
jiāo biàn diàn chǎnɡ
  • alternative electric fields
  1. 卤化银乳剂层在交变电场中显示出介电色散现象(Maxwell-Wagner效应),即在交变电场的频率f不同时,卤化银乳剂层的介电损耗ε〃也不相同。

    Silver halide photographic emulsion shows a dielectric dispersion ( Maxwell-Wagner effect ) .

  2. 分析了电介质极化时各宏观量之间的关系,电介质的相对介电常数εr的测量及其随交变电场频率变化的关系。

    This paper analyses the dielectric polarization and the dielectric constant , provids a method of measuring the dielectric constant and analyses how the dielectric constant varies with the frequency of the applied oscillation electric field .

  3. 根据交变电场下电介质的极化作用原理,分析晶界层在高频电场作用下的电流情况,提出了MOA的暂态电路模型。

    Based on the polarization theory in alternating electric field , combined with the current response process of the grain boundary layer in high-frequency voltage , MOA transient circuit model is composed .

  4. 交变电场下向列相液晶的非线性光学增强效应

    Nonlinear Optical Enhanced Effect in Nematic Liquid Crystals by AC Field

  5. 天然交变电场动态特征研究

    Study on the dynamic characteristics of natural alternating electromagnetic field

  6. 交变电场下离子交换色谱分离过程

    Investigations on ion exchange chromatography conducted in alternating electric field

  7. 铁电陶瓷材料在交变电场作用下疲劳研究进展

    Fatigue of Ferroelectric Ceramics under an Alternative Electric Field

  8. 交变电场结合后处理技术对点蚀破坏电极的修复机理

    Repairing mechanism of alternating electric field combining with post-treatment operating on pitted electrode

  9. 交变电场频率对荷电微细粉尘凝并影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Influence of Alternating Electric Field Frequency on Micro-particle Coagulation

  10. 通过溶胶凝胶法制备钛酸钡粉体并通过传统烧结工艺制成钛酸钡陶瓷,用交流阻抗测试其在交变电场中对电流的响应过程。

    BaTiO_3 ceramics was obtained by sol-gel method and sintering with conventional technique .

  11. 一种损耗媒质中舰船交变电场测量的新方法

    A New Method of Measuring the Alternating Electric Field of Ships in Lossy Medium

  12. 用交变电场进行微小粒子操作的方法

    Small Particles ' Manipulation Using AC Electric Field

  13. 交变电场真空离子表面合金化工艺及在手用钢锯条上的应用

    Vacuum Ion Surface Alloying in Alternating Current Field and its Application for Hacksaw Blade

  14. 在井中激励交变电场时,井内可以接收到声波。

    We also observed acoustic waves are converted from alternating electric signal in the formation .

  15. 介绍了用交变电场对微小粒子进行操作的一种新型装置。

    A new particle manipulation and transportation device based on AC electric field is introduced .

  16. 交变电场对321不锈钢钝化膜性质的影响

    Effect of alternating voltage modulation on the features of the passive film on 321 stainless steel

  17. 用交变电场法提高光导型光折变材料的二波混频增益

    Alternating Electric-Field Approach-A New Technique for the Enhancement of Two-Wave Mixing Gain in photoconductive Photorefractive Materials

  18. 脉冲交变电场凝胶电泳

    Pulse alternative field gel electrophoresis

  19. 外加交变电场对光折变基频空间电荷场瞬态特性的影响

    Effect of External Applied Alternating Field on the Transient Behaviour of Fundamental Harmonic of Photorefractive Space-Charge Field

  20. 在强交变电场驱动下线形三量子点分子中激子的动态局域化行为

    Dynamic behaviours of an exciton confined in coupled quantum dots driven by a high alternating current electrical field

  21. 对交变电场作用下煤吸附/解吸甲烷特性进行了研究。

    Adsorption and desorption characteristics of coal to methane in alternating electric field ( AEF ) have been studied .

  22. 本章主要研究了晶粒尺寸效应,外加交变电场幅值及频率对介电常数的影响。

    The effect of grain size , amplitude and frequency of the applied electric field on the dielectric susceptibility has been investigated .

  23. 应用电阻和电容网络模型来模拟电极发射法交变电场岩石阻抗。

    The rock impedance with two electrode arrangement in alternating current field is simulated by a new resistance and capacitance network model .

  24. 设计并完成了观测交变电场驱动下时空混沌液晶斑图演变的实验。

    Then we designed and performed the experiment of " Spatiotemporal chaotic pattern evolution and phase transition liquid crystal under AC driving " .

  25. 采用电滞回线方法和偏置直流电场中叠加小交变电场方法研究了锆钛酸铅反铁电陶瓷材料在强电场作用下的介电行为。

    The dielectric behaviour of antiferroelectric lead zirconate titanate has been studied by measuring the polarization and capacitance changes with the electric field .

  26. 结果表明,交变电场作用下煤的渗透率与体积应力的关系基本上符合负指数方程;

    The result shows that the relationship between permeability of the coal samples and volume stress in AEF well accords with negative exponential function ;

  27. 在总自由能中引入了由外加交变电场产生的静电能项,分析了频率的变化对铁电性能的影响。

    In the static electric energy induced by an applied alternating electric field , the frequency effect on the ferroelectric properties of BIT ferroelectrics is investigated .

  28. 介电常数是反映介质在交变电场作用下极化程度的物理量,反映储存于材料中能量的程度。

    The dielectric constant reflected the physical parameter of the degree of polarization in an alternating field and the degree of energy stored in the material .

  29. 由于交变电场的工作频率高频范围,所以该技术对结构早期的细小损伤非常敏感。

    This technology is sensitive to minor structural damage on the early stage because of the high frequency scope of working frequency in the alternating electric field .

  30. 液晶材料现已被广泛应用到生产、生活的各个领域,而交变电场驱动下的液晶层就是一个典型的时空混沌系统。

    Liquid crystal ( LC ), which has been widely applied to modern industrial production , is a typical spatiotemporal chaotic system under alternating current ( AC ) driving .