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  1. 在过去,日本的封建主对庶民操有生杀大权。

    Japanese feudal chiefs had power of life and death over their subjects .

  2. 大宗广告暗中执掌着生杀大权,并且是毫不留情的。

    In its quiet way , mass advertising has been deadly and inexorable .

  3. 主宰产品生杀大权的是市场和顾客需求,因此,满足顾客需求的新产品定位成为WTO环境下企业获得核心竞争力的重要标志。

    The market and customer demands become the decisive factors . Therefore , to position the new products to satisfy customer 's demands becomes a significant sign of core competitiveness .

  4. 得这种病的人能否保住性命,生杀大权在阎王爷手中。

    The skill of the disease could save lives , book in hand .

  5. 你自以为握有生杀大权。

    You think you have a monopoly on life .

  6. 那些控制生杀大权的人。

    Those who hold dominion over life and death .

  7. 生杀大权的魔法是古魔法的核心。

    At the very heart of the Old Religion lies the magic of life and death itself .

  8. 罗马的男子认为,妻子的贞操已经由于他对妻子有生杀之权而得到了充分的保证。

    A Roman considered that his power of life and death over his wife sufficiently guaranteed her conjugal fidelity .

  9. 希腊神话里,阿特洛波斯是手握生杀大权的命运三女神之一。

    In Greek mythology , Atropos was one of the three fates - the one who cut the thread of life .

  10. 贿赂考官的现象常见于第二轮笔试和面试阶段,在复试阶段,学校方面掌握着生杀大权。

    Bribery usually happens in the second round of written tests and interviews , in which universities have the final say on results .

  11. 崇尚权力,尊重掌握生杀大权的领导人并为他们祈祷是圣经讲述的如何对待有特权的人的基本要素。

    Honouring authority , respecting and praying for powerful leaders with the power of life and death was integral to a biblical response to the privileged .

  12. 我父亲是镇上的治安官,在我看来,他掌管着每个人的生杀大权,任何一个得罪他的人都会被绞死。

    My father was a justice of the peace , and I supposed he possessed the power of life and death over all men and could hang anybody that offended him .

  13. 就在5年前,如果不以美国作为超级大国、掌握着全球生杀大权为前提,还不可能开展有关国际体系的严肃讨论。

    As recently as five years ago , it was not possible to talk seriously about the international system without the premise of an American superpower wielding the power of life and death over the planet .

  14. 咨询一下招聘人员你所应聘的职位是做的,职位和谁的工作关系最紧密,你就知道了谁是那个握有生杀大权的人,他会决定雇佣你。

    Ask the hiring manager what the goals are for the position , and ask who the new hire will work most closely with so you know who 'll have the biggest say in whether or not you get hired .

  15. 父权至上观念对传统法律的影响体现在尊亲属对子孙享有的生杀权、惩戒权和控告权,子孙对尊亲属应履行服从义务,同时父家长对家族成员的行为负责。

    The patriarchal concept of supremacy of the traditional legal implications embodied in your relatives so right , kids enjoy punishment right and right of complaint , children of relatives should be performed to comply with obligations , while father parents on family members responsible for the behavior of .