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tián yuán shī
  • idyll;pastoral poetry;bucolic;pastoral
田园诗 [tián yuán shī]
  • [idyll;pastoral poetry] 歌咏田园生活的诗歌

  1. 晋宋山水田园诗崛起的深层原因

    Root Reasons for Rising of Idyll in Jin - Song Dynasties

  2. 约翰刘易斯的故事并非毫无波澜的田园诗。

    Not that the John Lewis tale has been an unbroken idyll .

  3. 这似乎是一种田园诗般的家庭组成格局。

    It appears to be an idyllic domestic set-up

  4. 父母婚姻的破裂使得罗茜田园诗般美好的世界陡然画上了句号。

    Rosie 's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents ' marriage broke up

  5. 我们的潜意识里藏着一派田园诗般的风光

    Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision .

  6. 我沿着默兹河岸(RiverMeuse)骑车,阳光灿烂,法国乡村风景如田园诗般美丽。

    The weather was glorious and the rural French landscape was idyllic as I cycled along the banks of the River Meuse .

  7. 盛唐士流园林和山水田园诗

    The gardens of shi liu and the landscape and pastoral poetry

  8. 和谐社会语境下对陶渊明田园诗的解读

    Interpretation On TAO Yuan-ming 's Pastoral Poetry under the Harmonious Society

  9. 王维山水田园诗的地域色彩

    Regional Characteristics of Wang Wei 's Landscape Poetry and Pastoral Poetry

  10. 平淡自然与深厚醇美的统一&从《归园田居》看陶渊明田园诗的艺术风格

    A Unity of Being Plain and Natural & Being Deep and Mellow

  11. 从美的逻辑建构看陶渊明及其田园诗

    The Logical Construction of Beauty in Tao Yuan-ming 's Eclogues

  12. 陶渊明田园诗中的黄昏情结

    On the Complex at Dusk in the Pastoral Poems by Tao Yuanming

  13. 唐代山水田园诗达到顶峰。

    The Tang Dynasty has reached the peak of Chinese pastoral poetry .

  14. 我们的潜意识里藏着一派田园诗般的风光!

    Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision .

  15. 宋代绘画与宋代田园诗

    The Painting and the Idyllic Poetry in the Song Dynasty

  16. 论王维山水田园诗英译版本中的画语言再现

    On Reproducing Visual Images of Wang Wei 's Pastoral Poems in English

  17. 王维山水田园诗审美创造的心理动机

    The Mental Motive of Aesthetic Creation in WANG Wei 's Pastoral Poetry

  18. 萧萧怀抱足何藉世人知&从王绩的山林田园诗透视其文心与文体

    About the Idyllic Poems and the Style of Wang Ji

  19. 我们应给予初唐山水田园诗以客观的评价。

    We should give an objective assessment to the early Pastoral Poems .

  20. 中西山水田园诗的形成和发展比较

    Study on the Formation And Development of Chinese And Foreign Nature Poetry

  21. 找出田园诗和风景画之间的相似之处。

    Trace an analogy between pastoral poetry and landscape painting .

  22. 本文着重论述柯勒律治对于田园诗的看法。

    This article focuses on Coleridge 's view for an idyllic poetry .

  23. 山水田园诗主要描写的是自然风光、农村景物以及安逸恬淡的隐居生活。

    Pastoral poetry describes the natural scenery , country life and comfortable reclusion .

  24. 由叙事性的田园诗到抒情性的田园诗;

    From narrative pastoral poems to lyric pas-toral ones ;

  25. 大调为钢琴而作的第1田园诗曲。

    Eclogue No.1 , for piano in F major .

  26. 抒情诗和田园诗及其他

    " Lyrics and Idylls , with Other Poems "

  27. 但这种田园诗般的乡村风光仅仅是一个侧面。

    Idyllic pastoral this idyllic pastoral scene is only part of the picture .

  28. 孟浩然陶渊明田园诗审美视角之比较

    Aesthetic Perspective on Meng Haoran and Tao Yuanming 's Idyllic Poems : Comparison

  29. 本文主要论述澳大利亚的反田园诗。

    This paper deals mainly with the Australian counter-pastoral .

  30. 在艺术上体现出一种清新隽永的田园诗的风格。

    Artistically , it reflects a delicate and significant style of pastoral poetry .