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tián tóu
  • field;edge of a field;manager of agricultural land
田头 [tián tóu]
  • (1) [edge of a field]∶田边

  • 田头地边

  • (2) [field] 〈方〉∶田地里

  1. 共享从田头到餐桌整个供应链体系的安全检测信息,给广大消费者提供一个安全放心的购物环境。

    Share safety inspect information of whole supply link system " from field to dinner table ", provide a safety and easy shopping environment .

  2. 这个村庄似乎人烟稀疏,唯一有生命迹象的是一头丑陋的黑山羊,它被一根短绳拴在附近田头的一棵树上。

    The village seemed deserted , the only sign of lift being an ugly-looking black goat tied to a tree on a short length of rope in a field nearby .

  3. 春天来后,农夫在田里耕地,累了坐在田头休息时,觉得太阳暖融融的,舒服而惬意,远比烂麻衣温暖。

    After the spring arrived , the peasant ploughed in the field . When he got tired and rested on the ridge3 of the field he felt the sunshine to be warmer and more comfortable than the worn sackcloth .

  4. 中国田头菇属(agrocybe)一新记录种的报道

    Reports on the one newly recorded species of the Agrocybe

  5. 本文报道了中国田头菇属Agrocybe一新记录种&无环田头菇。

    This paper is reported one newly recorded species of the Agrocybe from China .

  6. 柱状田头菇生长发育中9种胞外酶活性的测定

    Detecting in 9 extracellular enzyme activities of Agrocybe aegerita strains

  7. 柱状田头菇碳氮营养的研究

    Study on Requirement of Carbon and Nitrogen Sources for Cultivation of Agrocybe cylindracea

  8. 柱状田头菇液体发酵条件的研究及多糖含量的测定

    Studies on Condition of Agrocybe Aegerita 's Liquid Fermentation and Determination of Polysaccharides Content

  9. 柱状田头菇的栽培生理及生活史研究概述

    A Review of Research on the Cultivation Physiology and Life Cycle of Agrocybe aegerita

  10. 运用火山地质学理论研究竹田头火山机构

    The study on revived caldera using volcanology

  11. 氨基酸微肥对柱状田头菇菌丝体生长及子实体产量的影响羽叶决明栽培对鸡腿菇子实体产量和脂肪酸组成的影响

    Effects of Amino Acid Microelements Fertilizer on Mycelial Growth and Fruiting Body Yield of Agrocybe cylindracea

  12. 采用液体摇床发酵和固体平板培养技术,以甘蔗渣为唯一碳源,研究灵芝、大球盖菇、金针菇、柱状田头菇四种食用真菌对甘蔗渣的利用情况。

    This paper reported a study on the utilization conditions of 4 kinds of fungi for sugarcane bagasse by solid and liquid cultivation .

  13. 他没有倒下,拄着手杖仍然风里雨里地留在田头,访问在庄家家中。

    He did not fall , the wind is still on crutches in the rain to stay in the Agrocybe visited farmers at home .

  14. 我还记得1977年高考后,我是在田头锄地时得到高考录取通知消息的。

    I still remember in 1977 , when I was working in the fields , I learned of the news that I was enrolled by university .

  15. 其中有些新方法是为了便利农民和服务系统之间的付费,实施和测试新的/或更便宜的设备,以及引进田头水资源管理方法。

    Some of these innovations are to facilitate payments between farmers and utilities , implement and test new and / or cheaper equipment , and introduce on-farm water management .

  16. 插秧至田头有余秧全插在田岸,表示今年多粮(实亦供耘田时补株用)。

    Seedling transplanting to farms more than a full-inserted in Tagishi , saying more than this year 's grain ( solid line is also used for the Yun Tian , when completed ) .

  17. 把田头上那麦比拉洞给我。他可以按着足价卖给我,作我在你们中间的坟地。

    That he may give me the cave of Machpelah , which he hath , which is in the end of his field ; for as much money as it is worth he shall give it me for a possession of a buryingplace amongst you .