
  • 网络Formal system;formal institution;official institution;formal rules
  1. 非正式制度的存在及其变化对正式制度的演变具有不可忽略的影响。

    The existence and the change of informal institutions have considerable impact to the alteration of formal institutions .

  2. 而现代宽容是作为正式制度的宽容,依托法律等现代正式制度而存在。

    Modem tolerance exists in law and other kind of formal institutions and can be regarded as formal institution .

  3. 在理论分析的基础上,本章采用DEA和面板数据实证方法,就山东省农村信用社正式制度对其绩效的影响进行了检验。

    Then this chapter employs the DEA and panel data methodology and tests the effect of formal institution on the performance of RCCs .

  4. 当正式制度不健全时,一些非正式治理机制,如社会关系会作为一种替代来促进经济活动(Peng,2003)。

    When the formal system is not perfect , informal governance mechanisms , such as social relations , could be an alternative to the promotion of economic activity ( Peng , 2003 ) .

  5. 正式制度和非正式制度综合作用,构成了对期货公司的监管制度体系。

    Form and informal institutions play cooperative effects on futures companies .

  6. 由非正式制度、正式制度和制度的实施机制三个方面组成;

    It consists of informal , formal and the implementation mechanism .

  7. 在改革的道路上,正式制度安排不可独立前行,只有加上了非正式制度安排的有力协助,我国的会计改革才能易于克服阻力,轻装前进。

    During the innovation , formal institutional arrangement could not march alone .

  8. 必须确立从强制性的正式制度到重要的非正式制度。

    It is necessary to establish the formal compulsory and informal institution .

  9. 制度的弱式评判与正式制度变迁

    On the weak judgment of system and official system vicissitude

  10. 正式制度实施绩效与中国区域发展差距

    Formal institution implementation performance and China 's regional development gap

  11. 论正式制度与非正式制度的差异与链接

    The Difference and Connection of Formal and Informal Institutions

  12. 正式制度规约下的中小学教师流动研究

    The Research of Primary and Secondary School Teachers Flow under the Formal Syetem

  13. 制度经济学将制度分为正式制度和非正式制度两个方面。

    Institutional Economics into the system of formal and informal system of two aspects .

  14. 当正式制度与非正式规范发生冲突:计划生育与宗族网络

    When Formal Laws and Informal Norms Collide : Birth Control Policy and Lineage Networks

  15. 制度包括正式制度、非正式制度以及实施机制等诸多因素。

    The institution consists of formal institution , informal institution and operating mechanism , etc.

  16. 如果说利益和观念整合是地方政府规模优化的非正式制度保障,那么通过正式制度的刚性约束则是地方政府规模优化的根本所在。

    Rigid constraints of formal institution are fundamental to optimization of scale of local government .

  17. 意识形态是重要的非正式制度安排,它可以降低正式制度的运行成本;

    Ideology is a vital informal arrangement and can reduce operation cost of formal system ;

  18. 为此,应当从正式制度与非正式制度两方面对其进行完善与引导。

    Therefore , the model should be perfected and guided from formal and informal institutions .

  19. 由于非正式制度安排不像正式制度安排那样具有突变机制,而是一个长期渐进累积的过程。

    Informal institution , unlike the mutation mechanism of formal institution , has a long-term accumulation .

  20. 政治关系作为正式制度的一种替代机制,已经引起学术界的关注。

    Political connection is an alternative mechanism of formal system , it has attracted academic attention .

  21. 目前,对工程项目绩效的考虑多基于项目治理理论中正式制度的设置。

    Currently , the project performance is considering more about the project governance formal system set .

  22. 制度由正式制度、非正式制度及其实施机制三部分组成。

    Institution is composed of three parts , including formal , informal , and implemental methods .

  23. 在一个社会的制度结构中,制度包括正式制度和非正式制度。

    In a social system structure , the system includes the formal system and the informal one .

  24. 这表现在社会网络有可能使正式制度被工具化,沦为实现个人目标的工具。

    It is manifested that social network makes official system become private tools to achieve personal goals .

  25. 家族企业的时空变迁是正式制度和非正式制度对抗的过程。

    The change of time and space is the process of conflict between formal and informal systems .

  26. 管理者对社员的监督通过正式制度与非正式制度的约束共同完成。

    The supervision of managers to members is realized via both formal and informal system of constraints .

  27. 但同时,非正式制度和实施机制为正式制度提供有效的支撑理念和组织保证。

    Besides , the informal institution and implement rules provide more foundation controls with formal institutional schedule .

  28. 完善正式制度的关键在于规范政府行为,树立政府信誉。

    The Key to perfecting the formal institution lies in standardizing governmental behavior and establishing governmental credibility .

  29. 商业银行制度从应用的角度来讲,是一种社会博弈关系或博弈结果。正式制度和非正式制度作为商业银行的制度组织结构和制度构成,成为商业银行在经营活动中遵循的规则。

    From the angle of practical application , the institution of commercial bank resembles a social chess game .

  30. 高强度接链环强度的理论分析及优化设计论正式制度与非正式制度的差异与链接

    Round Link Connector Strength Analysis and Optimization Design ; The Difference and Connection of Formal and Informal Institutions