
jiāo hé
  • futunio;aphrodisia;copulate
交合 [jiāo hé]
  • [copulate] 性交

交合[jiāo hé]
  1. 雄虫的交合伞自第3期幼虫开始形成,到第25d的幼龄成虫才发育完成,本文对交合伞的形成过程进行了描述。

    The copulatory bursa of the male worms began to develop in the third stage larvae and became well developed in the 25-day young adults . The processes of the development of copulatory bursa were described .

  2. 印度人双手交合,恭敬地鞠躬。

    Hindus join their hands and bow their heads in respect .

  3. 交合伞不全包盖尾,至尾部约3/4处。

    Copulatory bursa draw out to 3 / 4on the tail .

  4. 昨日与明日,在地平线上互相交合。

    Yesterday and tomorrow cross and mix on the skyline .

  5. 信息交合重组能力探析

    Analysis of the Capability of Conjunction and Recombination of Information

  6. 产品概念交合分析的原理与案例研究

    Research on the Method and the Case for Conjoint Analysis

  7. 平行线在远处看上去似交合在一起。

    The parallels seem to come together in the distance .

  8. 流域时变瞬时单位线非线性汇流模型及应用协和汇流平齐汇流交合汇流

    A nonlinear watershed concentration model of time-variable instantaneous unit hydrograph and its application

  9. 但是和她交合,我感觉像是飞翔在云端。

    But with her , I felt like I was flying through the clouds .

  10. 雄性成虫尾部交合伞呈M型。

    And that he bursa of adult male presented the shape " M " .

  11. 交合刺由外缘部和核心部所构成。

    The spicule is made up of the outerspace part and the nucleus part .

  12. 因为它是量子世界与引力世界的交合点。

    because that 's where the quantum world and the gravitational world come together .

  13. 交合刺长38.6μm;

    The spicule length is 38.6 μ m.

  14. 气具有阴阳之二性,二性的交合、变化、运动产生万物。

    The combination , change and motion of everything on the earth derived from qi .

  15. 北交合凶星表明可怕的祸害,因为他增加凶星的凶性;

    The North Node with the infortunes denotes terrible mischiefs , for he increases their malice ;

  16. 交合伞腹面中央纵嵴末端有一孔洞样构造,直径约7~8μm。

    There was a hole at the end of central longitudinal ridge on the ventral-surface of copulatrix .

  17. 神话中的上帝与人间女子的交合便体现出强大的文化和宗教对性本身的信念理解。

    The mythic trope of gods mating with human females embodies powerful cultural and religious beliefs about sexuality .

  18. 因此,写作和阅读是一种密不可分交合互置的双重关系。

    Therefore , the writing and reading is an inseparable intercourse with each other to set the dual relationship .

  19. 交合嫁接法对苹果苗生长和伤口愈合的影响

    Effect of rootstock-and-scion-backside-cut veneer grafting ( RSBV ) on scion growth and healing of grafting wound in maiden apple trees

  20. 澳门文化具有历史性和独特性,是中西文化融汇交合的典范。

    With its historical and distinct characteristics , Macao 's culture is the melting pot of Chinese culture and western culture .

  21. IT过程控制自动化项目:这些项目处于开发IT过程控制与开发应用控制的交合点。

    IT Process Control Automation Projects : These projects are at the junction between developing IT Process Controls and Application Controls .

  22. 这不是艺术的创造,这是艺术的生命;这不是色彩与线条间的构建,而是生活艺术与生命力量的交合,重叠。

    Its extraordinariness is not due to its realistic depiction or display but borne from its moving creativity and fullness of life itself .

  23. 宋代文化政策之宽明,作为一种历史现象,是由多种历史条件交合作用而形成的。

    As a historical phenomenon , the liberal culture policy of the Song Dynasty was an outcome of multi - causes of the time .

  24. 在两条隧道交合点的一个空处,一个护士正用细长的针管小心探索着走过的瓶中的胶状物质。

    In a gap between two tunnels , a nurse was delicately probing with a long fine syringe into the gelatinous contents of a passing bottle .

  25. 那时候有伟人在地上,后来上帝的儿子们和人的女子们交合生子;

    The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them .

  26. 他当然知道他在做什么,事实是,他故意诱她交合,好向她显示玩她是很容易的事。

    Surely he had known exactly what he was doing , had , in fact , seduced her deliberately to show her what easy game she was .

  27. 在产品设计中,领域专家的经验知识和人类创新思维的信息交合对于最终产品设计的成功与否至关重要。

    In the product design , it is very important to the final product design to integrate information of field experts ' experience knowledge and human 's innovative thinking .

  28. 在楼梯的下端[上端]泄殖腔隆起,交合伞起始于交合刺前端水平处阳后延伸达尾长3/4;

    At the foot / head of the stairs Cloaca slightly elevated , bursa extended from opposite the anterior end of the spicules to about the three quarters the tail length ;

  29. 应当就文化与经济对犯罪的二维交合作用进行实证研究、思辨研究和各学科间的边缘交叉综合研究。

    Positive research , differentiate and analysis research and interlacing comprehensive research of the frontiers among all school subjects should be conducted on the two-dimension overlapping function of culture and economy on crimes .

  30. 作为政治理念与浪漫主义两种范畴在特定历史时期交合而成的一种尚未圆熟的文学形态,左翼浪漫主义文学常常处于复杂、矛盾的两难之中。

    As an immature literature shape formed under the combination of the two categories of political idea and romanticism in the special history , the left wing romantic literature texts were often in a complex and contrary dilemma .