
  1. 田忌赛马之复赛论点;

    The argumentation of " avoiding horse - racing in the field ";

  2. 你听过田忌赛马的故事么?

    Have you heard Tianji 's horse racing story ?

  3. 第三轮还是田忌的马获胜。

    The third race Tianji 's horse won again .

  4. 但是第二轮,两匹马越来越近,越来越近,猛然间,田忌的马胜出了。

    But the second race was close , close , then bang , Tianji 's horse won .

  5. 这时,孙子走了过来,对田忌耳语一番。

    Sunzi , the best war strategist in Chinese history , came over , whispered in his ear .

  6. 如果你和男人玩田忌赛马的游戏,无论他如何有力量,我们也能击败他。

    If we play Tianji 's horse racing with men , no matter how powerful they are , we can beat them .