
xìn yònɡ jiāo yì
  • Credit transactions;deal on credit
  1. 世界银行(worldbank)的数据显示,去年头9个月,发展中国家碳排放信用交易约为30亿美元。

    About $ 3bn in carbon credits from developing countries were traded in the first nine months of last year , according to the World Bank .

  2. 我们还与Nori合作,这是一个类似eBay的平台,他们想成为碳信用交易的eBay。

    We 're also partnered with Nori , it 's a platform like eBay , and they want to be the eBay of carbon credit trading .

  3. 渣打(StandardChartered)大中华区外汇、利率和信用交易主管冯思果(CharlesFeng)表示,欧洲企业使用人民币进行贸易结算的兴趣迅速升温,对期权市场的活动起到了推波助澜的作用。

    Charles Feng , head of FX , rates and credit trading for Greater China at Standard Chartered , said interest from European companies in using renminbi to settle trade was growing rapidly , fuelling activity in the options market .

  4. 本公司出具证券持有人名册时,将“xx证券公司客户信用交易担保证券账户”作为证券持有人列示在证券持有人名册上。

    The company shall , when issuing the list of security holders , record " the guaranteed securities account for credit trading of clients of XX securities company " in the list of security holders as the holder of securities .

  5. 然后,阐述了实行证券信用交易的必要性。

    Next this chapter describes the necessity of securities margin trading .

  6. 最后分析了我国的证券信用交易监管制度。

    Finally this chapter analyzes the supervisory system of margin transaction .

  7. 二级市场融资的主要形式就是保证金信用交易。

    The main form of the secondary market financing is margin trading .

  8. 第二节分析证券信用交易法律关系。

    Section II of the securities transaction law credit relations .

  9. 信用交易条件下的供应链库存协调策略研究

    On Inventory Coordination Policy in Supply Chain under Trade Credit

  10. 证券信用交易的国际比较及其在中国的发展

    Securities credit exchange : international comparisons and Chinese development ideas

  11. 但大多数金融产业资本的循环是通过与其外部交易主体之间达成信用交易而完成的。

    However , most circulation was finished through the external credit exchange .

  12. 美国基于其发达的金融市场建立了一个典型的市场化信用交易模式。

    The USA established a typical market-oriented credit transaction mode .

  13. 第一部分证券信用交易基本制度。

    Part 1 is about the basic margin requirement system .

  14. 扩大信用交易可以刺激社会总需求的增长。

    ( E ) Extend credit trade can stimulate social total demand rise .

  15. 浅议我国股票信用交易

    Discussion on stock trading on credit in our country

  16. 本文共分三部分,第一章证券信用交易基础理论。

    The first chapter is about margin trading theory .

  17. 证券信用交易研究

    The Research Of Securities Exchange Of Credit Gao Min

  18. 国内证券信用交易制度探讨

    Discussion of the Credit Trading System of Domestic Securities

  19. 论证券集中市场信用交易制度

    On Credit Trading System of Securities Central Trading Centre

  20. 融资融券业务的信用交易模式比较研究与启示

    Comparison Research and Enlightenment on Securitie Borrowing and Lending Business of Credit Pattern

  21. 我国适时设置信用交易制度也是必要的。

    Our country at the moment establishes the credit transaction system which is necessary .

  22. 证券信用交易制度是国际证券市场普遍采用的交易方式。

    Securities credit trading system is widely adopted in the international securities market transactions .

  23. 一味地堵,不允许证券信用交易的存在不符合中国证券市场发展的客观实际。

    Not granting the securities credit exchange is not suitable for Chinese securities market .

  24. 信用交易制度正是这样的一种制度。

    Margin transaction system meets these needs rightly .

  25. 台湾的融资融券经过40余年的试错和发展,建立了较为完善的证券信用交易制度。

    In Taiwan , the Securities credit transaction system has developed for 40 years .

  26. 证券信用交易,即融资融券交易。

    Margin requirement has another name , that is , financing and securities load exchange .

  27. 对证券信用交易的思考

    Reflecting on credit trade of the securities

  28. 本章主要针对证券信用交易业务过程中各个参与主体之间发生的法律关系进行深入的分析。

    This chapter mainly analyzes the legal relationship between participants during the business process in-depth .

  29. 信用交易制度与信息发掘激励

    The Credit Transaction System in Securities Market : As a System to Encourage Information Digging up

  30. 国际贸易发展与商业信用交易方式

    International Trade Development and commercial credit