 我们将非常周密地筹划一切,决不留任何纰漏。

    We 'll plan everything very carefully and leave nothing to chance .

  4. 她开始周密策划准备逃走。

    She began to lay her plans for her escape .

  5. 他周密安排了一条路线从南非逃往英国。

    He took an elaborate escape route from South Africa to Britain .

  6. 她周密地制订了达到她职业巅峰的行动计划。

    She had carefully charted her route to the top of her profession .

  7. 法官已经周密考虑这一事情。

    The judge has taken the matter under advisement .

  8. 埃利斯对有人指责伯克利的实验考虑不够周密感到气愤。

    Ellis bristles at accusations that Berkeley 's experiment is ill-conceived

  9. 对于这项建议,我将咨询专家意见作周密考虑并且提交给董事会处理。

    I will take the suggestion under advisement , and refer it to the board .

  10. 为了保证成功,我们必须要有一个周密的计划。

    In order to ensure success we must have a complete and thorough plan .

  11. 他非常周密地分析了形势。

    He analysed the situation very closely .

  12. 文章论证周密,无懈可击。

    The article is closely reasoned and the arguments are unassailable .

  13. 正确的判断来源于周密的调查研究。

    Correct judgements stem from thorough investigation and study .

  14. 要周密计划后再开始做,不要犯急性病。

    You must plan carefully before you begin . don 't make the mistake of being too impetuous .

  15. 他说:"那些计划周密的学生更可能对自己选择的课程感到满意,也更可能完成学业。那些间隔一年的学生往往更成熟、更负责任。"

    " Students who take a well-planned year out are more likely to be satisfied with , and complete , their chosen course.Students who take a gap year are often more mature and responsible , " he said .

  16. IBM进行了周密的工作,以使得所有内容都可以通过Google和其他搜索引擎搜索到。

    IBM makes a deliberate effort to make all content accessible from Google and other search engines .

  17. 此结构集成了认知Agent的推理性、周密性、高智能性及Agent能够快速响应外来信息和环境变化的特性。

    It integrates reasoning , strictness and high intelligence of cognitive agent and quick response of reactive agent to external information and environmental changes .

  18. 结果表明:最大压应力、最大拉应力二单位式与四单位式均位于颈周密质骨,二单位式大于四单位式,两者有显著差异性,(P<0.001)。

    The results showed : The maximum compressive and tensile stresses were located at the cervical bone around dental implant in two unit and four unit dental implants .

  19. 然后基于Strand空间模型给出了其严谨周密的正确性证明。

    Then we give a rigorous proof of correctness MB protocol based on strand space model .

  20. 这个周密的过程听上去很枯燥,但Duan和Yu正是借此做大的。

    This detailed process sounds dreary but Duan and Yu thrive on it .

  21. 使用具有大电流放电性能的MOS器件构成的ESD电路,以及采用周密的版图布局布线技术,可实现良好的ESD保护性能。

    Combined with careful routing and placement in the layout design , good ESD protection capability can be realized .

  22. 目的探讨骨盆骨折应用螺旋CT扫描三维多平面重建对详细了解损伤部情况、制定周密手术计划、选择适当内固定物的临床意义。

    Objective To discuss the clinical significance of three-division multiple plan reconstruction of spiral CT scan to learn the situation of injury , available operative plan and selection of internal fixation substance on pelvis fracture .

  23. 系统设计完成后,随之而来的实施阶段是环境规划GIS系统设计正式问世的前提,做好细致的组织工作、制订周密的实施计划是必需的。

    After finishing system design , it comes to practical phases , premise of the final environmental planning GIS system design . So it 's essential to do careful organization and implement plan .

  24. 与联合包裹服务(UPS)运送图书或耐用品不同,生鲜食品快递需要选择最短的线路、进行周密的计划、采用先进的技术,还要与时间赛跑。

    Unlike shipping books or durable products via UPS , fresh food delivery requires specific short routing , planning , technology , and a race against the clock .

  25. 如要根据提案请求(RFP)开发响应,必须有一份构思周密的执行计划,以开发提案本身。

    Developing a response for a request for proposal ( RFP ) requires a well-thought-out execution plan for developing the proposal itself .

  26. PICC对CISG的精华予以继承和发展,对终止合同制度进行了详尽而周密的规范。

    PICC , which regulates the system of termination of the contract completely , adopts and develops the ( essence ) of CISG .

  27. AOTS的管理培训以课堂教学为主。其教学的主要特点为:1、各种工作都有周密详尽的计划。

    AOTS managerial training takes the classroom teaching as the main program .

  28. 政府和伦敦警察厅(metropolitanpolice)应制定周密的应对规则,应当考虑催泪瓦斯和高压水枪等非致命武器,但不应使用塑胶子弹,后者在北爱尔兰曾留下令人不快的记忆。

    It is for the government and the metropolitan police to determine the precise rules of engagement . Non-lethal tools such as tear-gas and water-cannon should be considered rather than plastic bullets , which have an unhappy history in Northern Ireland .

  29. 但经过周密考虑所选择的少量复杂指令有助于提高CISC和RISC微处理器的性能。

    While complex instructions have many pitfalls , a small number of carefully selected complex instructions can usefully increase the performance of both CISC and RISC processors .

  30. 具体应用中要在仿真分析的基础上进行周密的MgO掺量与温控设计碾压混凝土重力坝施工期温度应力仿真及温控防裂措施研究

    In the practical application , the MgO admixture amount and temperature control measures should be carefully determined on the basis of simulation analysis . Thermal Stress Simulation Analysis during Construction Period and Temperature Control Measures for Crack Prevention Studies on RCC Gravity Dam