
shēnɡ chǎn bù
  • production department
  1. 协助erp项目领导小组、外部软件公司与生产部之间的沟通协调。

    To assist the ERP project in-charge persons to coordinate with the exterior software companies and ERP team and in-between production department .

  2. 文章介绍了2006年底国家电网公司生产部组织部分省市公司有关人员对加拿大HydroOne有限公司和新加坡新能源电网公司的城网装备技术标准和管理规范进行考察的情况。

    The paper introduced the technical standard and management specification of urban power network equipment in Singapore and Canada , which was based on investigation tour organized by Production Department of SGCC to go to Hydro One Co. in Canada and the Singapore new energy power grid Co.

  3. 恶劣的LinkedIn生产部和用户体验部会长。

    Deep is the Vice President of Products & User Experience at LinkedIn .

  4. 协助MPM及生产部内部预加工区域新产品自试产至大规模生产的改善;

    Support MPM on new product pilot run and improvement till mass production ;

  5. 而制药企业生产部员工特点更是决定了员工绩效考核方案对于制药企业的发展至关重要。本研究结合PL制药公司生产部绩效考核实际对其绩效考核方案进行改进研究。

    Staff characteristics of pharmaceutical companies to produce more is to determine the employee performance evaluation program is essential for the development of the pharmaceutical companies .

  6. 生产部的生产计划必须包括试生产的计划安排。业务部应及时(天)送该计划给开发部和QC部。

    The Production plan must be included with the production trial schedule , The business Dep should copy it to the Develop Department and QC Department .

  7. 根据BPR的思想,现代企业可以组建为生产部、采购部、营销部、R&D、人力资源部、财务部等六个部门。

    According to the concept of BPR , modern enterprises consist of such six departments as production department , purchasing department , marketing department , R & D , human resource department , finance department , etc. .

  8. 尼娜,我是生产部的马尔科姆。

    Man : Nina , this is Malcolm , from Production .

  9. 为生产部提供测试相关的技术支持和培训。

    Provide technical training and support to Test Eng and Operation .

  10. 我会告诉生产部经理新的预算计划。

    E.g.I 'll put the new budget proposal to the Production Manager .

  11. 公司有自己的设计、开发部门、销售部、和生产部。

    We have our own Design , development , marketing and production Dep.

  12. 生产部&负责物料的挑选?加工。

    Produce department & responsibility for material sort ? machining .

  13. 我会去请我们的生产部经理回答你的问题。

    Our production manager can answer those queries for you .

  14. 你好,我是马克,来自生产部。

    Man : Hello . It 's Mark here , from Production .

  15. 对产品生产部、质检部、采购储运部等部门提供技术指导;

    Provide technical instruction to production , qa , logistics , etc ;

  16. 负责产品移转到生产部之前的订单安排。

    Deal with customer order until product being transferred to production department .

  17. 与生产部协调完成总装工艺文件的编制。

    Drafting of the process sheets for assembly shop together with the production .

  18. 我的生产部经理与我们的IT经理。

    My production manager and our IT manager .

  19. 他原来在生产部工作。

    He used to work in production department .

  20. 生产部有六个人,拿着螺丝起子坐在六英尺的桌子旁升级电脑。

    Manufacturing consisted of three guys with screwpers sitting at six-foot tables upgrading machines .

  21. 公司设有技术开发部,生产部、质检部等部门。

    Our company has technical department , production department , QC department and other departments .

  22. 密切配合生产部与仓库的工作。

    Cooperate with warehouse and production department .

  23. 正在进行巡查的生产部经理。

    The production manager making his rounds .

  24. 建立生产部平衡记分卡以便于生产管理。

    Set up Production BSC ( Balance Score Card ) to convenient for production management .

  25. 贯彻公司决策,维持和改善生产部管理工作。

    Carry through the company decision , maintain to produce a management work with improvement .

  26. 生产部负责包装。

    Responsible for the production of packaging .

  27. 在研究的预算上减少一点,就等于我们可以给生产部多一点预算。

    A small cut in the research budget might mean we could increase the production figure .

  28. 它们是生产部,财务部,销售部和人力资源部。

    They are production department , finance department , sales and marketing department and HR department .

  29. 瑟瑞娜:我连络生产部经理,但最后还是要跟国外买者做交易。

    Serena : I liaise with production managers , but ultimately I deal with foreign buyers .

  30. 彼得是生产部经理。

    Peter is the production manager .