
zhī zì piàn yǔ
  • a very brief note;a short note;a few isolated words and phrases;a word or two
只字片语[zhī zì piàn yǔ]
  1. 非只字片语所能覼缕。

    It 's impossible to make it clear in a few words .

  2. 这件事你不得泄漏只字片语。

    You mustn 't breathe a word of it .

  3. 只有魔术师自己知道&对于这些令人迷惑的问题,我们能言善辩的魔术师拒绝透漏只字片语。

    Only the Magician knows-and on this mystery , our eloquent mage refuses to say a word .

  4. 那种依依不舍的感觉,不是用只字片语就可以表达出来的。

    That kind is reluctant to part the feeling , is not may express with the character phrase .

  5. 失败时,只字片语的鼓励,比成功后长篇大论的赞美来得有价值。

    A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success .

  6. 我谨用只字片语,表达对你的情怀,祝你拥有一个快乐的生日。

    I express my sentiments for you with just a few simple words . I hope you will enjoy a happy Birthday .

  7. 据分析,弗洛伊德从福尔摩斯的潜意识里骗出只字片语,发现了福尔摩斯家族古老的秘密,解释了福尔摩斯对女人的不信任。

    Under analysis , Freud coaxes the images from Holmes 's subconscious and uncovers a deep-rooted family secret that goes a long way to explaining Holmes 's mistrust of women .

  8. 最好的朋友就是那种能和你促膝而坐,彼此不说只字片语,分别时却感到这是你有过的最好的一次交流!

    The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with , never say a word , and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you 've ever had .

  9. 你大概亲眼目睹过家长(微博)经常只是通过一个眼神就让顽皮的孩子安静下来,或者一对年轻的恋人隔桌相望,不说只字片语却互送秋波。

    You have probably witnessed yourself how often a parent can hush playful children just by giving them ' the look ' . Or how a young couple can flirt with each other across the table without ever saying a single word .

  10. 你大概亲眼目睹过家长经常只是通过一个“眼神”就让顽皮的孩子安静下来,或者一对年轻的恋人隔桌相望,不说只字片语却互送秋波。

    You have probably witnessed yourself how often a parent can hush playful children just by giving them ' the look . " Or how a young couple can flirt with each other across the table without ever saying a single word .