
  • 网络exchange trading;exchange traded;Exchange-traded;ETF
  1. SPDR标普交通运输交易所交易基金(SPDRSPTransportationETF)的三分之二都投入了这些行业。

    Two-thirds of SPDR SP Transportation ETF is in those industries .

  2. 安硕a50基金是一支合成型交易所交易基金,主要投资于金融衍生品。

    The iShares A50 fund is a synthetic ETF , which invests primarily in derivatives .

  3. GlobalXFunds推出的一只交易所交易基金在发行仅仅三周后,就将持仓增至7000万美元。

    An exchange-traded fund launched by Global X Funds has increased its holdings to $ 70m in just three weeks since launching .

  4. ETFs(ExchangeTradedFunds)是可以在交易所交易的基金。

    ETFs ( Exchange Traded Funds ) is a kind of fund , which can be traded in stock exchange .

  5. 增加的需求大部分都来自于交易所交易基金(ETF)。

    Much of the increased demand comes from exchange traded funds .

  6. 黄金支持的交易所交易基金(ETF)持有量去年下降880吨。

    Holdings in gold-backed exchange traded funds fell 880 tonnes last year .

  7. 给它裹上交易所交易基金(ETF)的外衣,也不会有什么差别。

    Packaging it in an exchange-traded fund makes no difference .

  8. 外界的关注焦点都集中在瑞银的交易所交易基金(ETF)业务上。

    Attention is focused on its exchange traded fund business .

  9. 上个月末,这家银行推出了两种新型的交易所交易票据(类似于交易所交易基金,但稍微复杂一些),名称为“风险打开”(RiskOn)和“风险关闭”(RiskOff)。

    Late last month , the bank introduced two new exchange-traded notes ( similar to exchange traded funds , but a little more complicated ) called risk on ( onn ) and risk off ( off ) .

  10. 这种交易往往牵涉到交易所交易基金(ETF)和互换合约。

    It is often associated with exchange traded funds ( ETFs ) and swaps .

  11. 交易所交易基金(以下简称ETF)是近些年来一项重要的金融创新。

    Exchange trade fund ( ETF ) is an important financial innovation in recent years .

  12. 我国发展证券交易所交易基金(ETF)的问题研究

    Exchange Traded Fund ( ETF ) Topics Thought on Development of Chinese Exchange Traded Funds

  13. 黄金正经历交易所交易基金(ETF)空前的买盘,但珠宝需求的大幅下降抵消了这一因素。

    Gold is experiencing unprecedented buying by exchange-traded funds , offset by substantially reduced jewellery demand .

  14. 追踪中国资产的指数一直是推高交易所交易基金(ETF)需求的重要因素。

    Indices following Chinese assets have been an important factor in driving demand for exchange traded funds .

  15. 交易所交易基金(Exchange-tradedfunds)提供了广泛的股票组合,收取的管理费却只是共同基金的一个零头。

    Exchange-traded funds offer broad baskets of stocks and charge a management fee that 's often just a fraction of those at mutual funds .

  16. SEC起诉的第一起涉及交易所交易基金的案件仅仅是在上个月,第一起涉及信用违约交换的案件是在2009年(申诉失败)。

    The SEC brought its first case involving exchange-traded funds only last month , and its first case involving credit-default swaps in2009 ( it lost ) .

  17. 继西方的交易所交易基金(ETF)投资者大量抛售黄金之后,金价去年下跌28%。

    Gold fell 28 per cent last year following a large sell-off by western investors in the exchange traded funds .

  18. 多数衍生品都是轻度监管的“场外交易”(otc);其面值是在交易所交易的衍生品的10倍以上。

    Most derivatives are lightly regulated " over-the-counter " deals ; their face value is more than tenfold that of derivatives traded on exchanges .

  19. 我以前在本栏目谈到过BlackRockGoldGeneralFund和黄金的交易所交易基金(ETF),但另一只可能值得持有的基金是JuniorMining该基金专注于较小的矿业公司。

    I 've written here before about the Blackrock Gold & General Fund and gold ETFs but another fund that might be worth holding is Junior Mining , which specialises in smaller mining companies .

  20. ETF是交易所交易基金的简称,作为上世纪90年代以来金融市场的创新,其在国际市场上发展迅速。

    Exchange traded fund ( ETF ) is a new variety of mutual fund that have grown rapidly in financial market .

  21. 明年将推出更多产品,如基于指数和股票的衍生品与交易所交易基金(ETF)。

    Further products , such as derivatives and exchange traded funds based on the indices and stocks will be introduced next year .

  22. 要建立外汇头寸,简单的做法就是在投资外汇的几十支交易所交易基金(ETF)中挑选一支。

    A simple way to establish a foreign currency position is through one of the dozens of exchange-traded funds devoted to currencies .

  23. 简言之,ETFs是像单个股票交易那样在交易所交易的一篮子证券。

    To be brief , ETFs are such a package security which deals in the securities exchange as a single stock does .

  24. 全球最大黄金交易所交易基金(ETF)SPDRGoldShares本月出现了自2012年12月以来的首次资金流入。

    This month , investors were net buyers of SPDR Gold Shares , the biggest exchange-traded fund that buys gold , for the first time since December 2012 .

  25. 分析师们表示,随着资金向交易所交易基金(etf)流入,过去几周里黄金的现货买盘强劲。

    Physical buying has been strong over the past few weeks , according to analysts , with money flowing into exchange traded funds .

  26. 通过交易所交易基金(ETFs)与其他类型的基金产品的对比,分析交易所交易基金的独有特征和其他基金不可替代的优势;

    Through the compare of Exchange trading funds with other types of fund product , Exchange trading funds pose unique and irreplaceable advantages .

  27. 据德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)估计,美国大宗商品交易所交易基金(ETF)管理下的资产接近80亿美元,高于去年的峰值水平。交易所交易基金是用于追踪某种基础资产的投资工具。

    Deutsche Bank estimates that assets under management in US commodity exchange traded funds investment vehicles which track an underlying asset are close to $ 8bn , above last year 's peak .

  28. 况且,渴望收益的投资者如今可从个股和交易所交易基金(ETF)那里获得与共同基金相同的收益率,而且成本还更低。

    And now income-hungry investors can earn the same yields from individual shares and exchange-traded funds that they would have got from collective funds .

  29. 本周古根海姆投资(GuggenheimInvestments)宣布,它已出售了为三只交易所交易基金(ETF)持有的汉能薄膜股票,但它拒绝透露价格。

    This week Guggenheim Investments said it had sold the HTF shares it had held for three exchange traded funds , although it declined to disclose a price .

  30. 资产管理公司和银行正大举推出多种与大宗商品有关的投资产品:基金、交易所交易基金(ETF)、指数追踪基金(tracker),以及各种结构化投资产品。

    Asset managers and banks are rolling out a wide range of commodity-linked investment products : funds , ETFs , trackers , and all kinds of structured products .