
  1. 橡胶园生态系统调节系统内温湿度的功能与机制

    The Function and Mechanism of Rubber Plantation Ecosystem in Adjusting Its Inside Air Temperature and Humidity

  2. 稻田生态系统气体调节功能及其价值

    The gas regulation function of rice paddy ecosystems and its value

  3. 池塘养殖生态系统空气调节服务价值的实证研究

    Study on the value of gas regulation service of pond aquaculture ecosystem

  4. 海南岛生态系统生态调节功能及其生态经济价值研究

    Ecological regulation services of Hainan Island ecosystem and their valuation

  5. 施肥对稻田生态系统气体调节功能及其价值的影响

    The impact of urea amendments on atmospheric gas regulation services in rice paddy ecosystems and their valuation

  6. 土壤微生物是生态系统的调节者,是土壤的重要组成部分。

    Soil microorganisms are the regulators of the ecosystem as well as an important part of the soil .

  7. 河流对城市生态系统的调节起着不或缺的作用,是城市中重要的生态资源,是城市人亲水、休闲娱乐的重要场所。

    Rivers is an important part of eco-resources , which plays an indispensable role in the urban eco-systems .

  8. 介绍了益生元的类型,在肠道方面的代谢机理,对肠道微生态系统的调节,以及其他的生理功能和在一些疾病中的热点应用。

    This research introduce the types , mechanism and physiological function , some application is referred in the diseases .

  9. 发展城市林业是实现厦门市生态系统自我调节和自我平衡能力的最重要的内容。厦门城市林业应根据自身的特点和城市发展的目标进行合理规划,形成自己的特色和风格。

    Develop urban forestry is to realize Xiamen regulate and self - balanced most important content of ability oneself , ecosystem of city .

  10. 在此概念基础上,分析了区域技术创新生态系统的调节机制:稳定性调节机制,多样性调节机制和静态均衡机制。

    Based on the concept the regulation mechanism of RTIES were analysed including the stability mechanism , the diversity mechanism , and the static state equilibrium mechanism .

  11. 但滩涂资源的围垦开发利用也造成了沿海生物多样性减少和滩涂生态系统自我调节功能的降低。

    However , the inning and land use of the tidal flat have caused a decrease in biodiversity along the coast and the reduction of self-adjusting function of the ecosystem in the tidal flat .

  12. 人工针阔混交林的培育,不但能提高森林的覆被率,保护森林的生态系统,调节森林的林种结构,而且能提高森林的生态效益、经济效益、社会效益。

    Cultivating plantation mixed by coniferous and broadleaf could increase coverage of forest , protect ecosystem , and adjust structure of forest category , so forest benefits in the ecological , economic and social would be improved .

  13. 在对污染物质进行无害化处理、保持养分平衡、调控自然灾害,以及控制害虫、疾病与入侵生物的爆发等方面,许多生态系统的调节服务已经呈现出明显的下降趋势;

    Declining trends in the capacity of ecosystems to render pollutants harmless , keep nutrient levels in balance , give protection from natural disasters , and control the outbreaks of pests , diseases , and invasive organisms are apparent in many places ;

  14. 认为城市森林生态系统能有效调节城市生态物流、能流平衡,特别能实现有效控制C过量排放(人均森林面积至少要达到9m2),控制环境污染;

    Urban forest ecosystem can regulate matter circulation , energy equilibrium and particularly control excessive release of carbon and alleviate the environmental pollution .

  15. 森林生态系统的水文调节功能及生态学机制研究进展

    Hydrological adjusting function of forest ecosystems and ecological mechanism : A review

  16. 放牧生态系统的种群调节&正反馈和负反馈

    The population regulations in grazing ecological systems : positive and negative feedback

  17. 全球技术&自然生态系统的自调节与人类生产技术实践的控制

    The Self-Regulation of Global Techno-Nature Ecosystem and Control over Man 's Labor-Techno Practice

  18. 稻田生态系统的优化调节

    Optimum regulations of ecological system of paddy field

  19. 水生植物作为湖泊生态系统的重要调节者,在固定底泥、防止沉积物再悬浮、净化水质等方面都具有重要作用。

    Aquatic plants as an important regulator of the lake ecosystem , play an important role in fixing sediment , preventing sediment resuspension , water purification and so on .

  20. 这看似并不是多大的问题,但是当很多的鱼被养殖在一个很小的区域时,生态系统的自我调节能力便会超过限度,最终导致生态失衡。

    That 's normally not a problem , but when a lot of fish are farmed in a small area , it 's too much for the ecosystem to handle naturally .

  21. 湿地是地球上一种重要的生态系统,在调节气候、涵养水源、净化水质、降解污染物、维持生物多样性等方面发挥着重大的环境功能与生态效益。

    Wetland is a kind of important ecosystem on the earth , which Playing significant environmental functions and ecological benefits on climate adjustment , water conservation , water purification , pollutants degradation and maintenance biodiversity .

  22. 但聚落老龄化还在进一步加剧,而人口流动是其主要影响因素,这也是研究区生态系统的自我调节和外部拉力共同作用的结果。

    But settlement ageing will also be further intensified , and population movement is the main influence factor , this also is of ecological system together with the self-regulation and external tension in the study area .

  23. 主要研究结果如下:(1)各人工林生态系统具有明显的调节小气候、改良土壤、涵养水源、保持水土、贮存碳、氮等功能,但不同人工林生态系统之间服务功能存在差异。

    The main research results were summarized as follows : All the plantation forest ecosystems can provide significant ecological services of microclimate regulation , soil improvement , water-holding , soil conservation , carbon and nitrogen storage , bur there were differences in ecosystem services among the different plantation forest ecosystems .

  24. 湿地是自然界最富有生物多样性和生态功能最高的生态系统,在调节气候、涵养水源、蓄洪防旱、净化水质、保护生物多样性等方面具有十分重要的环境功能和生态效益。

    Wetland ecosystem is one of the most productive ecosystem on the earth , and have giant environmental functions and ecological benefits in many aspects , such as adjusting climate , controlling water , avoiding drought , purifying water quality , protecting biodiversity .

  25. 树立国民生态环境意识,运用生态系统自我调节机能循环共生原则,来规划城市、使城市成为社会经济自然的复合生态系统。

    It is essential to enhance the whole nation 's environment awareness , and by using ecosystem 's self regulation mechanism and its principle of circulation and intergrowth to plan cities to enable them complex ecosystems of " society , economy and nature " .

  26. 最新研究表明,生态系统服务功能包括生态系统产品、生态调节功能、生命支持功能与社会文化功能。

    In newly research reports , they were divided into four groups : provisioning services , regulation services , cultural services , and supporting services .

  27. 湖盆水体生态修复系统应与湖滨带、生态护岸建设融为一体,维护水生态系统自我调节、更殖再生和有序结构。

    Ecosystem recovery system of water bodies in the basin should be integrated with the construction of lakeside and ecological bank revetment for sustaining self-regulation of ecosystem , rejuvenation and orderly structure .