
Kennedy had no formal training as a decorator .
Ashrafi , s case was typical ; She tried to deliver at home with the help of an untrained birth attendant .
A.most individuals have no formal training in how to extinguish fires .
When budgets are tight , the budget item usually cut first is formal training opportunities .
A Chief Executive officer is not necessarily someone who has had a lot of formal training .
Methods Two formal trained psychological test technicians do assembly test . The result adopts SPSS 10.0 to do statistical analysis .
But still exist with demerits of estimation without quantization , work in post without training , too strict in age-control , etc.
Formal training programs in radiography range in length that leads to a certificate , an associate or a bachelor 's degree .
Although they all then stayed open for the regulation nine hours , election officials were often absent and many had not been properly trained .
A Chief Executive officer is not necessarily someone who has had a lot of formal training.So , I doubt moreschooling would help you climb up that ladder of success .
Methods An investigation was made through listing all the 148 direct and indirect nursing procedures of the entire hospital and conducting separate calculations of each by formally trained people .
Some parents who withdraw their children from the schools in favor of home schooling have an inadequate educational background and insufficient formal training to provide a satisfactory education for their children .
Vocational teachers are getting younger and younger , college education degree . Most teachers in the university are not the Baseball and Softball professional expertise through formal training and self-learning knowledge of baseball and softball . 2 .
These interfaces have been a part of marine engine room simulator DMS-2002 which is already used in formal teaching and training .
Training : There is no formal training required , although the VA 's National Cemetery Administration ( NCA ) Training Center offers instruction and professional development to those who manage and operate the country 's 131 veterans ' cemeteries and the Arlington National Cemetery .
Systematic training is implemented . Formal skill class with practice & examination .
Management staff have received almost no formal training , low academic qualifications .
This is a formal training , and it is also a project proposal .
Just do the proper training . Short cuts will catch up with you in the end .
Knowledgeable , compassionate professors who are well trained in Biblical theology and in the original Bible languages of Hebrew , Aramaic and Greek .
First , able learner : they learn knowledge by regular training , advanced study , then have ability to learn and innovate good things .
Our country have trained schoolmaster cosmically during the eighth-five and ninth-five , and established normal system of training-curriculum , but there also have many problems .
From the view of the big science , as for enhancing leadership training issues , three ways of cultivating were presented , which are formal theoretical training , practical job training , ongoing research study .
A few states , however , require formal , accredited training .
The factors that influence the safety of injection related to the professional training of village doctors and the number of daily clinic patients .
All of the employees have received formal & systematic training from Shanghai headquarters and possess high professional level as well as good business qualification .
Despite Karen having no formal culinary training , the lead decorator and her team from the Highland Bakery in Atlanta , Georgia , always rise to the occasion .
Ulukaya has no serious business training , no corporate role models ( " I never worked for anyone except my father . " ) and no investors except for himself .
Providing opportunities for the less educated , low skilled , and disadvantaged groups to overcome barrier and access to employment opportunities , raising employability among them through informal education and training .
Results : 91.3 % of nurses thought that nursing records were of importance . 52.0 % of nurses had not got records writing training . Only 24.3 % of them could collect cases data through proper ways .