
  • 网络Manipulation;manipulative behavior;manipulative conduct
  1. 本文建立了Logistic判别模型以有效识别市场上的操纵行为。

    With the analysis of above , the author build a logistic model to effectively detect price manipulation in the market .

  2. 本文最后认为DeLong(1990)关于正反馈交易者、Hong,Stein(1999)信息逐渐扩散的行为金融模型及市场操纵行为对于短期收益反转都具有一定解释力。

    The models of both De Long ( 1990 ) and Hong , Stein ( 1999 ), as well as market manipulation behaviors have some power in explaining the short-term contrarian profits .

  3. 估计利润操纵行为可能产生的风险,监督CPA审计以便更好地发挥内部审计对遏制利润操纵行为的作用。

    By estimating the risks of improper earnings management and supervising CPA auditing , the system of internal auditing can be better strengthened against this bad phenomenon .

  4. 美国国会的一监督机构昨日表示,国会应当通过立法,赋予美国公司一个对抗中国汇率操纵行为的新工具,并向白宫施压,迫使其在世贸组织(WTO)中采取行动。

    Congress should pass legislation giving US companies a new tool to fight China 's currency manipulation and also put pressure on the White House to take action at the World Trade Organization , a congressional watchdog panel said yesterday .

  5. 但高级政府官员依然反对参议员们提出的解决方案,这项法案会要求商务部(CommerceDepartment)在收到投诉后对货币政策开展调查,然后征税,增加进口商品的成本,抑制汇率操纵行为。

    But senior administration officials remain opposed to the senators ' solution , a measure that would require the Commerce Department to investigate currency policy after a complaint is filed , then impose duties to raise the cost of an imported good to counter currency manipulation .

  6. 在最近一篇博客中,时事通讯发布者、白银投资者的非官方支持者泰德•巴特勒(TedButler)指责CFTC“玩忽职守,未能终止白银市场持续存在的显而易见的操纵行为”。

    In a recent blog post , Ted Butler , a newsletter publisher and unofficial champion for the silver investors , accused the CFTC of being " negligent in failing to terminate the obvious manipulation ongoing in silver . "

  7. 在最近一篇博客中,时事通讯发布者、白银投资者的非官方支持者泰德巴特勒(tedbutler)指责cftc“玩忽职守,未能终止白银市场持续存在的显而易见的操纵行为”。

    In a recent blog post , Ted Butler , a newsletter publisher and unofficial champion for the silver investors , accused the CFTC of being " negligent in failing to terminate the obvious manipulation ongoing in silver " .

  8. 周四晚,中国证监会(CSRC)表示,已根据证券和期货交易所“市场监察异动报告”,启动对市场操纵行为的调查。

    The China Securities Regulatory Commission said late on Thursday that it had opened an investigation into market manipulation " based on reports of unusual movements " in securities and futures markets .

  9. 理论分析与仿真计算结果表明:基于驾驶员操纵行为特性的分析,应用驾驶员操纵行为建模理论来研究汽车ACC系统的理论过程为车辆ACC系统的开发提供了一个可行的研究途径。

    The theoretic analysis and the simulation results indicate that the application of the theory of driver handling behavior modeling to the research of vehicle ACC system based on the analysis of driver handling behavior characteristic is a feasible approach for vehicle ACC system development .

  10. 但日本内阁官房长官菅义伟(YoshihideSuga)敦促国土交通省要作出“严厉回应”,称燃油数据操纵行为的性质“极其严重”。

    But Yoshihide Suga , Japan 's chief cabinet secretary , urged the ministry to take a " strict response , " describing the fuel data manipulation as " extremely serious . "

  11. 不过,纽约南区地方法院法官杰西弗曼(JesseFurman)周三表示,原告们未陈述任何符合“操纵行为”定义的行动,也未陈述这些行动如何能够影响暗池中交易的证券的价格。

    But judge Jesse Furman of the Southern District of New York said on Wednesday that the plaintiffs did not allege any actions that met the definition of " manipulative acts , " or how those actions could have affected the price at which securities traded in the dark pool .

  12. 第四章在对我国证券交易市场操纵行为的原因与特点进行分析之后,基于事前预防的考虑,着力研究操纵行为的预防与监管机制;

    Chapter IV will deal with the preventive mechanism of manipulation .

  13. 市场操纵行为是证券欺诈的一种形式。

    Market manipulation is one type of primarily security fraud behaviors .

  14. 希尔甚至拿出了证据,证明世界杯赛场上也存在操纵行为。

    Hill has even produced evidence suggesting fixes at World Cups .

  15. 浅析上市公司会计信息操纵行为及治理对策

    On Listed Company Accountant Information Manipulating Behavior and Control Countermeasures

  16. 我国证券市场操纵行为及防范机制研究

    Study on Market Manipulation and Defensive Mechanism of Stock Market of China

  17. 人们认为办公室政治涉及一些操纵行为。

    People assume that office politics involves some manipulative behavior .

  18. 试论证券市场操纵行为民事责任制度

    The Civil Liability System Against Manipulation of the Securities Market

  19. 上市公司利润操纵行为的会计背景剖析

    Analysis for account background to control profit by company with listed dock

  20. 盈余操纵行为监管的模型分析

    Model Analysis to Supervision and Management of Earnings Manipulation Behavior

  21. 产权交易中的利润操纵行为分析与识别

    The Analyses and Find Profit Control on Property Rights Exchange

  22. 操纵行为是管理层故意违反会计准则。

    Manipulation behavior is the management disobeying the accounting principles .

  23. 新型操纵行为的出现给现在的监管带来挑战。

    The new manipulative action brings the challenges for the present supervision .

  24. 我国期货市场价格操纵行为探讨

    Research on rigging Activities in the Chinese Futures Market

  25. 股票操纵行为市场表现及其判别研究

    The Market Performance of Stock Manipulation and the Detection

  26. 证券市场操纵行为法律规制研究

    A Study of the Manipulation of the Securities Market and the Legal Regulation

  27. 我国上市公司利润操纵行为及其防范

    Manipulate behavior of China 's Company and Against Measure

  28. 我国证券市场中基于信息的市场操纵行为理论研究。

    The research of stock price manipulation through Information in Chinese Stock Marke .

  29. 关于证券市场操纵行为的理论综述

    On the Theory of Manipulation in Securities Market

  30. 它是另一种市场操纵行为的结果,虽然它是合法的。

    That was the result of another market game , albeit a legal one .